

Alexandre J. Raymond

  • Registered on: 05/22/2024
  • Last sign in: 06/17/2024


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Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 0 0


Project Roles Registered on
CHIRP Developer, Wiki Editor 05/24/2024



08:20 AM CHIRP Bug #11199: Unable to upload back to radio
user#161, would changing this condition in `do_upload()`
if has_dropped_byte and not aux_matched:
Alexandre J. Raymond


11:51 AM CHIRP Bug #11385: Cannot close CHIRP next-20240614 Python 3.10.8 wx 4.2.0 msw 3.2.0, and cannot open saved .img .csv
user#3, looks like the config file is opened without a specific encoding in, which would yield cp1252 on Wi... Alexandre J. Raymond
11:50 AM CHIRP Bug #11385: Cannot close CHIRP next-20240614 Python 3.10.8 wx 4.2.0 msw 3.2.0, and cannot open saved .img .csv
Hi Michael, would you happen to use folders with CHIRP that include the following character in their name: ů ?
Alexandre J. Raymond


08:31 PM CHIRP Bug #11260 (Closed): UV-25 not on compatibility site list
Applied in changeset commit:github|ad868db01ffb1fd3ad99421763d30a51c3b2b55f. Alexandre J. Raymond
08:19 PM CHIRP Revision ad868db0 (github): Alias Baofeng UV-25 to UV-17Pro driver
Fixes #11260 Alexandre J. Raymond


12:17 PM CHIRP Bug #11370 (Resolved): Firmware non reconnu
Content d'avoir pu vous être utile! Alexandre J. Raymond
10:18 AM CHIRP Bug #11370: Firmware non reconnu
J'ai corrigé le problème précis que vous rencontriez.
Vous pouvez utiliser le menu "Aide / Chargement module pour ...
Alexandre J. Raymond
06:00 AM CHIRP Bug #11370 (Incomplete): Firmware non reconnu
Je n'ai pas regardé l'entièreté du fichier Python fourni, mais l'erreur que vous rapportez est causée par...
Alexandre J. Raymond


07:28 AM CHIRP Bug #11259 (Incomplete): Puxing PX-777
Hi Mike,
Your radio is reporting frequency limits that the driver hasn't been programmed to handle, hence the erro...
Alexandre J. Raymond


06:46 PM CHIRP Bug #11285 (Incomplete): Error on Kenwood TH-260G(N)
Hi Michele,
I found a similar issue reported in the bug tracker (#5825), for a TK-360. I don't think the fixes tes...
Alexandre J. Raymond

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