Bug #11782
openCHIRP not showing correct settings
(Describe what you were doing)
I programmed the UV-9G for repeater use while in frequency mode on 462.700 Mhz, setting
Menu No. 13 to 100 Hz tone
Menu No. 25 to +
Menu No. 26 to 5.000
Menu No. 27 to 21 (also tried to 31, same results)
(Describe what you expected to happen)
I expected when I uploaded to CHIRP I would see:
Tone Mode: Tone
Tone: 100.0
Duplex: +
Offset/TX Freq: 5.000
(Describe what actually happened instead)
when I uploaded the radio's settings to CHIRP (v20250110) It showed:
Tone Mode: Tone
Tone: 100.0
Duplex: off (should show +)
Offset/TX Freq: blank (should show 5.000)
(Has this ever worked before? New radio? Does it work with OEM software?)
I have only been able to program the UV-9G for repeater use by programming settings in CHIRP and downloading to radion. I am not aware of any OEM software.
Thank you for this great piece of software!!