



Bug #9061


Problem Importing Radio Data

Added by Alex Krowzow almost 4 years ago. Updated almost 4 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


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Chirp Version:
Model affected:
Baofeng UV-5R
Debug Log:
I read the instructions above:


This is an addition to Issue #9059. I've added a file that was not included in that messaage. Please ignore my message in #9059

Following up on your recent feedback for Issue #9053. I am having trouble programming my UV-5R.I started with a good image from a BF-F8HP, the plugged in the UV-5R and tried to upload that impage to it. I've attached a few screeshots and wonder if you can point me to the resource or process to import the BF=F8HP into the UV=5R. Thank you.I am still newe to this precess and am not familiar with the errors I'm receiving. I am able to successfully program my BF-F8HP, but not the UV-5R.


Result of trying to download working BF-F8HP image to UV-5R.jpg (136 KB) Result of trying to download working BF-F8HP image to UV-5R.jpg Alex Krowzow, 05/09/2021 06:50 PM
Capture.CHIRP - UV-5R Clip 2.JPG (15.2 KB) Capture.CHIRP - UV-5R Clip 2.JPG Nothing appears in the Settings page Alex Krowzow, 05/09/2021 06:50 PM
BACKUP - Baofeng_BF-F8HP_20210509.img (6.49 KB) BACKUP - Baofeng_BF-F8HP_20210509.img Backup .img file used Alex Krowzow, 05/09/2021 06:50 PM
Capture.CHIRP - UV-5R Clip 1.JPG (158 KB) Capture.CHIRP - UV-5R Clip 1.JPG Memories section has errors Alex Krowzow, 05/09/2021 06:50 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Bernhard Hailer almost 4 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Assignee deleted (Jim Unroe)
  • Model affected changed from (All models) to Baofeng UV-5R

Alex, please stay with your original ticket #9053. Please add your additional comments there. Thank you.

Actions #2

Updated by Jim Unroe almost 4 years ago

You must not directly upload an image from a BF-F8HP to a UV-5R.
You must not directly upload an image from a UV-5R to a BF-F8HP.

Especially if the firmware versions are different. CHIRP it telling you in "Result of trying to download working BF-F8HP image to UV-5R.jpg" that what you are doing is not permitted.

There are many ways of transferring the channels between radios of different vendors/models/firmware versions. The most quick-and-dirty method is to download from both radios to create 2 tabs. In your case it would be a UV-5R tab and a BF-F8HP tab. Then you would just copy-and-paste the channels between tabs.

A more thorough method would be to download from the source radio and save the tab to a CHIRP Radio Images (*.img) file. You would then download from the target radio to create a tab for it. Then you would Import the *.img file from the source radio into the tab for the target radio. Once that is complete, you would then upload the modified tab back into the target radio. A more detailed explanation is available "here":

But if the corrupt image that you have been posting is from your UV-5R or has been uploaded to your UV-5R, you must fix your UV-5R first.



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