

Bora Akbay

  • Registered on: 06/03/2021
  • Last sign in: 02/12/2022


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 2 1 3



07:18 PM CHIRP Bug #9749 (Incomplete): Connection Problem to Yaesu VX-8GE
When I try to connect to the VX-8GE radio to clone contents, Chirp faces an error (Failed to communicate with the rad... Bora Akbay


04:42 PM CHIRP Bug #9179 (Incomplete): Chirp Stuck on TYT TH-UV88 Clone Process
Chirp gets stuck on the clone process for the UV88 radio. The status bar doesn't move at all. I am using a CH340 cabl... Bora Akbay


01:49 PM CHIRP Bug #9099: Bug on Connecting to TYT TH-UVF1 With Clone PL2303 Cable
I have solved the problem by changing the cable with a CH340 chip cable. It seems that PL2303 doesn't work. This issu... Bora Akbay


10:07 AM CHIRP Bug #9099: Bug on Connecting to TYT TH-UVF1 With Clone PL2303 Cable
I have tried John Stevenson's driver fix on GitHub and got half way with the cloning process. Attaching the debug log... Bora Akbay
09:45 AM CHIRP Bug #9099: Bug on Connecting to TYT TH-UVF1 With Clone PL2303 Cable
I have tried the CH340 drivers but then started receiving "This device cannot start. (Code 10)" error in the device m... Bora Akbay
08:31 AM CHIRP Bug #9099 (Closed): Bug on Connecting to TYT TH-UVF1 With Clone PL2303 Cable
I have been trying to connect to my TYT TH-UVF1 radio using a clone (Baofeng's) PL2303 cable. I have tried different ... Bora Akbay

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