

peter cooke

  • Registered on: 04/13/2023
  • Last connection: 06/19/2023


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Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 2 4 6



09:23 PM CHIRP Feature #10655 (New): repeater book sending different results than chirp query results
I know this is probably more of a problem with repeater book. so you can just close this ticket.
my latitude = 38...
peter cooke
09:06 PM CHIRP Bug #10635: kenwood th-f6a download
this can closed peter cooke


04:48 PM CHIRP Bug #10635: kenwood th-f6a download
ok. due to modernization. I started with an upgraded cable USB for the th-f6. that proved to be a problem.
I went ...
peter cooke


04:20 PM CHIRP Bug #10635: kenwood th-f6a download
Hmm cable. I can see that. I just got it back from the Kenwood repair shop. So it just passed official diagnostic... peter cooke


10:16 PM CHIRP Bug #10635: kenwood th-f6a download
I just realized. my Kenwood th-f6a HT is probably 9600 baud max. not sure how chirp limits the speed of the usb lin... peter cooke
09:55 PM CHIRP Bug #10635: kenwood th-f6a download
here is the log peter cooke
06:43 PM CHIRP Bug #10635 (Not a bug): kenwood th-f6a download
when I download from my radio.
some of the memory slots get an ! and turn red. If I download again, then other memo...
peter cooke


01:15 PM CHIRP Bug #10598: yaesu 8900r can download but not upload
I downloaded the latest version of CHIRP. It allowed me to upload... thanks peter cooke
12:52 PM CHIRP Bug #10598 (Not a bug): yaesu 8900r can download but not upload
I can put stuff in mem and download just fine.
if I update the image file. I get an ACK error.
The log indicates it...
peter cooke


10:31 PM CHIRP Bug #10589: 1,25n band no longer accessible
oh forgot. Make sure image file has the "UseAtOwnRisk" saved. peter cooke

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