

Joseph Peterson

  • Registered on: 02/19/2013
  • Last sign in: 02/14/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 4 5 9



02:46 PM CHIRP New Model #3135: Vertex VX-2200e
Any updates on this radio? I don't see it in the supported list yet, but I see requests going back years. I just got ... Joseph Peterson


12:18 PM CHIRP Bug #7963 (Incomplete): Mac interface issue
Running the latest (20200603) on Mac (Universal)
The targeting for mouse clicks is off by a significant am...
Joseph Peterson
12:15 PM CHIRP Bug #605: VXA-700 unable to TX after memories copied from other radio
I'll test, I actually just came across my VXA-700 again Joseph Peterson
12:14 PM CHIRP Feature #607: Hot key for Skipping
No, I don't think so. At least not on the Mac version. I opened the calling frequencies list and selected three entri... Joseph Peterson
12:05 PM CHIRP Bug #621: Chirp not downloading all memory settings from VXA-700
I'm not sure, I'll find the radio and give it a try. Joseph Peterson


05:03 PM CHIRP New Model #1469: Yaesu FTM-400DR and FTM-400DE
+1 what's up with this request? 6 years?
Joseph Peterson


03:33 PM CHIRP Bug #7649 (Closed): CentOS 8 install via yum
Trying to get Chirp installed on a CentOS 8 desktop.
Apparently python is known more as "python3" in CentOS 8 and th...
Joseph Peterson


07:25 AM CHIRP New Model #1469: Yaesu FTM-400DR and FTM-400DE
Just (finally!) got my FTM-400XDR and love it! Would love it even more if it would work with Chirp, any progress on t... Joseph Peterson


12:26 AM CHIRP Feature #677: VXA-700 MARS/CAP Unlock
Sure thing, here it is.. I hope it helps! =) Joseph Peterson


11:15 AM CHIRP Feature #677: VXA-700 MARS/CAP Unlock
I know this is a feature request and probably going to take a while just wanted to make sure it's still in the queue =) Joseph Peterson

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