



New Model #9665


Radtel RT-490

Added by Ovi Mihut about 3 years ago. Updated about 1 year ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Equipment Loan/Gift Offered:
I read the instructions above:


Radtel RT490 User Manual English Expanded_Bluetooth_vKevin.pdf (1.61 MB) Radtel RT490 User Manual English Expanded_Bluetooth_vKevin.pdf Enhanced RT-490 manual includes Multiband and Bluetooth aids Herbert Smith KI5VGT, 03/16/2022 05:08 PM
Group GPS How To v4.pdf (696 KB) Group GPS How To v4.pdf Configure up to 10 radios to share real-time GPS Coordinates and distance. Herbert Smith KI5VGT, 05/06/2022 07:09 PM (64.2 KB) Driver source ., 05/06/2022 07:29 PM
rt490.patch (66.4 KB) rt490.patch Driver patch ., 05/06/2022 07:29 PM
Radtel_RT-490.img (16.2 KB) Radtel_RT-490.img Driver binary image ., 05/06/2022 07:29 PM
MemCodeTests More.pdf (465 KB) MemCodeTests More.pdf VoicePri Encryption Test Scenarios for new RT490 Driver Herbert Smith KI5VGT, 05/06/2022 08:03 PM
Radtel - RT-490 - Factory Defaults - 20220601.img (16.2 KB) Radtel - RT-490 - Factory Defaults - 20220601.img Factory Defaults Andy B, 06/04/2022 01:00 AM
Radtel - RT-490 - VFOs Narrow - 20220601.img (16.2 KB) Radtel - RT-490 - VFOs Narrow - 20220601.img Factory Defaults altered to have both VFOs set to Narrow Jim Unroe, 06/04/2022 03:07 AM
Internal-Photos-5335335.pdf (1.33 MB) Internal-Photos-5335335.pdf Freek Wolsink, 06/16/2022 02:29 PM
External-Photos-5335334.pdf (977 KB) External-Photos-5335334.pdf Freek Wolsink, 06/16/2022 02:29 PM
User-Manual-5335337.pdf (3.82 MB) User-Manual-5335337.pdf Freek Wolsink, 06/16/2022 02:29 PM
286AA.png (394 KB) 286AA.png Claudio Muniz, 06/16/2022 11:36 PM
286AA.png (394 KB) 286AA.png Claudio Muniz, 06/17/2022 09:56 PM
286AA.png (394 KB) 286AA.png Claudio Muniz, 06/18/2022 04:25 PM
Screenshot (6).png (61.2 KB) Screenshot (6).png crash on module load Richard Fluharty, 06/21/2022 10:42 PM
Screenshot (7).png (70.8 KB) Screenshot (7).png Richard Fluharty, 06/21/2022 10:57 PM
rt49p.pl_download.png (23.5 KB) rt49p.pl_download.png Jim Unroe, 06/22/2022 01:35 AM
1.png (25.2 KB) 1.png Chinese is missing Hongguang Yang, 07/15/2022 09:25 AM
2.png (15.8 KB) 2.png BLANK Hongguang Yang, 07/15/2022 09:25 AM
Boristone_8RS_EN.img (16.2 KB) Boristone_8RS_EN.img Hongguang Yang, 07/19/2022 04:34 AM
MMLradio_JC-8629_EN.img (16.2 KB) MMLradio_JC-8629_EN.img Jim Unroe, 07/25/2022 05:43 PM (64.7 KB) RT490 module, updated for Python3 Darryl Pogue, 04/29/2023 12:43 PM
20230613_173034.jpg (729 KB) 20230613_173034.jpg john wick, 06/13/2023 08:39 AM
20230613_173036.jpg (745 KB) 20230613_173036.jpg john wick, 06/13/2023 08:39 AM
20230613_173813.jpg (678 KB) 20230613_173813.jpg john wick, 06/13/2023 08:39 AM (66.7 KB) Jim Unroe, 07/05/2023 04:57 PM (66.5 KB) ., 07/07/2023 04:01 PM
DSCF9492.jpg (313 KB) DSCF9492.jpg Ruyage UV9D Wito Krasnal, 08/16/2023 06:32 AM
DSCF9488.jpg (362 KB) DSCF9488.jpg Wito Krasnal, 08/16/2023 06:32 AM
Radtel_RT-490_20230816.img (16.2 KB) Radtel_RT-490_20230816.img Wito Krasnal, 08/16/2023 01:33 PM
chirp_debug-mu10118o.txt (254 KB) chirp_debug-mu10118o.txt Wito Krasnal, 09/02/2023 10:01 AM
Zrzut ekranu 2023-09-02 223856.png (17 KB) Zrzut ekranu 2023-09-02 223856.png Wito Krasnal, 09/02/2023 01:44 PM
IMG_20230830_165640.jpg (119 KB) IMG_20230830_165640.jpg Wito Krasnal, 09/02/2023 01:44 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Bernhard Hailer about 3 years ago

Handheld; Specification: 6 Bands:1) 136-180MHz(RX/TX)2) 200-260MHz(RX/TX)3) 350-400MHz(RX/TX)4) 400-520MHz(RX/TX)5) 108-136MHz (AM RX) - Air Band Receive Only6) 66-108MHz (FM RX)- FM RADIOFeatures:1. Support GPS positioning information2. Support Smartphone APP programming via bluetooth3.50 sets of CTCSS, 105 sets of DCS4. Transmission time out5. Voice encryption (frequency hopping function)6. 8 steps: 2.5k, 5k, 6.25k,...

Actions #2

Updated by kevin xie about 3 years ago

Hello, I am the manufacturer for radtel rt-490 ham radio, I would like to send sample to make CHIRP compatible. I am first time to use this website and don't know how to process next.
anybody want to help me?

Actions #3

Updated by Hello Chirp about 3 years ago

Hi Guys CHIRPBOI here.

I would love to see somebody come forward for this radio.
Kevin the owner below has many more models that may need support and nhe is interested in getting this going.
So far the RADTEL works well for me but CHIRP support would mean the world. I love CHIRP and use it almost weekly.
This radio interestingly enough picks up AM from the airport down the street and has more memory than the usual baofeng.

I would love to be able to "quick program" with CHIRP! Anybody???
Thank you very much to Bernhard for his kind help and advice and thank you to any DEVS that may come forward.

As for the "popularity" of this radio...
I think Chinese users and Pacific are more familiar with this brand than US based hams,
but as ALIBABA and ALIEXPRESS come forward you will see more and more RADTEL radios for sure.
The owners / managers at Radtel are friendly and responsive.

I hope this helps any US based members and future customers of RADTEL understand their radios.

A few things I noted about RADTEL RT-490:

  • As of today 02/14/2022 the RT490 is NOT supported by CHIRP and attempting to program radio with WOUXUN, ABBREE, or other configs has not worked
  • Please post here to notify DEVS that you own this radio and that you are interested in CHIRP support
  • Anybody who succesfully programs this radio with any different manufacturer config please let us know here
  • RADTEL as a brand is actively seeking to obtain CHIRP support for their radios
  • CHIRP was notified of recent interest in this radio
  • Radio can be bought via ALIexpress or Radtel's website
  • China made with decent quality
  • AM works / picking up local exec Airport etc
  • Fair priced although more $$$ than Baofeng UV
  • Cool color display
  • Bluetooth works well but it is not like having CHIRP

PS: I do not work for CHIRP or Radtel. I just like the radio and its price...

Actions #4

Updated by Hello Chirp about 3 years ago

kevin xie wrote:

Hello, I am the manufacturer for radtel rt-490 ham radio, I would like to send sample to make CHIRP compatible. I am first time to use this website and don't know how to process next.
anybody want to help me?

Hi Kevin... Hopefully somebody comes forward soon.
Maybe leave your full info for those who are seeking direct contact with you as a manufacturer.

All the best CHRIPboi

Actions #5

Updated by Hello Chirp about 3 years ago

Bernhard Hailer wrote:

Handheld; Specification: 6 Bands:1) 136-180MHz(RX/TX)2) 200-260MHz(RX/TX)3) 350-400MHz(RX/TX)4) 400-520MHz(RX/TX)5) 108-136MHz (AM RX) - Air Band Receive Only6) 66-108MHz (FM RX)- FM RADIOFeatures:1. Support GPS positioning information2. Support Smartphone APP programming via bluetooth3.50 sets of CTCSS, 105 sets of DCS4. Transmission time out5. Voice encryption (frequency hopping function)6. 8 steps: 2.5k, 5k, 6.25k,...

Thank you for your help Bernhard... I know you are busy but thanks again!

Actions #6

Updated by kevin xie about 3 years ago

there is many review for radtel rt-490 here
also in the near future I would like make CHIRP compatible with our new model RT-830 here
please contact me directly via email or whatsapp: +8615860705619
software to download in website

Actions #7

Updated by Herbert Smith KI5VGT almost 3 years ago

Please change the original request for +Equipment Offered+ to indicate +Yes+. Last month the distributor lead representative (Keven Xie) offered to provide an RT-490 radio for programming. (note given time differences his response usually takes 1-day)

I personally own and like the Radtel RT-490 Multiband radio. I am attaching Radtel's most recent enhanced user guide that includes Multiband and Bluetooth programming guides.

When the RT-490 is added to Chirp, as with other Asian radios, Chirp will also be supporting several other brands that utilize the same base electronics and memory map. My research found that the original manufacturer is Math Mark (Fujian) aka MMLradio. MML submitted and received +FCC Class B Part 15 certification+ for this model. MML originally marketed their branded radio as the JJC JC-8629 and currently sells it on Amazon as the MMLradio JC-8629.

Radtel RT-490 is a clone of the JC-8629 radio (radio disassembly shows internal PCB's engraved JC-8629/8630). To their credit, Radtel significantly expanded support by providing free downloads of both the PC Windows programming software +Multiband+ and the Android Bluetooth software +Super Walki-Talkie+ on their website download section. +Multiband+ is very complete but still, Chirp is easier and supports import/export frequencies using CSV etc. Radtel has officially requested that Chirp developers add the Radtel RT-490 to supported radios. The Radtel RT-490 and the JC-8629 and its clones all are programmable with the standard Baofeng 2-pin K-style programming cable.

I had the opportunity to test the programming compatibility between the MML JC-8629 side-by-side with the Radtel RT-490 using +Multiband+ and the Baofeng cable. Also I used my Samsung S21 Bluetooth with the APK that Radtel provides.

I was able to read and write to both radios without error. With +Multiband+ I could read the Radtel RT-490 and write it back to the JC-8629 without error (and vice-versa). With Bluetooth +Super Walki-Talkie+ installed on my Samsung S21, I turned on the Bluetooth option on each radio and the S21 recognized and paired without issue. Once paired I was able to program frequencies and menu options easily.

The point here is that any effort to include the Radtel RT-490 as a supported Chirp model offers a much larger supported model base than just this one model.

These are the Radtel RT-490 compatible clones that have identical keyboard layouts, menu options and designated supported bands.
I have identified, and in some cases tested:

  • Radtel RT-490 TESTED (available at
  • MMLradio JC-8629 TESTED (available on Amazon)
  • Socotran JC-8629 (available on eBay)
  • Jianpai 8800 Plus (available at
  • Hamgeek HG590 (available on eBay)

This is a really nice radio sold at a very attractive price considering its support for 6 bands.
I really hope someone will take this project on and contact Radtel by email "" (note given time differences his response usually takes 1-day)

Actions #8

Updated by . almost 3 years ago


I already communicated this to the ML but I have started working on a driver for this radio family.

Current status:

  • Download: 100%
  • Upload: 0%
  • Memory structure: 95%
  • GUI Get/Set Memory Channels: 90%
  • GUI Get/Set Memory Channels extra: 90%
  • GUI Get/Set Memory Channels encryption: 99% (blocked because I fail adding RadioSettingValueString in channel extra GUI, no errors, no debug, just nothing appears, help wanted)
  • GUI Get/Set Settings (basic): 0%
  • GUI Get/Set Settings (adv): 0%
  • GUI Get/Set Settings (workmodes a/b): 0%
  • GUI Get/Set Settings (DTMF): 65%
  • GUI Get/Set Settings (ANICODES): 0%
  • GUI Get/Set Settings (custom anichannel names): 0%
  • GUI Get/Set Settings (custom channel names): 0%
  • GUI Get/Set Settings (custom side keys): 0%

Hidden features unlock:

  • Remote kill switch (enable/disable, kill & revive dtmf)

As I am very new to this hobby I have now serious difficulties to progress and any help is welcome. I can provide/share driver and images usable in Chirp for debugging.

Contacts: email or


Actions #9

Updated by . almost 3 years ago


The drivers is finished from my point of view and I need some testers.
I was able to tackle most bugs with the help of one very kind Chirp user but we need more feedback.
At this moment the driver passed all automated Chirp tests.
Please contact me if you are able to test.

Kind Regards,

Actions #10

Updated by David Annett almost 3 years ago

. wrote:

Please contact me if you are able to test.

I am Linux Chirp user with one of these radios collecting dust on my desk. Currently I have the Chirp daily build install via the package manager. Let me know what I need to do to get a Linux Chirp binary to test with?

Actions #11

Updated by Chris Brown almost 3 years ago

Hello Ao9!

I have a clone of the RT-490 (Socotran FB-8629) and am ready to test. Have been able to program with Multiband, but it is hard to use...


Actions #12

Updated by Chris Brown almost 3 years ago

Forgot to say, Windows user...

Actions #13

Updated by Terry Lindsey almost 3 years ago

A09, I would love to test for you as I have the Jianpai 8800 Plus and Windows computer. Please let me know if this is possible. I have tried all radios and none would work.


Actions #14

Updated by Ed Kretchmer almost 3 years ago

Count me in for testing.

Socotran JC-8629

Actions #15

Updated by Hongguang Yang almost 3 years ago

. wrote:


The drivers is finished from my point of view and I need some testers.
I was able to tackle most bugs with the help of one very kind Chirp user but we need more feedback.
At this moment the driver passed all automated Chirp tests.
Please contact me if you are able to test.

Kind Regards,

Count me in for testing.
BORISTONE 8RS, Clone JJCC - 8629,I have installed and tested the write frequency software and Bluetooth software of JJCC-8629, which are compatible with borglstone 8RS

Actions #16

Updated by Carlos Palma almost 3 years ago

i have Jianpai 8800 Plus
Count me in for testing
Carlos Palma

Actions #17

Updated by . almost 3 years ago

The driver is almost ready and I plan to push it for official review and merge in the next days.

Actions #18

Updated by Attila Jantsek almost 3 years ago


I have two Jianpai 8800 Plus handhelds and will be happy to be a tester.


Actions #19

Updated by . almost 3 years ago

Patch submitted to the mailing list.

Actions #20

Updated by Herbert Smith KI5VGT almost 3 years ago

The attached 1-page flyer explains the required setup for GPS Group.

During the testing for the Radtel RT-490 we decided to document how to implement GPS so that a group, say for instance a group of hikers or ATV riders in the mountains could use several RT-490's or a mix of RT-490s with other like clones (MMLradio, Jainpai, etc.). When properly setup, the radios will update each other with real-time GPS locations. I believe this is what Analog APRS does. Implementing is really pretty simple...once you know the puzzle solution.

We put together a 1-page flyer that should guide anyone wanting to implement the feature. The RT-490 and its clones can support this group GPS function for up to 10 radios. Basically, each radio in the group will end up using a common memory channel frequency and each radio will have a Custom ANI Name, an ANI Name ID code, a custom ANI Tone Code and a unique PTT ID code.

Our testing and setup were done using a Radtel RT-490 and an MMLradio JC-8629.

Updated by . almost 3 years ago

RT-490 Driver patch has been submitted.

[RT-490] New driver for Radtel RT-490 and 8 other clones (Fix issue #9665)

The driver supports:

  • Radtel RT-490,
  • MMLradio 8629,
  • JJCC 8629,
  • Socotran JC8629,
  • Socotran FB8629,
  • Jianpai 8629,
  • Boristone 8RS,
  • Abbree AR869,
  • HamGeek HG590.

Support ALL official software features.

Plus these new features:

  • FM preset
  • Channel memory preset
  • Killswitch setup (+ can revive killed radios)
  • Bands settings for 4 bands ranges + tx on/off
  • Fixed issue of radio being corrupted with official software with custom (channel/ani) names
  • Included basic help for custom features
  • Clarified Group/Team GPS Discovery setup (Good for team of up to 10 radios)
  • Supports Voice Privacy Learn Code function (managed in Memory, Properties, Other)
  • Disable radio identification string verification (good to recover from a bad state)

For those that cannot wait here are the steps to use the driver with the official daily Chirp:

  • Start Chirp
  • Check "Enable Developer Functions" in "Help" menu
  • In "File" menu use "Load module" to load the RT-490 driver
  • Plug your radio
  • Download from your radio
  • Have fun
Actions #22

Updated by . almost 3 years ago

Typo fixed for Jianpai, no impact on driver submission.

The driver supports:

  • Radtel RT-490,
  • MMLradio 8629,
  • JJCC 8629,
  • Socotran JC8629,
  • Socotran FB8629,
  • Jianpai 8800 Plus,
  • Boristone 8RS,
  • Abbree AR869,
  • HamGeek HG590.
Actions #23

Updated by Herbert Smith KI5VGT almost 3 years ago

1-Page summary of Encryption Test Scenarios attached

The Radtel RT-490 and other clones support using standard CTCSS and DCS tone codes that can somewhat restrict communication to those on the Channel/Frequency that are using the identical CTCSS or DCS code. The RT-490s have a feature that can discover a frequency's codes in use and thus provide the ability to join the conversation. Menu27, Menu28 for SCAN DCS, CTCSS. CTCSS and DCS usage are well documented in the User Guide for the RT490 and other similar radios.

A feature unique to the RT-490 and clones is "Search/Seek". The radio side keys can be set to use option "Search" seek (Long Press PF2 to activate, then press P1 to cycle thru the Bands (UHF, VHF, 200, etc). If Search/Seek finds an active frequency in the band and also discovers a CTCSS or DCS code in use then the radio can save that as a saved memory for future use.

Which brings us to the RT-490's "Menu08 VOICEPRI" with it's 4 selections ENCRY1,..2,..3,..4. This is another encryption option that in many respects operates like a custom privacy code. In fact, when you use VOICEPRI for a saved memory, and select one of the 4 Encrys, you can then create a custom tone code to work with the selected Encry. For the custom code to work, you must enable it in Properties, Other. When you do that the RT-490 will write that code to Menu5, Menu7 R-DCS, T-DCS. This was very confusing, so the development team has added tips and guidance in the sections that require custom entries. Lead developer Ao9 also fixed instances where leaving a required entry blank could cause an error.

The attached 1-page flyer summarizes the different scenarios we staged to make sure that VOICEPRI and Learn Codes work correctly and error Free. The test consisted of 3 radios - Radtel RT-490, MML8629 and generic Baofeng UV-5R. We used the UV5r to see if any of the possible encryption or code settings would truly make the conversation private. Short answer is no. A radio with no encryption tuned in can hear both sides of an encrypted conversation...BUT they cannot talk to the encrypted radios and the encrypted radios cannot talk to the unencrypted radio (the Bao).

Actions #24

Updated by Herbert Smith KI5VGT almost 3 years ago

File failed to attach a few minutes ago...

Actions #25

Updated by Herbert Smith KI5VGT almost 3 years ago

. wrote:

RT-490 Driver patch has been submitted.

For those that cannot wait here are the steps to use the driver with the official daily Chirp:

  • Start Chirp
  • Check "Enable Developer Functions" in "Help" menu
  • In "File" menu use "Load module" to load the RT-490 driver
  • Plug your radio
  • Download from your radio
  • Have fun

Download Info: Click on file '' and the file text will open on display. Notice the small link at the very top that says'Download'. Click 'Download' and windows will begin the download. This file is the RT-490 driver module that Chirp will Load.

Actions #26

Updated by Anton Kormiltsev almost 3 years ago

Good afternoon.
I checked your driver and the daily version with HamGeek HG-580 (analog Radtel RT-490 without BT and GPS), the range was successfully opened, channels and all settings were successfully recorded.
100-999MHz TX-RX OK, but from 660-720MHz the radio is frozen on TX.
Thank you very much.

Actions #27

Updated by . almost 3 years ago

Anton Kormiltsev wrote:

Good afternoon.
I checked your driver and the daily version with HamGeek HG-580 (analog Radtel RT-490 without BT and GPS), the range was successfully opened, channels and all settings were successfully recorded.
100-999MHz TX-RX OK, but from 660-720MHz the radio is frozen on TX.
Thank you very much.

Well hmm, thank you for the feedback :)
I see you are playing with experimental features, honestly I cannot test myself because I don't have the correct instruments to measure limits... So on this topic any help is welcome.

Actions #28

Updated by Jim Unroe almost 3 years ago

Anton Kormiltsev wrote:

Good afternoon.
I checked your driver and the daily version with HamGeek HG-580 (analog Radtel RT-490 without BT and GPS), the range was successfully opened, channels and all settings were successfully recorded.
100-999MHz TX-RX OK, but from 660-720MHz the radio is frozen on TX.
Thank you very much.

Does the factory programming software program working 660-720 MHz channels? If yes, then program a working channel with the factory programming software and then program a non-working channel right next to it using CHIRP. Attach a CHIRP Radio Images (*.img) file that contains these 2 channels so it can be examined. Don't forget to mention which channel # is factory and which channel # is CHIRP.


Actions #29

Updated by Herbert Smith KI5VGT almost 3 years ago

The RT-490 supports to 520mhz. If you want to test for unsupported bands, in VFO mode enter a band start like 400.000 and press scan.When then the radio reaches end of band it will start over within the same band. It will not jump to the next higher band.

Actions #30

Updated by Anton Kormiltsev almost 3 years ago

Sorry im newbie =)

Work after opening the range.

Actions #31

Updated by Attila Jantsek almost 3 years ago

. wrote:

RT-490 Driver patch has been submitted.

[RT-490] New driver for Radtel RT-490 and 8 other clones (Fix issue #9665)

The driver supports:

  • Radtel RT-490,
  • MMLradio 8629,
  • JJCC 8629,
  • Socotran JC8629,
  • Socotran FB8629,
  • Jianpai 8629,
  • Boristone 8RS,
  • Abbree AR869,
  • HamGeek HG590.

Support ALL official software features.

Plus these new features:

  • FM preset
  • Channel memory preset
  • Killswitch setup (+ can revive killed radios)
  • Bands settings for 4 bands ranges + tx on/off
  • Fixed issue of radio being corrupted with official software with custom (channel/ani) names
  • Included basic help for custom features
  • Clarified Group/Team GPS Discovery setup (Good for team of up to 10 radios)
  • Supports Voice Privacy Learn Code function (managed in Memory, Properties, Other)
  • Disable radio identification string verification (good to recover from a bad state)

For those that cannot wait here are the steps to use the driver with the official daily Chirp:

  • Start Chirp
  • Check "Enable Developer Functions" in "Help" menu
  • In "File" menu use "Load module" to load the RT-490 driver
  • Plug your radio
  • Download from your radio
  • Have fun

Hi Angelo,

Followed your instructions, and received an "Unable to load module: invalid syntax (, line 1)" when attempting to load the file.
Check the with Python and the syntax looks normal, with no errors.
Do you have any suggestions?


Attila VE3YO

Actions #32

Updated by Jim Unroe almost 3 years ago

Attila Jantsek wrote:

Hi Angelo,

Followed your instructions, and received an "Unable to load module: invalid syntax (, line 1)" when attempting to load the file.
Check the with Python and the syntax looks normal, with no errors.
Do you have any suggestions?


Attila VE3YO

It sounds like you made the mistake of right-clicking the driver link and choosing “Save link as…”. This downloads the web page that you would download the driver from. Instead you must left-click the link, wait for the download page to load, then finally click the “download” link near the top of the page that loaded.

Plus, I think this support has already been added to CHIRP so you can just upgrade to the latest CHIRP daily build and eliminate the need to download and use this temporary driver module.


Actions #33

Updated by Anton Kormiltsev almost 3 years ago

Good day my friends.
Please help - The radio with open range but can`t record channel with offset.
Screens attached.

Actions #34

Updated by Anton Kormiltsev almost 3 years ago

Anton Kormiltsev wrote:

Good day my friends.
Please help - The radio with open range but can`t record channel with offset.
Screens attached.

Actions #35

Updated by Herbert Smith KI5VGT almost 3 years ago

Anton, you can restrict the frequencies in the experimental Band controls, however you cannot have the RT-490 go beyond the frequencies that are supported by its transceiver. You can discover the band width limits by using the scan function. For instance, using VFO mode, key in a starting frequency for the band you are trying to discover. For instance, key 108.000000 (this is the VHF band for Aircraft) and then begin the scan. Once the radio reaches the transceiver limit (this case it was 136.00000), it will loop back to 108.000000 and start the scan over within that band. I did this for all bands during the testing of this feature. I found some frequencies that were additional to those advertised (like 200 to 260 instead of 220 to 260). The "Bands" setting will allow you to indicate bands that are out of range of the transceiver, but firmware restrictions will show the out-of-limit error. So based on my test scans in each band, these are the band limits to use and as such you should see no errors.

108 to 136
136 to 180
200 to 260
350 to 399
400 to 520

Actions #36

Updated by Herbert Smith KI5VGT almost 3 years ago

The Final Driver as posted in this thread is still required. As of today, May 24 it has not yet been incorporated into production Chirp.

Download Instruction Short Version:

1 - At the top of this thead where the attachments are listed, Click on file ''
2 - will open and appear as text on display.
3 - Notice the small link at the very top of the open file that says 'Download'. Click 'Download' and MS Windows will begin the download.
4 - This file is the RT-490 driver module that Chirp will Load. View it if you like, but be aware some text editors may corrupt it.
5 - Start Chirp, turn on 'Developer Functions' under Help
6 - 'Load Module' under File and point to the file just downloaded.

Actions #37

Updated by Patrick Larkin over 2 years ago

I received my MMLRadio JC-8629 yesterday, and I'm trying out the So far, it works great (but I don't know enough about the radio itself yet). Congratulations to all involved in making this device CHIRPable! Big-Win for All!!

Now, question: Is there a proper forum or group on which to compare notes and ask questions? For example, what does SEEK do, how-to & use-cases for Custom Channel Names, Mem Channel Privacy Codes, what's to be heard on 350 Mhz band, and "why do I hear a telephone dialtone at 132.0025?"

Many thanks again to Herbert & everyone involved.

Actions #38

Updated by Anton Kormiltsev over 2 years ago

Herbert Smith wrote:

Anton, you can restrict the frequencies in the experimental Band controls, however you cannot have the RT-490 go beyond the frequencies that are supported by its transceiver. You can discover the band width limits by using the scan function. For instance, using VFO mode, key in a starting frequency for the band you are trying to discover. For instance, key 108.000000 (this is the VHF band for Aircraft) and then begin the scan. Once the radio reaches the transceiver limit (this case it was 136.00000), it will loop back to 108.000000 and start the scan over within that band. I did this for all bands during the testing of this feature. I found some frequencies that were additional to those advertised (like 200 to 260 instead of 220 to 260). The "Bands" setting will allow you to indicate bands that are out of range of the transceiver, but firmware restrictions will show the out-of-limit error. So based on my test scans in each band, these are the band limits to use and as such you should see no errors.

108 to 136
136 to 180
200 to 260
350 to 399
400 to 520

Dear Herbert, the radio transmits perfectly on the open range from 100 to 999 MHz, I personally checked it.
Only at 660-725 MHz it freezes.
The problem is that there is no way to record a channel with a repeater offset, as I indicated in the screenshots.

I meant frequencies of 200-299 MHz.
The radio transmits to them perfectly without errors, but it is impossible to record an offset of +41 for a frequency of 255.550.
I was surprised that the radio really works on the 100-999 MHz range, but does not want to record frequency offsets for channels.
Please try to bypass this limitation.
The same problem is in the neighboring topic with Baofeng UV-5R-III, it can open and work at 200-299 MHz, but the offset is also not recorded in the channels(
Thank you very much for your work)

Actions #39

Updated by Patrick Larkin over 2 years ago

I hope it's ok for me to post this here: I created a new Facebook group for RT-490 users. You are all invited.

Actions #40

Updated by Andy B over 2 years ago

Is it intentional that the above plug-in does not read or write device settings?

Actions #41

Updated by Herbert Smith KI5VGT over 2 years ago

It does read and write settings. Where are you seeing it not?

Actions #42

Updated by Andy B over 2 years ago

My settings tab is entirely blank. Not a single character is displayed, much less any data from the radio.

Frequencies all read and write OK.

Actions #43

Updated by Jim Unroe over 2 years ago

Andy B wrote:

My settings tab is entirely blank. Not a single character is displayed, much less any data from the radio.

Frequencies all read and write OK.

This would typically be an indication that your radio has one or more settings that are invalid/out-of-range.


Actions #44

Updated by Andy B over 2 years ago

I read the radio just add it came from the factory, before anything was changed, so I could have a factory default backup. What could be out of range?

Actions #45

Updated by Jim Unroe over 2 years ago

Andy B wrote:

I read the radio just add it came from the factory, before anything was changed, so I could have a factory default backup. What could be out of range?

This is a new driver. It could have a bug. Also it is not uncommon for a bit to be flipped from the factory that causes issues. Again this is a new driver. Confirming this is the issue would be simple to do if the “image” was made available for a developer to examine.


Actions #47

Updated by Jim Unroe over 2 years ago

Andy B wrote:

Factory Default IMG attached.

Thank You!

After taking a quick look it appears that this issue is in the area of the VFO settings. The "Wide / Narrow" setting. If I am understanding the code correctly, CHIRP is expecting a 0x00 or an 0x01 (Wide or Narrow) and your radio has a value of 0x04 in both VFOs (which is out-of-range for both VFOs).

For the fun of it I edited the "narrow" setting of both VFOs so that they are set to 0x01 (Narrow) and the settings tabs with all of their individual settings then display as expected (altered image attached).


Actions #48

Updated by Andy B over 2 years ago

Thank You Jim KC9HI!!!

Actions #49

Updated by Patrick Larkin over 2 years ago

  • File JJCC8629_v1.5.2 English added

FYI: Thanks to a user on Facebook, we found another version of the "factory" software which can successfully save channel names in mixed case, and with special characters (for example "GR*Tyler.575"). I've tested it on my MMLRadio 8629. Can the CHIRP module be modified to support the full upper/lower/alphanumeric & special characters?

I'll try uploading the JJCC factory software here.

Actions #50

Updated by Jim Unroe over 2 years ago

Patrick Larkin wrote:

I'll try uploading the JJCC factory software here.

Please DO NOT attach the manufacturer's software to the issue. Even if you think the software is freely available via download elsewhere, that does not mean you can legally distribute it yourself. Posting it here also opens up the CHIRP website and community to potential action by owners of that software. If it is downloadable somewhere, feel free to post a link but DO NOT attach it to the issue.


Actions #51

Updated by Bernhard Hailer over 2 years ago

  • File deleted (JJCC8629_v1.5.2 English
Actions #52

Updated by Bernhard Hailer over 2 years ago

  • Target version set to chirp-legacy

I found your patch on the developer's mailing list ("New driver for Radtel RT-490 and clones (fix #9665) (patch)", May 6th, 10:31), but I guess it has been overlooked. Maybe you want to resend it?

Actions #53

Updated by Herbert Smith KI5VGT over 2 years ago

25Updated by Herbert Smith about 1 month ago
. wrote:

RT-490 Driver patch has been submitted.

For those that cannot wait here are the steps to use the driver with the official daily Chirp:
Start Chirp
Check "Enable Developer Functions" in "Help" menu
In "File" menu use "Load module" to load the RT-490 driver
Plug your radio
Download from your radio
Have fun
Download Info: Click on file '' and the file text will open on display. Notice the small link at the very top that says'Download'. Click 'Download' and windows will begin the download. This file is the RT-490 driver module that Chirp will Load.

Actions #54

Updated by Patrick Larkin over 2 years ago

Jim Unroe wrote:

Patrick Larkin wrote:

I'll try uploading the JJCC factory software here.

Please DO NOT attach the manufacturer's software to the issue. Even if you think the software is freely available via download elsewhere, that does not mean you can legally distribute it yourself. Posting it here also opens up the CHIRP website and community to potential action by owners of that software. If it is downloadable somewhere, feel free to post a link but DO NOT attach it to the issue.


My apologies. Here's the link:

Actions #55

Updated by . over 2 years ago

Sorry for the delay.
I am back, just give me few days to catch up with all the messages and last bug fixes.

Actions #56

Updated by Karl Matthias over 2 years ago

I used the attached driver on the nightly from last night on a brand new Jianpai 8800 just now and it works as expected for setting channels, no issues. I have not tested the other settings selections.

Actions #57

Updated by Andy B over 2 years ago

How does one use the 'Driver Patch'?

Actions #58

Updated by Jim Unroe over 2 years ago

Andy B wrote:

How does one use the 'Driver Patch'?

It was explained in duplicate notes @#53@, @#54@ and @#55@ above.

[duplicates removed, it#s now #53.) - edited by Bernhard, AE6YN]


Actions #59

Updated by Andy B over 2 years ago

I only see instructions for the '.py' file, nothing for the '.patch' file.

Actions #60

Updated by . over 2 years ago

Please ignore the "file.patch", it is for developers and means to be merged in Chirp source code.

Actions #61

Updated by Andy B over 2 years ago

Thank you!

Actions #62

Updated by Jim Unroe over 2 years ago

Andy B wrote:

I only see instructions for the '.py' file, nothing for the '.patch' file.

The '.patch' file if for if you have a CHIRP development system with Mercurial. The '.py' file is what you want.


Actions #63

Updated by Herbert Smith KI5VGT over 2 years ago

Herbert Smith K15VGT wrote: Posting Error #54 duplicate Text Removed

Actions #64

Updated by Freek Wolsink over 2 years ago

When is the public version coming?

Actions #66

Updated by Claudio Muniz over 2 years ago

Good afternoon, reprogramming the radio Radtel RT-490 by the usb cable (Chirp), at the time of rewriting, an error occurred at the end of the recording, I tried again and it still didn't work. The problem is that the language is only Chinese and the English language has disappeared as shown in the photo below. I already reset the radio and nothing to return the language to English, any tips that can solve this problem? Grateful.

Actions #67

Updated by Herbert Smith KI5VGT over 2 years ago

Follow these steps to change language on the RT-490 or clones:

1) Install the most recent production daily Chirp
2) Download the file (the link to that file is at the top of this thread)
3) Plug in your programming cable
4) Run Chirp
5) Under Help on the top menu, "Enable Developer Functions"
6) Under File "Load Module" and browse to the downloaded file ""
7) Read from your radio
8) Under top Menu "View" "Change Language" and select English
9) Write Radio (if errors, check that you cable is in tight)
That usually works! Good Luck.

Actions #68

Updated by Claudio Muniz over 2 years ago

Good night Herbert Smith K15VGT, I did the procedure about 5 times, but it's still the same, it's still in the Chinese language.

Actions #69

Updated by Claudio Muniz over 2 years ago

From what I saw, this language option in Chirp, only changes the language of the Chirp and not of the radio Firmware. Not how it changed on the radio due to a programming error.

Actions #70

Updated by Jim Unroe over 2 years ago

Claudio Muniz wrote:

From what I saw, this language option in Chirp, only changes the language of the Chirp and not of the radio Firmware. Not how it changed on the radio due to a programming error.

Correct (but I doubt that it was change due to a program error).

You should be able to set it back by uploading the "backup" image that you made immediately after the first successful download. If you didn't make a backup, then it would seem to me, after reading RT-490 User Manual, that all you have to do would be to access the radio's menu 18 (LANGUAGE) and set it back to English. Sure it won't be easy with the radio set to Chinese, but it should still be doable.


Actions #71

Updated by Claudio Muniz over 2 years ago

In menu 18, the English language option no longer appears. Before, only the English language appeared, now only Chinese appears, there is no way to choose, the option is unique, see the photo. How to change it?

Actions #72

Updated by Jim Unroe over 2 years ago

Claudio Muniz wrote:

In menu 18, the English language option no longer appears. Before, only the English language appeared, now only Chinese appears, there is no way to choose, the option is unique, see the photo. How to change it?

I don't have an RT-490 yet, but typically these radio's menus only show the selected choice. You have to put the menu into edit mode which then allows you you to "arrow" through all of the possible choices. Menu 18 should have 2 choices: English and Chinese.

For example in your picture, the top line is the menu name, Language. The bottom line is the currently selected language, Chinese.

For the fun of it, what happens when you upload Andy B's "factory" image to your radio? Don't forget to first download from your radio and then save the newly created tab to a *.img file to create a backup of your radio's current state.


Actions #73

Updated by . over 2 years ago

Well the language issue is weird.
On my Radtel there is only english, and no second language.

Actions #74

Updated by Andy B over 2 years ago

Press 'Menu' (below P1) and select Option 18 by scrolling with the arrow Up/Down keys, by turning the 'Channel Knob', or by simply pressing "1" - "8" on the KeyPad.

Then Press 'Menu' again (below P1) to activate the Language Option, and again use the arrow Up/Down keys or 'Channel Knob' to scroll through all available options.

When the desired language option is selected, Press 'Menu' (below P1) once more to confirm then press 'Exit' (under P2).

Note: My MMLRadio version had two language options, English and Chinese, but my Jianpai version has only English available.

In the photo provided previsouly, it appears that the 'Radio' is in English while the 'Menu' is in Chinese - which is baffling!

Actions #75

Updated by Jim Unroe over 2 years ago

Andy B wrote:

Press 'Menu' (below P1) and select Option 18 by scrolling with the arrow Up/Down keys, by turning the 'Channel Knob', or by simply pressing "1" - "8" on the KeyPad.

Then Press 'Menu' again (below P1) to activate the Language Option, and again use the arrow Up/Down keys or 'Channel Knob' to scroll through all available options.

When the desired language option is selected, Press 'Menu' (below P1) once more to confirm then press 'Exit' (under P2).

Note: My MMLRadio version had two language options, English and Chinese, but my Jianpai version has only English available.

In the photo provided previsouly, it appears that the 'Radio' is in English while the 'Menu' is in Chinese - which is baffling!

Andy B,

Would you attach 2 CHIRP image files, the only difference between them being the Language selection (one set to Engilsh and the other set to Chinese)? Thanks.


Actions #76

Updated by Andy B over 2 years ago

I am so sorry, I already returned the MMLRadio version and replaced it with the Jianpai version instead - much better case!

Actions #77

Updated by Jim Unroe over 2 years ago

Andy B wrote:

I am so sorry, I already returned the MMLRadio version and replaced it with the Jianpai version instead - much better case!

OK. Thanks.


Actions #78

Updated by Richard Fluharty over 2 years ago

Welp... that's it for me. Back to the factory software.
Guess this'll never get released

Actions #80

Updated by Rudy Reyes over 2 years ago

Richard Fluharty wrote:

Welp... that's it for me. Back to the factory software.
Guess this'll never get released

Refer to post #32 for this issue.

Actions #81

Updated by Jim Unroe over 2 years ago

Richard Fluharty wrote:

Welp... that's it for me. Back to the factory software.
Guess this'll never get released

You didn't download the test driver module properly. You apparently right-clicked the link and chose "Save file as..." which downloaded the HTML for the page that would have loaded if you would have left-clicked the link. After left-clicking the link, a page loads that will display a text version of the driver code. The "download" link near the top left of that page (see attached screen capture) is what you click to properly download the file.


Actions #82

Updated by Patrick Larkin over 2 years ago

Would you attach 2 CHIRP image files, the only difference between them being the Language selection (one set to Engilsh and the other set to Chinese)? Thanks.


I was going to do this from my MMLRadio, but alas, English is the only language available on option 18.

Actions #83

Updated by Jim Unroe over 2 years ago

Patrick Larkin wrote:

Would you attach 2 CHIRP image files, the only difference between them being the Language selection (one set to Engilsh and the other set to Chinese)? Thanks.


I was going to do this from my MMLRadio, but alas, English is the only language available on option 18.

OK. That sort of makes sense since the OEM software doesn't have a setting for choosing the Language.

If anyone else has a model variant that does include multiple choices for Language (English/Chinese/etc), it would be very useful to have CHIRP images taken from the radio while set to the various choices.


Actions #84

Updated by Hongguang Yang over 2 years ago

Claudio Muniz wrote:

Good afternoon, reprogramming the radio Radtel RT-490 by the usb cable (Chirp), at the time of rewriting, an error occurred at the end of the recording, I tried again and it still didn't work. The problem is that the language is only Chinese and the English language has disappeared as shown in the photo below. I already reset the radio and nothing to return the language to English, any tips that can solve this problem? Grateful.

Maybe in the process of writing frequency, you inadvertently touched a certain value, so the value changes. In fact, the English interface can be changed by writing frequency software, but I don't know the specific value. The value on the English interface is 0, and that on the Chinese interface is 1

Actions #85

Updated by Jim Unroe over 2 years ago

Hongguang Yang wrote:

Claudio Muniz wrote:

Good afternoon, reprogramming the radio Radtel RT-490 by the usb cable (Chirp), at the time of rewriting, an error occurred at the end of the recording, I tried again and it still didn't work. The problem is that the language is only Chinese and the English language has disappeared as shown in the photo below. I already reset the radio and nothing to return the language to English, any tips that can solve this problem? Grateful.

Maybe in the process of writing frequency, you inadvertently touched a certain value, so the value changes. In fact, the English interface can be changed by writing frequency software, but I don't know the specific value. The value on the English interface is 0, and that on the Chinese interface is 1

According to a review on Amazon, this can happen when using the some of the Bluetooth programming applications that are available to program these radios. The following is a quote from that review.

"Do not download the Bluetooth programming APP from MMLRADIO. If you do, it comes up in Chinese and there doesn't seem to be a way to switch it to English. It's the same programming APP as for the Radtel RT-490, which is easy to find on the internet with a search."

However, if you are lucky enough to capture a CHIRP Radio Images (*.img) from your radio before this happens, you should be able to upload this "image" back to your radio to restore it back to its earlier state. Making a "factory" CHIRP image is the first thing I plan on doing once I get my JC-8629 (which is the first thing I do with all new radios that I acquire).


Actions #86

Updated by Andy B over 2 years ago

Can someone pleae update the 'patch' to allow 12 character channel names? Currently I am only able to use 10 characters for channel names, and the OE software, and the radio, both support 12 characters for each channel name. Thank You!

Updated by Hongguang Yang over 2 years ago

Today, I upgraded CHIRP to version 20220703 and found 2 problems.

First, as before, after loading the module. After downloading it from the Boristone 8RS, I found that the original Settings menu had gone blank. I rewrote the IMG file from the original backup to restore the Settings page,

Second, the channel name of my intercom is In Chinese, but after reading it into CHIRP by computer, the Chinese is missing. I judge that CHIRP does not support Chinese character modification and display!!

Actions #88

Updated by Jim Unroe over 2 years ago

Hongguang Yang wrote:

First, as before, after loading the module. After downloading it from the Boristone 8RS, I found that the original Settings menu had gone blank. I rewrote the IMG file from the original backup to restore the Settings page,

I would have taken a look at the debug.log file to find out which setting was out-of-range and why. That way the driver could have been updated to support this condition. Once whatever setting it was becomes out-of-range again, the Settings page will become blank again.

If you happen to have a saved "image" with the "blank Settings page" condition, please load it into CHIRP, verify that the Settings tab is blank, then close CHIRP. Now you can look at the debug.log to investigate the issue. Or get the "image" and debug.log to me and I will investigate it.


Actions #89

Updated by Hongguang Yang over 2 years ago

Claudio Muniz wrote:

Good afternoon, reprogramming the radio Radtel RT-490 by the usb cable (Chirp), at the time of rewriting, an error occurred at the end of the recording, I tried again and it still didn't work. The problem is that the language is only Chinese and the English language has disappeared as shown in the photo below. I already reset the radio and nothing to return the language to English, any tips that can solve this problem? Grateful.

I backed up the IMG file of my radio English interface with CHIRP. After testing, the Chinese interface can be modified into English interface through CHIRP. You can try it for your radio . My Radio model is Boristone-8RS。

Before operation, you need to be reminded that you need to save a backup of the original Radio content with chirp to prevent operation failure

Actions #90

Updated by Jim Unroe over 2 years ago

Andy B wrote:

Can someone pleae update the 'patch' to allow 12 character channel names? Currently I am only able to use 10 characters for channel names, and the OE software, and the radio, both support 12 characters for each channel name. Thank You!

It looks to me like the experimental driver module attached to this issue is coded to support 12 character channel names. I just used it to store a 12 character name into a CHIRP Radio Images (*.img) for my JC-8629.


Actions #91

Updated by Jim Unroe over 2 years ago

CHIRP Radio Images (*.img) file captured from a JJCC (aka MMLradio) JC-8629 in its as-delivered "factory" state.


Actions #92

Updated by Reverend Neil over 2 years ago

just ordered the jp 8800 version. hopig to test with the py file here.

Actions #93

Updated by Joe T over 2 years ago

Hi very fine business,
but when I expand upper band limit from 520 to 525 Mhz and want to enter a frequency with 523 Mhz an erroe message appears "frequency out of supported range"
is there a simple workaround?

Actions #94

Updated by Joe T over 2 years ago

Hi very fine business,
but when I expand upper band limit from 520 to 525 Mhz and want to enter a frequency with 523 Mhz an erroe message appears "frequency out of supported range"
is there a simple workaround?

Actions #95

Updated by Richard Fluharty over 2 years ago

No more interest on this? Isn't incorporated into Chirp yet.

Actions #96

Updated by Richard Fluharty over 2 years ago

No more interest on this? Isn't incorporated into Chirp yet.

Actions #97

Updated by Mr T over 2 years ago

Richard Fluharty wrote:

No more interest on this? Isn't incorporated into Chirp yet.

Yeah,I also noticed, this radio biggest thing since UV5R. Not relying on this yet, the original program is stable although lacking updates.Plus a lot of people are bricking the radios playing with different software firmware trying to do magic with it. Constantly blocking people crying about bricking the radio on our user group on Telegram.

Actions #98

Updated by Bartlomiej Zielinski about 2 years ago

It seems in the driver, the set of characters available for channel names is limited. Lowercase and some special characters are disabled.
BTW. If necessary, I have RT490 and I can join testing the driver.

Actions #99

Updated by Richard Fluharty about 2 years ago

Yeah, I guess it's never gonna happen. I'm calling vaporware.

Actions #100

Updated by Jake B about 2 years ago

Just wanted to add that I was able to get CHIRP working with this radio over bluetooth on MacOS using a python module called "ble-serial"

Use ble-scan to find the radio. For me it was F127A995-CDF1-4588-60D8-D4ADA1F83BED
Then use ble-serial -d <GUID> to start the serial session. It creates a /tmp/ttyBLE device, which then CHIP connects to.

Actions #101

Updated by Jake B about 2 years ago

Jake B wrote in #note-100:

Just wanted to add that I was able to get CHIRP working with this radio over bluetooth on MacOS using a python module called "ble-serial"

Use ble-scan to find the radio. For me it was F127A995-CDF1-4588-60D8-D4ADA1F83BED
Then use ble-serial -d <GUID> to start the serial session. It creates a /tmp/ttyBLE device, which then CHIRP connects to.

Actions #102

Updated by Włodzimierz Chodor almost 2 years ago

I just installed today's Chirp update, unfortunately the new version won't load the module.
What happened ?

Actions #103

Updated by Jim Unroe almost 2 years ago

Włodzimierz Chodor wrote in #note-102:

I just installed today's Chirp update, unfortunately the new version won't load the module.
What happened ?

The driver was written for the for the original Python 2 version of CHIRP and has not been updated to run on the new Python 3 version (currently called CHIRP-next). Is should still run the last build of the last build of the classing version (22021217).

You will just have to keep both versions of CHIRP available for cases like this. It is simple to do (and what I've been doing since the first of the year). I just upgraded my CHIRP-next to the 20230321 build released today and have my shortcut to launch my 20221217 legacy CHIRP build that should never change.


Actions #104

Updated by Darryl Pogue almost 2 years ago

Włodzimierz Chodor wrote in #note-102:

I just installed today's Chirp update, unfortunately the new version won't load the module.

Jim Unroe wrote in #note-103:

The driver was written for the for the original Python 2 version of CHIRP and has not been updated to run on the new Python 3 version (currently called CHIRP-next). Is should still run the last build of the last build of the classing version (22021217).

I recently got one of the Jianpai 8800 handhelds and was looking for a way to use CHIRP to program it. I ended up modifying the patch from this issue enough to be compatible with Python 3 and CHIRP-next. I'm not going to promise that it does everything correctly, but I was able to read data from the radio and write new channels back to the radio successfully.

I've attached my modified driver file here as a reference. If you use this, it's at your own risk [insert all the usual caveats and disclaimers here].

Actions #105

Updated by Terry Lindsey almost 2 years ago

Darryl Pogue,

I just tried this on my Jianpai 8800 and it worked flawlessly. I can now use CHIRP Next. You are the man.

Do you or anyone else know if a driver for the Radtel RT-69 is available, This radio is a 6 band with Air band and the Wouxun KG-UV8D will read memories and write them but it thinks it is not a 220 radio.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Updated by john wick over 1 year ago

hello maybe the module could be included abbree ar-f8 with new frimware it has nice meniu rx 108mhz to 136mhz 209mhz to 299mhz and tx-rx 136mhz to 209mhz and 300mhz to 560mhz from factori. if somewan can open it to rx-tx from 108-560mhz it can be very nice radio with noaa wethers and some another new menu fumktion 3 power level, programd sos buten, compander, scramble.... I faund it

Actions #107

Updated by john wick over 1 year ago

if someone needs original soft for new ver abbree ar-f8 in this post

Actions #108

Updated by Dan Smith over 1 year ago

Is someone planning to submit this rt490 driver to chirp? If so, please see Developers.

Note that I just did a quick check and it fails a lot of the automated tests required to be included in chirp and those will need to be fixed before it can be included. Also a warning for anyone that is using this already - the test failures mean it is buggy and may cause you problems.

Actions #109

Updated by Jim Unroe over 1 year ago

Dan Smith wrote in #note-108:

Is someone planning to submit this rt490 driver to chirp? If so, please see Developers.

Note that I just did a quick check and it fails a lot of the automated tests required to be included in chirp and those will need to be fixed before it can be included. Also a warning for anyone that is using this already - the test failures mean it is buggy and may cause you problems.

I grabbed the driver file provided by Darryl Pogue and spent time over the last few days to make the changes that were required to have it to fully pass the automated tests. Since getting this driver into a form that passes the automated tests required extensive editing, this driver really needs to have some really good testing done. The more testers, the better. To test this driver, follow these instructions (use issue number 9665): LoadingTestModules.


Actions #110

Updated by . over 1 year ago


I would like to thank Jim & Dan who reached me (yeah I don't read all emails sorry :/) and here is the Python3 driver file with updated licence so it can be merged in main tree of Chirp.
I am still very busy but I will try to get back into maintaining this driver.

At this moment I cannot send a PR as I will be out in few days with limited internet access.


Actions #111

Updated by Dan Smith over 1 year ago

  • Target version changed from chirp-legacy to chirp-py3

Awesome thanks so much Ao9! With this we can get any final things we need done and will get it merged for you.

Actions #112

Updated by Mário Cerejo over 1 year ago

This DRIVE is working very well.
Thanks team.

Actions #113

Updated by Mário Cerejo over 1 year ago

This DRIVE is working very well.
SOCOTRAN FB8629 = Radtel 490
Thanks team.

Actions #114

Updated by . over 1 year ago

Mário Cerejo wrote in #note-113:

This DRIVE is working very well.
SOCOTRAN FB8629 = Radtel 490
Thanks team.

This is included in the driver for a long time :D

Updated by Wito Krasnal over 1 year ago

Sirs, this is the radio which has just come to me, named Ruyage UV9D. It came in an exact same box, as You presented above, so I don't go into connections between "Ruyage" and "Radtel". Apologies if anybody feels offended. There are 256 channel cells available. The firmware is "v1.03", the hardware is "v2.00". The radio is compatible with the driver #9665 as far as I can tell, and of course also with the "Multiband" OEM software. Differences between OEM software and CHIRP driver #9665 are that, in channel names, the driver refuses to write characters other than UPPERCASE letters and digits. No spaces, no brackets, no asterisks, no lowercase letters available. By "refuses" I mean that, if those characters were previously written to the radio by OEM software, the CHIRP driver reads and displays them, but when trying to edit in CHIRP and confirm Enter, the driver automatically converts letters to UPPERCASE and deletes everything in its opinion "non-conforming", brackets, asterisks etc., truncates the name. Other than that, there is 12-chars name length available, as it should be. The radio came to me today, I promise further testing if anybody is interested.

Actions #116

Updated by Wito Krasnal over 1 year ago

Sorry, the box I must have seen somewhere else, however Ruyage UV9D looks to me like the exact same radio as radtel RT-490. Also the price was exactly the same. On the other hand, the abbree ar-f8 looks to me slightly different about the LCD content, right?

Actions #117

Updated by Jim Unroe over 1 year ago

Wito Krasnal wrote in #note-116:

Sorry, the box I must have seen somewhere else, however Ruyage UV9D looks to me like the exact same radio as radtel RT-490. Also the price was exactly the same. On the other hand, the abbree ar-f8 looks to me slightly different about the LCD content, right?

The one thing that I found with with the driver for the RT-470 and similar radios is that each type of number of menus differ (with with 50, some with 56, etc) and some common settings between radio models have different settings choices (the PF Keys for example). So for that driver I have worked close with each model's owner (RT-470, RT-470L, HI-8811, UV-A37, A36Plus, etc) to make sure there is a selection available that matches each variation. I am finding it is becoming harder to go by what the radio looks like externally as I have usually done in the past.

Actions #118

Updated by Wito Krasnal over 1 year ago

Ruyage UV9D: number of menus is 55 starting from Squelch 00 through Version Info 54. GPS on/off is 50, BT on/off is 51, reset VFO/all is 53. I am including a sample CHIRP image. The radio was

  1. first programmed with CHIRP RT-490 driver, then
  2. the settings were downloaded into OEM "Multiband" software to correct channel names from entirely UPPERCASE to custom (CHIRP only allowed UPPERCASE and no spaces etc as mentioned above) and uploaded again by oem software;
  3. again downloaded, now into CHIRP, in course of what no changes in channel names have occured, no truncations.
  4. then I made some changes to settings, but no changes to channel names with CHIRP, and uploaded again. No problems to the radio. The only thing affected is channel names. If they are left alone in CHIRP, they upload by CHIRP exactly as downloaded by CHIRP. If one tries to change them, they are converted to uppercase and truncated (removed are all characters other than letters and digits). The same box I have seen here: (Radtel RT-490/Socotran FB-8629 Two Way Radio Review) Ruyage UV9D is the same factory, the same radio as Radtel RT-490, only the "brand" differs.
Actions #119

Updated by Wito Krasnal over 1 year ago

correction: spaces are allowed and written by the CHIRP driver. no lowercase letters, no punctuation marks, no braces etc.

Actions #120

Updated by Wito Krasnal over 1 year ago

Jim Unroe wrote in #note-117:

Wito Krasnal wrote in #note-116:

Sorry, the box I must have seen somewhere else, however Ruyage UV9D looks to me like the exact same radio as radtel RT-490. Also the price was exactly the same. On the other hand, the abbree ar-f8 looks to me slightly different about the LCD content, right?

The one thing that I found with with the driver for the RT-470 and similar radios is that each type of number of menus differ (with with 50, some with 56, etc) and some common settings between radio models have different settings choices (the PF Keys for example). So for that driver I have worked close with each model's owner (RT-470, RT-470L, HI-8811, UV-A37, A36Plus, etc) to make sure there is a selection available that matches each variation. I am finding it is becoming harder to go by what the radio looks like externally as I have usually done in the past.

There are at least two versions of hardware to this radio: 1.00 and 2.00, and since the firmware is upgradeable, there are at least two (or more) firmware versions: 1.00 and 1.03. There are of course two general versions: with GPS & BT, and without.

Actions #121

Updated by Wito Krasnal over 1 year ago

in current state, the driver refuses (does not allow) frequencies 180 to 199.9975, 260 to 349.9975, 520 and up; regardless of Settings -> Bands limits. Needs a synchronization mechanism between the Bands settings and the memories datasheet. tested on Jianpai 8800 plus, hardware version 2.00 (8630 ?), firmware version 1.03, CHIRP 20230830. debug log included.

Updated by Wito Krasnal over 1 year ago

by "the driver refuses" I mean that the radio itself does accept extending the bands like 136-200, 200-350, 350-400, 400-600, and it works with those in VFO mode, but regardless the driver ignores those settings (made to the image, saved, uploaded, downloaded) and still refuses some frequencies, as mentioned above, displaying a message like "frequency out of range". the issue is similar to #10777 with quansheng, and that is why I checked on Jianpai 8800 and Ruyage uv9d.

Actions #123

Updated by Wito Krasnal over 1 year ago

driver refuses some frequencies on the channel datasheet of course

Actions #124

Updated by Reverend Neil over 1 year ago

new issue. i have chirp next v 20231108, but its lost support for the module

When opening a saved img for this radio, there are no memory entries, the numbered colums are red with each location with a !

ie !1, !2 !3 and background on each is red.

i still have older versions of next, and prior one i have that is working ok is 20231031. so something has got broken between this range.

Actions #125

Updated by Jim Unroe over 1 year ago

  • I read the instructions above set to Yes

Reverend Neil wrote in #note-124:

new issue. i have chirp next v 20231108, but its lost support for the module

When opening a saved img for this radio, there are no memory entries, the numbered colums are red with each location with a !

ie !1, !2 !3 and background on each is red.

i still have older versions of next, and prior one i have that is working ok is 20231031. so something has got broken between this range.

There was a change made to the core CHIRP program that requires an update to the driver module.

Actions #126

Updated by Dan Smith over 1 year ago

Jim, I was thinking you were going to pick up and submit this one with the new license. Was I supposed to do that? My apologies if so, but let me know if I still need to.

Actions #127

Updated by Jim Unroe over 1 year ago

Dan Smith wrote in #note-126:

Jim, I was thinking you were going to pick up and submit this one with the new license. Was I supposed to do that? My apologies if so, but let me know if I still need to.

I guess I misunderstood. I thought the driver was submitted before and was not accepted because of the license. I though once the license was updated, @. was going to submit it. I can do it. I'm working at trying to finish up 3 other drivers in order to get them submitted this weekend.

Actions #128

Updated by Dan Smith over 1 year ago

Ah, no I think you're right. But yeah, if you don't mind picking it up that'd be cool. Let me know if you need me to. I've got no way to test it for real and as far as I know, you have every radio ever made in your possession :)

Actions #129

Updated by Anonymous about 1 year ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Closed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100
Actions #130

Updated by Wito Krasnal about 1 year ago

Sirs. It's great that the driver is finally integrated, but please make it accept lowercase letters and variety of special characters, just like the radio itself, and the OEM software, both accept them.

Actions #131

Updated by Jim Unroe about 1 year ago

Wito Krasnal wrote in #note-130:

Sirs. It's great that the driver is finally integrated, but please make it accept lowercase letters and variety of special characters, just like the radio itself, and the OEM software, both accept them.

This ticket has been closed. Please open a new ticket to request bug fixes and/or features.

Actions #132

Updated by Reverend Neil about 1 year ago

just downloaded this new (20231125) build of Chirp thats refered to supporting the radtel 490 series, but trying to open existing img, not supported error, jianpai 8800 plus.

loading the py mod then img, has red line numbers as mentioned last week.
empty memories and red line numbers on left with ! marks.

Actions #133

Updated by Reverend Neil about 1 year ago

interesting dev,
so i reloaded my backup img to radio in older chirp with pymod.
in todys 2511 chirp, i read the radio ok as jianpai 8800 plus
saved new img and closed.

reladed new chirp, opened image ok and uploaded ok

issue closed again, but awareness needed for others when this fails on first use.

Actions #134

Updated by Dan Smith about 1 year ago

Please create a new issue and attach your image that doesn't work, if you can reproduce the problem. We'll discuss anything else about this radio in a new ticket.

Actions #135

Updated by Wito Krasnal about 1 year ago

Jim Unroe wrote in #note-131:

Wito Krasnal wrote in #note-130:

Sirs. It's great that the driver is finally integrated, but please make it accept lowercase letters and variety of special characters, just like the radio itself, and the OEM software, both accept them.

This ticket has been closed. Please open a new ticket to request bug fixes and/or features.

please read the #118 entry above. this issue has been mentioned by me before in #118, but apparently nobody noticed.

Actions #136

Updated by Jim Unroe about 1 year ago

Wito Krasnal wrote in #note-135:

Jim Unroe wrote in #note-131:

Wito Krasnal wrote in #note-130:

Sirs. It's great that the driver is finally integrated, but please make it accept lowercase letters and variety of special characters, just like the radio itself, and the OEM software, both accept them.

This ticket has been closed. Please open a new ticket to request bug fixes and/or features.

please read the #118 entry above. this issue has been mentioned by me before in #118, but apparently nobody noticed.

Wito Krasnal wrote in #note-135:

Jim Unroe wrote in #note-131:

Wito Krasnal wrote in #note-130:

Sirs. It's great that the driver is finally integrated, but please make it accept lowercase letters and variety of special characters, just like the radio itself, and the OEM software, both accept them.

This ticket has been closed. Please open a new ticket to request bug fixes and/or features.

please read the #118 entry above. this issue has been mentioned by me before in #118, but apparently nobody noticed.

Open a ticket. List the valid characters. Thanks.


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