Bug #605
openVXA-700 unable to TX after memories copied from other radio
I'm trying to add a slew of memories to my VXA-700 and I copied them out of my FT-7900 channels into the VXA-700 but when I uploaded back to the radio I'm back at the same problem we had when I first got the radio back, I can't TX on any of the HAM bands! it says "ERROR".
Everything works fine in VFO mode, but not out of the memories..
For fun, I re-saved the PAR673 repeater in memory 1 to memory 2 and it works from memory 2.. then I downloaded from radio again and diffed the raw memory info on the two channels.. I noticed two discrepancies the first is in the tmode field, you have displayed "TSQ" where on the radio it's not set at all, and when TSQ was set on the radio it shows up as Tone in Chirp.
Second is an "unknown7" field that differs..
Attached you will find the .img that has a bunch of broken memories (the Aviation band works fine, it's all the FM stations between memory 1 and 73 except 2 that works and 99-100 doesn't work (simplex)
-Memory 1 +Memory 2 struct { unknown1: 0x00 unknown2: 0x02 (......10b) isfm: 0x01 (.......1b) power: 0x03 (......11b) step: 0x00 (.....000b) unknown5: 0x01 (......01b) showname: 0x01 (.......1b) skip: 0x00 (.......0b) duplex: 0x01 (......01b) unknown6: 0x00 (......00b) - tmode: 0x02 (......10b) + tmode: 0x01 (......01b) - unknown7: 0x01 (..000001b) + unknown7: 0x2F (..101111b) unknown8: 0xFF unknown9: 0x00 (......00b) tone: 0x0E (..001110b) dtcs: 0x00 name: 8:[0x19,0x0A,0x1B,0x06,0x07,0x03,0x40,0x40] freq: 0x72A2 offset: 0x0C -} memory (18 bytes at 0x017F) +} memory (18 bytes at 0x0191) -000: 00 b8 64 81 ff 0e 00 19 ..d..... +000: 00 b8 64 6f ff 0e 00 19 ..do.... 008: 0a 1b 06 07 03 40 40 72 .....@@r 016: a2 0c 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
Updated by Tom Hayward about 12 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
- Platform changed from MacOS to All
Updated by Tom Hayward about 12 years ago
On the radio, what is the tone mode of Memory 1? What is the tone mode of Memory 2? Obviously Chirp is interpreting it wrong; I need to know how the radio is interpreting it.
Updated by Joseph Peterson about 12 years ago
The radio has memory 1 as no tone at all, memory 2 is TSQ. As stated above but I guess I wasn't clear enough =)
"in the tmode field, you have displayed "TSQ" where on the radio it's not set at all, and when TSQ was set on the radio it shows up as Tone in Chirp."
Mem Radio Chirp
1 (no tone) TSQ
2 TSQ Tone
Hope that helps!
Updated by Dan Smith about 12 years ago
CHIRP is explicitly setting the unknown7 value to 0x01. My notes tell me that unknown7 is "related to being able to transmit" so I assume that's it. Perhaps it should be one way on aviation channels and another way on FM?
I can send you a tweaked module to try if you want, where I set unknown7 to 2F, which appears to work for memory 2 if you like.
This radio really scares me as I've never known anything to be so finicky about this stuff. The fact that vertex radios will not wipe their memories to a clean state during a reset is a huge problem.
Updated by Joseph Peterson about 12 years ago
- File debug.log debug.log added
- File vxa-700-20130225-odd.img vxa-700-20130225-odd.img added
Not sure if this helps or hurts.. or if it belongs in a new ticket or what..
but I downloaded from the radio and some of the new memories I stored manually didn't come over..
Specifically slot 20 and 21
Attached is the odd behavior image..
and the debug log
Updated by Dan Smith about 12 years ago
Did you see my comment in note-4 above? I think we'll need some help tracking down which value needs to be in unknown7, which I'm guessing may depend on whether the channel is intended for air band or not.
note-5 looks like it should be another issue, yeah.
Updated by Joseph Peterson about 12 years ago
oh yeah sure send away, thought I replied to that already but I guess not.
I'm traveling for work right now but brought the cable with so I can play and test whatever you want to tweak.
so should I open a different ticket for note-5?
Updated by Dan Smith about 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Incomplete
- Assignee set to Dan Smith
Okay, attached is a modified driver file that will always set unknown7 = 0x2F (which is what you said works in the case above). You can load this by starting chirp and going to File->Load Module and then choosing it from the filesystem. Each time you start chirp, you're running the released code until/unless you load this module. Hopefully this will let you do some testing of which value works for which type of memory, the 0x01 that the released code is using, or the 0x2F that this code is setting.
Yes, please open another issue for note-5.
Updated by Joseph Peterson about 12 years ago
am I blind? not seeing any new attachments, just the four that I added....
Updated by Joseph Peterson about 12 years ago
That didn't seem to help. 20 is existing, 19 is newly created, so was 18.
21 was existing but I modified it. 22 was created, 23 was copied from 1 and modified.
-Memory 19
+Memory 20
struct {
unknown1: 0x00
unknown2: 0x02 (......10b)
isfm: 0x01 (.......1b)
power: 0x03 (......11b)
step: 0x00 (.....000b)
- unknown5: 0x00 (......00b)
- unknown5: 0x01 (......01b) showname: 0x01 (.......1b) skip: 0x00 (.......0b) duplex: 0x00 (......00b) unknown6: 0x00 (......00b) tmode: 0x01 (......01b)
- unknown7: 0x01 (..000001b)
- unknown7: 0x0F (..001111b) unknown8: 0xFF unknown9: 0x00 (......00b) tone: 0x12 (..010010b) dtcs: 0x00 name: 8:[0x14,0x0A,0x01,0x16,0x23,0x22,0x40,0x40] freq: 0x733F offset: 0x0C -} memory (18 bytes at 0x02C3) +} memory (18 bytes at 0x02D5) -000: 00 b8 20 41 ff 12 00 14 ...A.... +000: 00 b8 60 4f ff 12 00 14 ..`O.... 008: 0a 01 16 23 22 40 40 73 ...#"@@s 016: 3f 0c 00 00 00 00 00 00 ?.......
Updated by Dan Smith about 12 years ago
Hrm, those memories don't look to have changed. You loaded the module, then opened the image, then made some changes, right?
Lets try this. I'm attaching a copy of your image where I have touched memories 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23 and confirmed that unknown7 is 0x2F. Can you blow this into your radio untouched and see if the behavior is different?
Updated by Dan Smith about 12 years ago
Updated by Joseph Peterson about 12 years ago
Yup that seems to have fixed it.
I didn't realize that I needed to "touch" the broken ones after loading the module, sorry about that!
Now just combine the changes you did for this and the changes you did for the other ticket (621 missing memories) and I should be fairly happy!
Updated by Joseph Peterson about 12 years ago
Oh and the T vs TSQ issue.. from the original post and explained further in post 3.
Updated by Dan Smith about 12 years ago
Okay, so hang on a sec... With this change, does it work for creating air band and ham channels? This change always sets unknown7 = 0x2F, but I expected the final solution to require some logic here (i.e. setting it thusly in some cases but not others).
I hate to make you do this, but I'd really like to have the Tone/TSQL filed in yet another ticket. Clarity in the record-keeping helps a lot in a couple years when I need to refer back to something :)
Updated by Joseph Peterson about 12 years ago
- File VXA-700-airband-creates.img VXA-700-airband-creates.img added
- File VXA-700-airband-creates.log VXA-700-airband-creates.log added
- File vxa700-ul.py vxa700-ul.py added
New case for the T/TSQ issue Bug #679
Back to this issue, seems that I can make air band channels with CHIRP using the module you provided (I think? it's attached as vxa-700-ul.py - there was a dl issue so I had to rename the modules to keep them straight!)
99 and 100 in the attached .img I created from scratch, the others up in that range I re-activated the "deleted" memories that existed then re-uploaded with the module and all of them work, EVERY memory works except #5 that I haven't touched since loading the new module, it was broken by the original module.
Updated by Joseph Peterson about 12 years ago
- File VXA-700-ALL_REDO-UNLOCK.img VXA-700-ALL_REDO-UNLOCK.img added
- File VXA-700-ALL_REDO-UNLOCK.log VXA-700-ALL_REDO-UNLOCK.log added
erhm... uh... ok.... this is strange, I just did another test using that module (same as update 17) but with a rebuilt version of the UNLOCKED image and now I have the ability to TX on all the 2m and business band memories but NOT the air band... here's the image and log.. (so confused)
Updated by Bernhard Hailer almost 5 years ago
- Model affected changed from VXA-700 to Yaesu VXA-700
So I assume we can close this one?
Updated by Joseph Peterson almost 5 years ago
I'll test, I actually just came across my VXA-700 again