Bug #11752
openChirp .img does not upload to radio properly
(Describe what you were doing)
Setting up frequencies in .csv. Copy to .img file. Upload to radio.
(Describe what you expected to happen)
Expected to find what I had in the .csv and .img to be in the radio.
(Describe what actually happened instead)
The number of channels uploaded. The frequencies were different. The power levels stayed at High.
(Has this ever worked before? New radio? Does it work with OEM software?)
These are new radios. They work fine, however, I must do everything maually. I download the radio. Make changes, upload to radio. I expect to find the img on the phone. I am doing something wrong. These are UV-5RM radios. I have tried 5RM and UV-5RH since the UV-5RM are not listed.
I can use the radios and they work fine. I was hoping that I could set up using Chirp. That way I could simply upload to each radio and the would be the same. Trying to do that maually for eight radios is not easy.
I am considering doing a reset and starting over. I have nothing to lose.