


  • Registered on: 03/26/2022
  • Last sign in: 07/07/2023


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07:19 AM CHIRP New Model #9665: Radtel RT-490
Mário Cerejo wrote in #note-113:
> This DRIVE is working very well.
> SOCOTRAN FB8629 = Radtel 490
> Thanks team.


04:05 PM CHIRP New Model #9665: Radtel RT-490
I would like to thank Jim & Dan who reached me (yeah I don't read all emails sorry :/) and here is the Pyth...


11:19 PM CHIRP New Model #9665: Radtel RT-490
Well the language issue is weird.
On my Radtel there is only english, and no second language.


01:43 PM CHIRP New Model #9665: Radtel RT-490
Please ignore the "file.patch", it is for developers and means to be merged in Chirp source code. .


07:04 PM CHIRP New Model #9665: Radtel RT-490
Sorry for the delay.
I am back, just give me few days to catch up with all the messages and last bug fixes.


08:25 PM CHIRP New Model #9665: Radtel RT-490
Anton Kormiltsev wrote:
> Good afternoon.
> I checked your driver and the daily version with _HamGeek HG-580_ (anal...


07:35 PM CHIRP New Model #9665: Radtel RT-490
Typo fixed for Jianpai, no impact on driver submission.
> The driver supports:
> * Radtel RT-490,
> * MMLradio 8...
07:29 PM CHIRP New Model #9665: Radtel RT-490
RT-490 Driver patch has been submitted.
[RT-490] New driver for Radtel RT-490 and 8 other clones (Fix issue #9665)...
05:38 PM CHIRP New Model #9665: Radtel RT-490
Patch submitted to the mailing list. .


12:16 PM CHIRP New Model #9665: Radtel RT-490
The driver is almost ready and I plan to push it for official review and merge in the next days. .

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