Bug #11752
openChirp .img does not upload to radio properly
(Describe what you were doing)
Setting up frequencies in .csv. Copy to .img file. Upload to radio.
(Describe what you expected to happen)
Expected to find what I had in the .csv and .img to be in the radio.
(Describe what actually happened instead)
The number of channels uploaded. The frequencies were different. The power levels stayed at High.
(Has this ever worked before? New radio? Does it work with OEM software?)
These are new radios. They work fine, however, I must do everything maually. I download the radio. Make changes, upload to radio. I expect to find the img on the phone. I am doing something wrong. These are UV-5RM radios. I have tried 5RM and UV-5RH since the UV-5RM are not listed.
I can use the radios and they work fine. I was hoping that I could set up using Chirp. That way I could simply upload to each radio and the would be the same. Trying to do that maually for eight radios is not easy.
I am considering doing a reset and starting over. I have nothing to lose.
Updated by Lee Lawson 24 days ago
- File config.txt config.txt added
- File Baofeng_UV-5RH_20241228.img Baofeng_UV-5RH_20241228.img added
- File win_system_info.txt win_system_info.txt added
- File debug_log.txt debug_log.txt added
[Uploaded from CHIRP next-20241213]
Updated by Dan Smith 24 days ago
The image you attached has a bunch of channels programmed (VHF1, VHF2, ... UHF1, ...). Are these the channels you're intending to get into the radio or the ones that came pre-programmed in the radio?
What channels do you see programmed into the radio if not these? Your debug log does not show you doing an upload to the radio. Updating this bug with the Help tool after an upload would help to confirm that the upload is completing as expected.
Updated by Lee Lawson 24 days ago
Yes, those are frequencies in the 'img file. All 28 channels went to the
radio. However, if I put Ch 1 in both the top and bottom, they had
different frequencies. One is a VHF and the other is UHF.
I got a feeling there is something I am missing. I am not sure what you
are saying about the debug thing. I opened it and quickly shut it off. It
was giving me a headache.
I am thinking of doing a reset. Get rid of everything and start over.
Export the radio to Chirp .csv. Then copy to an .img file. Delete all
but one channel. Copy back to .csv the load back to the radio. If that
works and everything is as I expect. I may add another frequency. I am a
long way from needing repeaters, etc.
I am going to do all this using the 5RM and UV-5RH templates. One img for
each and see which is better. Hopefully the UV-5RM joins the party soon.
Lee "Doc" Lawson
On Sat, Dec 28, 2024 at 12:25 PM Dan Smith redmine@chirpmyradio.com wrote:
Updated by Dan Smith 24 days ago
I have a feeling that maybe you're misunderstanding how the radio works with the top and bottom displays, but I could be wrong. If any of the channels got uploaded to the radio then all of them did. The entire memory is uploaded as as a single unit. You might want to seek some usage help from a users group as this mechanism is really for reporting actual bugs, not for getting usage help.
I'm not asking you to read the debug log, I'm asking you to generate one after you attempt an upload to the radio, per How_To_Report_Issues. I.e. open chirp, open an image you want to send to the radio, do the upload, then use Help->Report or update a bug and enter this bug's number (11752) as the "existing bug". That way I can confirm that the upload is completing.
The UV-5RM is the same as the 5RM. Baofeng is very inconsistent with their naming and have released the same radio marked as 5RM and UV-5RM, as I understand it.