

Alex Krowzow

  • Registered on: 05/08/2021
  • Last sign in: 07/22/2021


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 4 4



08:02 AM CHIRP Bug #9053: Problem Importing Radio Data
Bernhard Hailer wrote:
> Alex, have you been able to resolve your problem? Please let us know. Thanks!
Alex Krowzow


06:36 PM CHIRP Bug #9053: Problem Importing Radio Data
Thanks for the advice. This is frustrating for me. I am able to load and upload all I need for the my BF-F8HP, ...
Alex Krowzow


07:13 AM CHIRP Bug #9053: Problem Importing Radio Data
Thank you for your advice. Can you point to a resource to find an image with HN5RV01 firmware, even if the frequency ... Alex Krowzow


09:52 AM CHIRP Bug #9053: Problem Importing Radio Data
Was any progress made on resolving the issue with trying to program my UV-5R radio?
Thank You,
Alex Krowzow
Alex Krowzow


01:46 PM CHIRP Bug #9053: Problem Importing Radio Data
Hello and thank you for your understanding as I try to resolve my problem with my UV-5R. I believe that I followed yo... Alex Krowzow


06:50 PM CHIRP Bug #9061 (Closed): Problem Importing Radio Data
This is an addition to Issue #9059. I've added a file that was not included in that messaage. Please ignore my messag... Alex Krowzow
06:37 PM CHIRP Bug #9059 (Closed): Problem Importing Radio Data
Following up on recent feedback for Case #9053. I am having trouble programming my UV-5R.I started with a good image... Alex Krowzow


04:26 PM CHIRP Bug #9055 (Closed): Problem Importing Radio Data
When downloadinf from UV-5R, all of the locations load properly but no system menu appears, just a D_STAR menu. THe r... Alex Krowzow
04:23 PM CHIRP Bug #9053 (Closed): Problem Importing Radio Data
When downloading from radio, all locations download but no system mentu is present, just a D-STAR menu, using a Baofe... Alex Krowzow

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