Bug #9099
closedBug on Connecting to TYT TH-UVF1 With Clone PL2303 Cable
I have been trying to connect to my TYT TH-UVF1 radio using a clone (Baofeng's) PL2303 cable. I have tried different drivers ( [7/31/2007], [9/24/2008] and [10/27/2008]). I have also tried using Chirp on multiple computers with different operating systems (2 different Windows 10 computers, a Windows XP computer, an Ubuntu virtual computer and a Mac computer with Intel processor) but I always receive the same errors. Sometimes the "Clone process" goes up a little but most of the times it just sticks at the beginning and then gives "Radio sent a short block", "Radio did not ack identification" or "Radio did not respond" error. What might be the problem? I have also attached my latest debug file.
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,191] chirp.logger - DEBUG: CHIRP daily-20210520 on WinVista/7 (Python 2.7.10)
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,223] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Alinco_DR03T = DR03Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,223] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Alinco_DR06T = DR06Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,223] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Alinco_DR135T = DR135Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,223] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Alinco_DR235T = DR235Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,223] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Alinco_DR435T = DR435Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,223] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Alinco_DJ596 = DJ596Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,223] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Jetstream_JT220M = JT220MRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,223] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Alinco_DJ175 = DJ175Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,223] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Alinco_DJ-G7EG = AlincoDJG7EG
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,223] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered AnyTone_5888UV = AnyTone5888UVRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,223] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Intek_HR-2040 = IntekHR2040Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,223] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Polmar_DB-50M = PolmarDB50MRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,223] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Powerwerx_DB-750X = PowerwerxDB750XRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,237] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered AnyTone_778UV = AnyTone778UV
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,237] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Retevis_RT95 = RetevisRT95
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,239] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered CRT_Micron_UV = CRTMicronUV
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,239] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Midland_DBR2500 = MidlandDBR2500
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,239] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yedro_YC-M04VUS = YedroYCM04vus
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,239] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered AnyTone_778UV_VOX = AnyTone778UVvox
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,239] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Retevis_RT95_VOX = RetevisRT95vox
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,239] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered AnyTone_TERMN-8R = AnyToneTERMN8RRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,239] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered AnyTone_OBLTR-8R = AnyToneOBLTR8RRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,240] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered AnyTone_5888UVIII = AnyTone5888UVIIIRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,240] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_UV-3R = UV3RRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,240] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_BF-A58 = BFA58
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,242] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_UV-82WP = UV82WP
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,242] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_GT-3WP = GT3WP
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,242] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Retevis_RT6 = RT6
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,242] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_BF-A58S = BFA58S
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,242] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_UV-9R = UV9R
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,242] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_BF-T1 = BFT1
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,242] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_BF-T8 = BaofengBFT8Generic
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,243] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baojie_BJ-9900 = BJ9900Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,243] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_UV-5R = BaofengUV5RGeneric
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,243] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_F-11 = BaofengF11Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,243] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_UV-82 = BaofengUV82Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,243] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Radioddity_UV-82X3 = Radioddity82X3Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,243] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_UV-6 = BaofengUV6Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,243] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Intek_KT-980HP = IntekKT980Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,243] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_BF-F8HP = BaofengBFF8HPRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,243] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_UV-82HP = BaofengUV82HPRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,243] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Radioddity_UV-5RX3 = RadioddityUV5RX3Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,243] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_GT-5R = RadioddityGT5RRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,243] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baojie_BJ-UV55 = BaojieBJUV55Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,244] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Boblov_X3Plus = BoblovX3Plus
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,246] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered BTECH_UV-2501 = UV2501
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,246] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered BTECH_UV-2501+220 = UV2501_220
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,246] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered BTECH_UV-5001 = UV5001
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,246] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered WACCOM_MINI-8900 = MINI8900
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,246] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered QYT_KT-UV980 = KTUV980
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,246] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered QYT_KT8900 = KT9800
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,246] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered QYT_KT8900R = KT9800R
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,246] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered LUITON_LT-588UV = LT588UV
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,246] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered BTECH_UV-25X2 = UV25X2
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,246] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered BTECH_UV-25X4 = UV25X4
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,246] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered BTECH_UV-50X2 = UV50X2
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,246] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered QYT_KT7900D = KT7900D
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,246] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered QYT_KT8900D = KT8900D
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,246] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered QYT_KT5800 = KT5800
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,246] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered BTECH_GMRS-50X1 = GMRS50X1
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,246] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered QYT_KT-8R = KT8R
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,246] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Feidaxin_FD-268A = FD268ARadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,247] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Feidaxin_FD-268B = FD268BRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,247] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Feidaxin_FD-288A = FD288ARadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,247] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Feidaxin_FD-288B = FD288BRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,247] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Feidaxin_FD-150A = FD150ARadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,247] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Feidaxin_FD-160A = FD160ARadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,247] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Feidaxin_FD-450A = FD450ARadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,247] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Feidaxin_FD-460A = FD460ARadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,247] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Feidaxin_FD-460UH = FD460UHRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,247] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-1500M = FT1500Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,247] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-1802M = FT1802Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,249] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-1D_R = FT1Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,250] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-2800M = FT2800Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,250] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-2900R_1900R = FT2900Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,250] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-2900R_1900RTXMod_Opened_Xmit = FT2900ModRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,250] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT2D_R = FT2D
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,250] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT2D_Rv2 = FT2Dv2
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,250] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT3D_R = FT3D
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,252] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-4XR = YaesuFT4XRRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,252] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-4XE = YaesuFT4XERadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,252] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-4VR = YaesuFT4VRRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,252] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-65R = YaesuFT65RRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,252] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-65E = YaesuFT65ERadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,252] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-25R = YaesuFT25RRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,252] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-450D = FT450DRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,253] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-50 = FT50Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,253] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-60 = FT60Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,253] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-70D = FT70Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,253] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-7100M = FT7100Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,255] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-7800_7900 = FT7800Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,255] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-8800 = FT8800Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,255] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-8900 = FT8900Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,255] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-8100 = FT8100Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,255] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-817 = FT817Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,256] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-817ND = FT817NDRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,256] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-817ND_US = FT817NDUSRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,256] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-818 = FT818Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,256] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-818ND_US = FT818NDUSRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,256] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-857_897 = FT857Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,256] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-857_897_US = FT857USRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,256] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FT-90 = FT90Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,256] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FTM-3200D_R = FTM3200Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,256] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FTM-350 = FTM350Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,257] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_FTM-7250D_R = FTM7250Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,257] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Radioddity_GA-510 = RadioddityGA510Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,257] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Generic_CSV = CSVRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,257] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Commander_KG-UV = CommanderCSVRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,259] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered RT_Systems_CSV = RTCSVRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,259] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered ARRL_Travel_Plus = TpeRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,265] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Generic_XML = XMLRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,265] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered BTECH_GMRS-V1 = GMRSV1
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,269] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_BF-888 = H777Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,269] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Radioddity_GA-2S = ROGA2SRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,269] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Retevis_H777_Plus = H777PlusRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,269] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered HobbyPCB_RS-UV3 = HobbyPCBRSUV3Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,269] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-208H = IC208Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,269] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-2100H = IC2100Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,269] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-2200H = IC2200Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,269] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-2300H = IC2300Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,270] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-2720H = IC2720Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,270] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-2730A = IC2730Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,270] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-2820H = IC2820Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,272] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-91_92AD = IC9xRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,273] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_7200 = Icom7200Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,273] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-7000 = Icom7000Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,273] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-7100 = Icom7100Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,273] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_746 = Icom746Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,273] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-910 = Icom910Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,273] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-7300 = Icom7300Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,273] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-P7 = ICP7Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,273] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-Q7A = ICQ7Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,273] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-T70 = ICT70Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,273] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-T7H = ICT7HRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,273] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-T8A = ICT8ARadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,273] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-V86 = ICV86Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,275] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-W32A = ICW32ARadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,275] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-W32E = ICW32ERadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,275] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-V82_U82 = ICx8xRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,276] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_IC-E90 = ICx90Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,276] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_ID-31A = ID31Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,276] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_ID-51 = ID51Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,276] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_ID-51_Plus = ID51PLUSRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,276] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_ID-800H_v2 = ID800v2Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,276] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_ID-880H = ID880Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,276] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Icom_ID-80H = ID80Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,276] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_HMK = HMKRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,276] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_ITM = ITMRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,278] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TH-D7 = THD7Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,278] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TH-D7G = THD7GRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,278] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TM-D700 = TMD700Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,278] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TM-V7 = TMV7Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,279] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TM-G707 = TMG707Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,279] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TH-G71 = THG71Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,279] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TH-F6 = THF6ARadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,279] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TH-F7 = THF7ERadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,279] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TM-D710 = TMD710Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,279] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TH-D72_live_mode = THD72Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,279] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TM-V71 = TMV71Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,279] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TM-D710G = TMD710GRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,279] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TH-K2 = THK2Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,279] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TM-271 = TM271Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,279] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TM-281 = TM281Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,279] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TM-471 = TM471Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,279] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TS-590S_SG_LiveMode = TS590Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,279] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TS-480_LiveMode = TS480Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,279] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Wouxun_KG-UV8D = KGUV8DRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,279] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Wouxun_KG-UV8D_Plus = KGUV8DPlusRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,280] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Wouxun_KG-UV8E = KGUV8ERadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,282] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Wouxun_KG-UV9D_Plus = KGUV9DPlusRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,282] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered KYD_NC-630A = NC630aRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,282] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered KYD_IP-620 = IP620Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,283] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Leixen_VV-898 = LeixenVV898Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,283] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Jetstream_JT270M = JetstreamJT270MRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,283] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Jetstream_JT270MH = JetstreamJT270MHRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,283] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Leixen_VV-898S = LeixenVV898SRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,285] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered LUITON_LT-725UV = LT725UV
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,285] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baojie_BJ-218 = Baojie218
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,285] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baojie_BJ-318 = Baojie318
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,286] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered BTECH_MURS-V1 = MURSV1
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,286] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Wouxun_KG-UVD1P = KGUVD1PRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,286] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Wouxun_KG-UV6 = KGUV6DRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,286] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Wouxun_KG-816 = KG816Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,286] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Wouxun_KG-818 = KG818Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,288] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Puxing_PX-777 = Puxing777Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,288] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Puxing_PX-2R = Puxing2RRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,289] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Puxing_PX-888K = Puxing_PX888K_Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,289] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Radioddity_R2 = RadioddityR2Generic
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,289] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Radtel_T18 = T18Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,290] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Retevis_RT1 = RT1Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,290] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Retevis_RT21 = RT21Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,290] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Retevis_RB17A = RB17ARadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,290] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Retevis_RB26 = RB26Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,290] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Retevis_RT76 = RT76Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,292] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Retevis_RT22 = RT22Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,292] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered WLN_KD-C1 = KDC1
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,292] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Zastone_ZT-X6 = ZTX6
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,292] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered LUITON_LT-316 = LT316
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,292] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TID_TD-M8 = TDM8
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,292] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Retevis_RT22FRS = RT22FRS
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,292] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Retevis_RT622 = RT622
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,292] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Retevis_RT23 = RT23Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,292] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Retevis_RT26 = RT26Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,292] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Rugged_RH5R-V2 = RH5RV2
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,293] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TDXone_TD-Q8A = TDXoneTDQ8A
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,295] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_UV-B5 = BaofengUVB5
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,295] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TYT_TH-350 = Th350Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,295] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TYT_TH-7800_File = TYTTH7800File
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,295] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TYT_TH-7800 = TYTTH7800Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,296] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TYT_TH9000_220 = Th9000220Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,296] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TYT_TH9000_144 = Th9000144Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,296] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TYT_TH9000_440 = Th9000440Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,296] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TYT_TH-9800_File = TYTTH9800File
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,296] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TYT_TH-9800 = TYTTH9800Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,296] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TYT_TH-UV3R = TYTUV3RRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,296] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TYT_TH-UV3R-25 = TYTUV3R25Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,298] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TYT_TH-UV8000 = THUV8000Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,299] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TYT_TH-UV88 = THUV88Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,299] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Retevis_RT85 = RT85
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,299] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TYT_TH-UVF8D = TYTUVF8DRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,299] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TH-D72_clone_mode = THD72Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,299] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered TYT_TH-UVF1 = TYTTHUVF1Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,299] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-260 = TK260_Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,299] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-270 = TK270_Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,301] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-272 = TK272_Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,301] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-278 = TK278_Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,301] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-360 = TK360_Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,301] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-370 = TK370_Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,301] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-372 = TK372_Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,301] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-378 = TK378_Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,301] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-760 = TK760_Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,301] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-762 = TK762_Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,301] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-768 = TK768_Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,301] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-860 = TK860_Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,302] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-862 = TK862_Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,302] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-868 = TK868_Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,302] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-868G = TK868G_Radios
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,302] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-862G = TK862G_Radios
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,302] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-860G = TK860G_Radios
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,302] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-768G = TK768G_Radios
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,302] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-762G = TK762G_Radios
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,302] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-760G = TK760G_Radios
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,302] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-388G = TK388G_Radios
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,302] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-378G = TK378G_Radios
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,302] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-372G = TK372G_Radios
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,302] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-370G = TK370G_Radios
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,302] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-360G = TK360G_Radios
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,302] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-278G = TK278G_Radios
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,302] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-272G = TK272G_Radios
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,302] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-270G = TK270G_Radios
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,302] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-260G = TK260G_Radios
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,302] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-7102 = KenwoodTK7102Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,302] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-8102 = KenwoodTK8102Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,302] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-7108 = KenwoodTK7108Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,302] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-8108 = KenwoodTK8108Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,303] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-7180 = KenwoodTK7180Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,303] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-8180 = KenwoodTK8180Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,303] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-2180 = KenwoodTK2180Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,303] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-3180K = KenwoodTK3180K1Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,303] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TK-3180K2 = KenwoodTK3180K2Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,305] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TM-D710_CloneMode = KenwoodTMD710Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,305] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TM-D710G_CloneMode = KenwoodTMD710GRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,305] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TS-2000 = TS2000Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,305] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TS-480_CloneMode = TS480_CRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,305] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TS-590SG_CloneMode = TS590Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,306] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TS-590S_CloneMode = TS590SRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,306] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Kenwood_TS-850 = TS850Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,306] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered BTECH_UV-5X3 = UV5X3
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,306] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered MTC_UV-5R-3 = MTCUV5R3Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,308] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Baofeng_UV-6R = UV6R
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,308] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered BTECH_UV-50X3 = UV50X3
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,309] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_VX-170 = VX170Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,309] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_VX-2 = VX2Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,309] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_VX-3 = VX3Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,309] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_VX-5 = VX5Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,309] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_VX-6 = VX6Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,311] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_VX-7 = VX7Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,311] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_VX-8R = VX8Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,312] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_VX-8DR = VX8DRadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,312] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Yaesu_VX-8GE = VX8GERadio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,312] chirp.directory - INFO: Registered Vertex_Standard_VXA-700 = VXA700Radio
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,313] elib.intl - DEBUG: Set environment variable 'LANG' to 'en_US' ('kernel32.SetEnvironmentVariableW')
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,313] elib.intl - DEBUG: Set environment variable 'LANG' to 'en_US' ('msvcrt._putenv')
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,313] elib.intl - DEBUG: Set environment variable 'LANG' to 'en_US' ('msvcr90._putenv')
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,552] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,622] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2021-06-03 18:14:31,977] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2021-06-03 18:14:32,243] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2021-06-03 18:14:32,401] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2021-06-03 18:14:32,415] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2021-06-03 18:14:32,480] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2021-06-03 18:14:32,742] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2021-06-03 18:14:32,825] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2021-06-03 18:14:32,828] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2021-06-03 18:14:32,885] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2021-06-03 18:14:33,098] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2021-06-03 18:14:33,153] chirp.ui.mainapp - INFO: Skipping existing stock config
[2021-06-03 18:14:33,154] chirp.ui.reporting - DEBUG: Checking for updates
[2021-06-03 18:14:33,803] chirp.ui.reporting - DEBUG: Server reports version daily-20210520 is latest
[2021-06-03 18:14:37,961] chirp.ui.mainapp - DEBUG: User selected TYT TH-UVF1 on port COM3
[2021-06-03 18:14:38,506] chirp.ui.clone - DEBUG: Clone thread started
[2021-06-03 18:14:38,765] chirp.ui.reporting - DEBUG: Reporting exception
[2021-06-03 18:14:38,765] chirp.ui.common - ERROR: -- Exception: --
[2021-06-03 18:14:38,766] chirp.ui.common - ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "chirp\ui\clone.pyo", line 255, in run
File "chirp\drivers\thuv1f.pyo", line 216, in sync_in
File "chirp\drivers\thuv1f.pyo", line 47, in uvf1_download
File "chirp\drivers\thuv1f.pyo", line 34, in uvf1_identify
RadioError: Radio did not respond
[2021-06-03 18:14:38,766] chirp.ui.common - ERROR: ----------------
[2021-06-03 18:14:38,766] chirp.ui.clone - ERROR: Clone failed: Radio did not respond
[2021-06-03 18:14:38,782] chirp.ui.clone - DEBUG: Clone thread ended
[2021-06-03 18:14:38,782] chirp.ui.reporting - DEBUG: Reporting model usage: TYT_TH-UVF1,download,True
[2021-06-03 18:14:38,783] chirp.ui.reporting - DEBUG: Reporting exception
[2021-06-03 18:14:38,783] chirp.ui.inputdialog - ERROR: --- Exception Dialog: Radio did not respond ---
[2021-06-03 18:14:38,785] chirp.ui.inputdialog - ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "chirpw", line 68, in
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'
[2021-06-03 18:14:38,785] chirp.ui.inputdialog - ERROR: ----------------------------
Updated by Jim Unroe almost 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to Incomplete
CHIRP is not getting any data from the radio. This would indicate some sort of cabling issue.
Make sure that the 2-pin plug if fully inserted into the socket of the radio. Also make sure you are selecting the correct COM port.
Another thing to note is that Baofeng has recently started to manufacture their programming cables with the WCH CH340 USB-to-Serial chip. I have seen on more than one occaision where Windows loads and tries to use the Prolific driver even though the chip in the programming cable is WCH CH340/CH341 chip. This obviously does not work. Try installing the WCH CH340 driver. This has always worked for me when this is the case.
Links to all of the more common USB-to-Serial chip vendors driver pages are "here":http://www.miklor.com/COM/UV_Drivers.php.
Updated by Bora Akbay almost 4 years ago
I have tried the CH340 drivers but then started receiving "This device cannot start. (Code 10)" error in the device manager. Later on, I have found an app to check what the chip in the cable was (attaching it). It turns out that the chip is "PL-2303 XA / HXA" chip. I have also checked multiple times if the plug doesn't sit correctly but there is actually nothing that the plug can struggle through (no pins, no bumps) and have forced it as much as possible. However, the result is same. I have also checked the com port multiple times, even changed the com port of the USB multiple times (and restarted computer) so that I could have another chance but to no avail. Any other ideas?
Updated by Jim Unroe almost 4 years ago
- File 2021-01-28 08_15_58-Update Drivers - Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port (COM3).png 2021-01-28 08_15_58-Update Drivers - Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port (COM3).png added
Bora Akbay wrote:
I have tried the CH340 drivers but then started receiving "This device cannot start. (Code 10)" error in the device manager. Later on, I have found an app to check what the chip in the cable was (attaching it). It turns out that the chip is "PL-2303 XA / HXA" chip. I have also checked multiple times if the plug doesn't sit correctly but there is actually nothing that the plug can struggle through (no pins, no bumps) and have forced it as much as possible. However, the result is same. I have also checked the com port multiple times, even changed the com port of the USB multiple times (and restarted computer) so that I could have another chance but to no avail. Any other ideas?
Then you must not only download and install the older Prolific v3.2.0.0 (or v3.3.2.102 or v3.3.2.105) driver, you must manually select it as the one to use when your programming cable is plugged in.
Updated by Bora Akbay almost 4 years ago
- File debug.log debug.log added
- File pl2303-win10-master.zip pl2303-win10-master.zip added
I have tried John Stevenson's driver fix on GitHub and got half way with the cloning process. Attaching the debug log and the driver used. I hope this helps finding the problem.
Updated by Bora Akbay over 3 years ago
I have solved the problem by changing the cable with a CH340 chip cable. It seems that PL2303 doesn't work. This issue can be marked as "Resolved". Sincere thanks for all your help efforts.
Updated by Bernhard Hailer over 3 years ago
- Status changed from Incomplete to Closed
- Model affected changed from (All models) to USB to Serial cable
Closed as suggested by submitter.