Bug #9055
closedProblem Importing Radio Data
When downloadinf from UV-5R, all of the locations load properly but no system menu appears, just a D_STAR menu. THe radio is not digital. When cloning back to the radio, the keys are frozen, including the MENU key and the language switched to Chinese. How can I correc this. ZThe IMG file is attached. THank you.
Updated by Bernhard Hailer almost 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to Incomplete
Is this a duplicate of #9053? Thank you.
Updated by Jim Unroe almost 4 years ago
Please stop opening new issues to continue with the same problem. Add additional details/comments to the original issue. Opening multiple tickets just creates additional work that makes it more difficult to support you and others.
This is the exact same image as the one you posted with ticket #9053. It is a corrupted image. If it was previously downloaded from your radio, the memory in your radio is corrupted. If it was created outside of your radio, do not upload it to any radio or it will corrupt its memory.
What you must do it find a radio similar to your with the exact same HN5RV01 firmware and use that to "fix" your radio. Look at menu 2 (TXP) and find out if it has 2 (HIGH/LOW) or 3 (HIGH/MID/LOW) choices.
Updated by Bernhard Hailer almost 4 years ago
- Status changed from Incomplete to Closed
Please add further comments and questions to the original ticket #9053. Thank you.