

Dan Smith

  • Registered on: 09/10/2011
  • Last sign in: 03/18/2025


open closed Total
Assigned issues 13 368 381
Reported issues 1 213 214


Project Roles Registered on
CHIRP Manager 09/11/2011



03:34 PM CHIRP New Model #10530: QYT KT-5000
You can just override `get_features()` for your subclass and make it indicate no features. Something like:
Dan Smith
03:01 PM CHIRP Bug #11912: UV-32 Support
That doesn't answer my question. Are you using the UV-17Pro *driver* with your UV-32 radio? If so, what "request" are... Dan Smith
02:38 PM CHIRP Bug #11912: UV-32 Support
You opened a bug against the UV-17Pro and attached an image of something.
Are you using the UV-17Pro driver with y...
Dan Smith
02:42 PM CHIRP Bug #11911: IC-9700, will not upload any TONE/TSQL data
> Trying to see if Chirp is solid with IC-9700, Not downloading yet because something ain't right
Your debug log s...
Dan Smith


04:44 PM CHIRP New Model #10530: QYT KT-5000
Piotr, if you attach the `.py` file here other users can load it with [[LoadingTestModules]] and give you feedback.
Dan Smith
03:44 PM CHIRP Bug #11904 (Closed): Name column gets disabled (not reflected in UI) if extra is added to immutable
Applied in changeset commit:github|f3d71bf829c295f21c5400ac78a3c1345c139d18. Dan Smith
06:25 AM CHIRP Bug #11904: Name column gets disabled (not reflected in UI) if extra is added to immutable
No, setting values already have a `set_mutable()` method which lets you mark them as read-only. That's already honore... Dan Smith
03:44 PM CHIRP Revision f3d71bf8 (github): Disable immutable mem.extra in expanded memory editor
This was already working for the memory properties editor, but now
works for the expanded view as well.
Fixes #11904
Dan Smith
02:35 PM CHIRP New Model #11909 (Not a bug): What software
Dan Smith


05:31 PM CHIRP Bug #11908: No longer connecting to radio
No worries Ric. Lots of "user error" issues get filed as bugs, and most people never reply once they realized they ju... Dan Smith

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