

James Pettigrew

  • Registered on: 06/02/2024
  • Last connection: 06/11/2024


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Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 2 0 2



07:34 PM CHIRP Feature #11368 (New): frequency template
Could we get the installed template for the Australian / New Zealand UHF frequencies / settings modified to power lev... James Pettigrew
06:50 PM CHIRP Bug #11367: Microsoft account halting chirp, preventing images being loaded.
should add word freezes in search term. as in windows 11 chirp freezes when loading image files.
this would have pre...
James Pettigrew
06:41 PM CHIRP Bug #11367 (New): Microsoft account halting chirp, preventing images being loaded.
Pc has recently upgraded to windows 11. Went to read emails and misrocoft automated change to outloose mail client. T... James Pettigrew

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