



Bug #10589


1,25n band no longer accessible

Added by peter cooke over 1 year ago. Updated over 1 year ago.

Not a bug
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Chirp Version:
Model affected:
radioddity uv-5x3
Debug Log:
I read the instructions above:


just got my Radioddity (baofeng) UV5X3
I only have a Mac so cannot use the bofeng software. I can't pay $100/year for emulation software to run PC apps

I uploaded the 2m, 1.25m, 70 cm repeaters in my area
I discover the radio will no longer accept any 1.25m frequencies.

I just discovered a on the radioddity UV-5x3 web site they knew about this problem... I did to complete read the the web site

how do I get 1.25m back on my radio???


Actions #1

Updated by Jim Unroe over 1 year ago

peter cooke wrote:

just got my Radioddity (baofeng) UV5X3
I only have a Mac so cannot use the bofeng software. I can't pay $100/year for emulation software to run PC apps

I uploaded the 2m, 1.25m, 70 cm repeaters in my area
I discover the radio will no longer accept any 1.25m frequencies.

I just discovered a on the radioddity UV-5x3 web site they knew about this problem... I did to complete read the the web site

how do I get 1.25m back on my radio???

The UV-5X3 is a BTech labeled model from Baofeng Tech (the radio dealer in the USA). The Radioddity tri-band radio model is a UV-5RX3. Although they have similar model numbers, they are quite different radios. So is UV-5RX3 what you meant?

Attach the file that you uploaded to your radio. Where did the file that you uploaded to your radio come from (originally downloaded from your radio, downloaded from a different radio, etc)?

You should be able to use the original file that you made from your first successful download and saved as a backup to upload to your radio to restore it to the state it was in before you started making changes.


Actions #2

Updated by peter cooke over 1 year ago

yes radioddity uv-5rx3. my bad
I have doene a factory reset of the radio. no luck.

After a fresh reset I have done a fresh download. My Mac will not let let create an empty image file. "*.img". it will let me create a fresh CSV but won't let me upload that.

I have gone through all of my image files and uploaded them. none fix 1.25m
Any one have a a blank working image file???

Actions #3

Updated by Jim Unroe over 1 year ago

peter cooke wrote in #note-2:

yes radioddity uv-5rx3. my bad
I have doene a factory reset of the radio. no luck.

Understood. A RESET to the firmware values (which aren't the same the state of the radio when it comes from the factory) will rarely fixed problems like this. For example, band limits are not affected by a RESET. I usually recommend that in most cases a RESET should be avoided.

After a fresh reset I have done a fresh download. My Mac will not let let create an empty image file. "*.img". it will let me create a fresh CSV but won't let me upload that.

CHIRP doesn't create empty ".img" files. CHIRP Radio Image (.img) files are created from downloading from the source radio.

Make a fresh download from your radio (now that it has been reset) and attach it to this issue.

I have gone through all of my image files and uploaded them. none fix 1.25m

OK. So what ever changed happened quite a few images ago. Until you finally attach one of these images to this issue, I can't can't examine the state of your radio to "see" what has changed.

Any one have a a blank working image file???

I have a working "factory" image file. It is my nature to not press any buttons or turn any knobs of a new radio until after I have successfully captured its "factory" state with CHIRP.


Actions #5

Updated by Jim Unroe over 1 year ago

peter cooke wrote in #note-4:

here is an image file

Thanks. It looks to me like someone has been playing around with the band limits and set them to unrealistic/incompatible values. The radio was doing what it was supposed to be doing based on the current band limits.

I reset the band limits back to the factory values. Let me know if that fixes it or not.


Actions #6

Updated by peter cooke over 1 year ago

hi downloaded your image.
I loaded it into chirp then uploaded. made no change in 222.500.
I reset the radio an uploaded again. still no change
Just to ensure chirp did not change your file. attaching what I downloaded after chirp uploaded

Actions #7

Updated by Jim Unroe over 1 year ago

peter cooke wrote in #note-6:

hi downloaded your image.
I loaded it into chirp then uploaded. made no change in 222.500.
I reset the radio an uploaded again. still no change
Just to ensure chirp did not change your file. attaching what I downloaded after chirp uploaded

OK. Your file and my file are identical. So next try this "factory" image from my radio to see what happens.

If by some miracle it works... DO NOT UPLOAD any of your other images to your radio. You must load you latest (bad) image a second tab and then copy and past the channels from the "bad" tab to the "good" and then upload the good tab to your radio.

If it still doesn't work, I will try to dig out my UV-5RX3 from storage to see if I can replicate your problem in it.


Actions #8

Updated by peter cooke over 1 year ago

sorry did not work. same behavior.
if would be so kind as to send me an image file with just one or two working 1.25 meter frequencies that works on your radio. at this point I don't care about loosing my frequencies.

Actions #9

Updated by Jim Unroe over 1 year ago

peter cooke wrote in #note-8:

sorry did not work. same behavior.
if would be so kind as to send me an image file with just one or two working 1.25 meter frequencies that works on your radio. at this point I don't care about loosing my frequencies.

That won't work because your radio is broken beyond that.

I dug out my UV-5X3. I uploaded your image into my radio. I could tell it was in trouble but I could add 220 MHz freqnencies. I then "fully" upload you image into my radio. It was broken exactly like you described. And lastly I "fully" upload my "factory" image and restored my radio back to its previous working functionality.

Here is what you have to do to "fix" your radio...

  1. Launch CHIRP
  2. Load the "factory" image that I provided
  3. Click the Settings tab
  4. Choose Advanced Settings from the list 5.0 Edit the Range Override Parameter setting by... 5.1 Remove the current value ("Default" followed by 5 spaces) 5.2 Enter "UseAtOwnRisk" (all 12 case sensitive characters without the quotes)
  5. Upload to your radio
  6. Restart CHIRP

Your UV-5RX3 should now work properly.

Again it would be best to never upload any of your "bad" images into your radio. Load them as needed into a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc tab and copy and past from the "bad" tabs to the "good" tab. Once satisfied, save the "good" tab as your working copy and delete the "bad" tabs so you can't accidentally upload them to your radio.


Updated by peter cooke over 1 year ago

oh BOTHER with a capital BOTHER with !!!....

so in the advanced settings tab I changed "default" to "UseAtOwnRisk" without quotes. uploaded to radio. chirp is not updating the range override paremeter.

on your factory default I saved the override values. uploaded couple of times. reset HT uploaded.
downloaded and discovered that range override is not getting updated on radio.

Actions #11

Updated by peter cooke over 1 year ago

I will leave it unplugged till tomboy and see if that allows the prom to be reprogrammed

Actions #12

Updated by Jim Unroe over 1 year ago

peter cooke wrote in #note-10:

oh BOTHER with a capital BOTHER with !!!....

so in the advanced settings tab I changed "default" to "UseAtOwnRisk" without quotes. uploaded to radio. chirp is not updating the range override paremeter.

on your factory default I saved the override values. uploaded couple of times. reset HT uploaded.
downloaded and discovered that range override is not getting updated on radio.

Did you get the message to restart CHIRP when the upload completed? My guess is that you didn't. That means you didn't enter the "password" correctly and the Range Override was not performed.

You must delete the "Default" and the 5 spaces to the right before you enter the password. If you don't then one or more of the spaces remains prefixed or suffixed to the password that you enter making it invalid.

A good way to make sure all of the characters in the setting have been removed is to click in the cell, type "CTRL-A" to highlight everything in the cell and press the "Delete" key. Then you can be sure that the only text will be "UseAtOwnRisk".

One you do it correctly, you will get prompt after the upload telling you that the upload was successful and that you need to restart CHIRP.


Actions #13

Updated by peter cooke over 1 year ago

I am wondering if chirp on the Mac is part of the problem.

are you using Mac or pc.

I am using Mac book pro with apple silicon. are you using a pc? I will probably have to find someone with a PC to eliminate the Mac as the problem for updating the radio.

Actions #14

Updated by peter cooke over 1 year ago

if I copy/paste the UseAtOwnRisk from your double quotes it did not tell me to restart chirp
I manually typed UseAtOwnRisk that prompted me to restart

I am now consistently getting a popup to restart chirp. The unfortunate BUT is after the popup still getting canceled

as soon as I get restart popup tried, 222.000 Get "canceled"
after closing pop up, tried 222.000 and get "canceled"
after closing popup and restarting chirp. tried 222.000 and get "canceled"
after closing popup, restarting chirp, uploading again with same image that has "UseAtOwnRisk". and still get "canceled" for 222.000

I will try to find someone with a PC and see if that updates the HT

Actions #15

Updated by Jim Unroe over 1 year ago

peter cooke wrote in #note-14:

if I copy/paste the UseAtOwnRisk from your double quotes it did not tell me to restart chirp

The "copy" from an HTML web page is probably grabbing some additional non-visible characters. You probably can't do that unless you sanitize it first by pasting to a text editor and then copy/paste from text editor to CHIRP. I've always just typed it in.

I manually typed UseAtOwnRisk that prompted me to restart

Good. I probably need to specify doing it that way in the future.

I am now consistently getting a popup to restart chirp. The unfortunate BUT is after the popup still getting canceled

The presence of the popup means the "full" image was uploaded. If you still can't enter a 220 MHz frequency, then the radio isn't accepting the full image. Either the band limit are not correct or there are other problems in Aux memory. This is seeming to be a hardware problem.

as soon as I get restart popup tried, 222.000 Get "canceled"

see above

after closing pop up, tried 222.000 and get "canceled"

see above

after closing popup and restarting chirp. tried 222.000 and get "canceled"

see above

Do like you did before and make a "post_upload" image. I will then compare it to the "factory" image. Both should exactly match up to the point to were the meta data starts. If it doesn't, then it looking more like this is a hardware problem.

after closing popup, restarting chirp, uploading again with same image that has "UseAtOwnRisk". and still get "canceled" for 222.000

I will try to find someone with a PC and see if that updates the HT

It shouldn't make any difference whether you are using a Windows, Linux or macOS PC. But if you can confirm that is does (or doesn't), that would be great. Get the post_upload image for me. I think we may have narrowed it down to a problem with the radio.


Actions #16

Updated by peter cooke over 1 year ago

holy saints Mary and Jesus
the upload just worked. after repeating the same insane steps over and over. it magically worked

Actions #17

Updated by peter cooke over 1 year ago

when you make a image file for your radio in CHIRP.
navigate to the advanced settings change "range override paremeter" from "default" to "UseAtOwnRisk" without quotes. do not copy paste. you actually have to type it.
make sure you use and image where the "range override paremeter" is set to "UseAtOwnRisk" don't include quotes
navigate to "Other Settings"
set lower VHF limit = 136
set upper VHF limit = 260
set lower UHF limit = 400
set upper UHF limit = 520
when you upload. you should get a popup that says you need to restart CHIRP.
If you don't get a popup power cycle your radio. keep uploading until you get a popup
at this point turn off your radio and disconnect the programming cable.

Actions #18

Updated by peter cooke over 1 year ago

oh forgot. Make sure image file has the "UseAtOwnRisk" saved.

Actions #19

Updated by Jim Unroe over 1 year ago

  • Status changed from New to Not a bug
Actions #20

Updated by james hobbs over 1 year ago

Thank you for providing the solution to this issue!

However, I was not able to save UseAtOwnRisk within the image.

Having set the Range Override Parameter to UseAtOwnRisk along with the upper/lower limits I saved the image, uploaded image to radio, restarted Chirp, reloaded image, and the Range Override Parameter has reverted back to Default . (the updated upper VHF limit did remain) Tried multiple times just incase I only thought I clicked Save, no joy.

The fix is working as the radio does transmit on all three frequencies.

Should this override be saved within the image or will it be required prior to every upload?

thx again

Actions #21

Updated by Jim Unroe over 1 year ago

james hobbs wrote in #note-20:

Thank you for providing the solution to this issue!

However, I was not able to save UseAtOwnRisk within the image.

It is never stored in the image. Once you have used it to upload the full image to your radio and your radio is "fixed", you are done. The special parameter for uploading is no longer needed. Just don't repeat what you did to cause this to need to be done in the first place.


Actions #22

Updated by Dan Smith over 1 year ago

What Jim said :) To be clear, Peter's suggestion of saving the value into the image is not correct and is not how it works. The special phrase is simply a flag to tell chirp to write additional data it would normally not send. Once the radio is fixed, you don't need (nor want) to send those pieces of data, so the special phrase is not needed.


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