

Kalle Tuulos

  • Registered on: 12/11/2018
  • Last sign in: 06/26/2020


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 2 2



02:57 AM CHIRP Bug #7993: Installation with apt package manager on Ubuntu (Focul) fails
"Focal" is correctly spelled and it is indeed the name of the Ubuntu 20.04 release.
> oh1hqz@oh1hqz:~$ lsb_release...
Kalle Tuulos


12:41 PM CHIRP Bug #6157: Yaesu FT-8900R Settings Tab Missing & Bands Tab Issues
Hi Shawn.
Chirp doesn't currently support FT-8900's settings, hyper memories etc. I just created a item #6357 to i...
Kalle Tuulos
12:34 PM CHIRP Feature #6357 (Closed): Yaesu FT-8900: hyper memories, home channels and settings to Chirp
Current Chirp version doesn't have any support for Yaesu FT-8900's hyper memories, home channels and settings. I have... Kalle Tuulos


09:27 PM CHIRP Revision 06cdbc87 (github): [FT8900] Deleted inherited get_bank_model function, fixes #6293
The FT-8900 inherits its class from FT-8800, which defines also the
get_bank_model function. The existence of this fu...
Kalle Tuulos
01:01 PM CHIRP Bug #6293: Special channels button clears all memories / Yaesu FT-8900
The correction for this problem is in the following diff output:... Kalle Tuulos
01:05 AM CHIRP Bug #6293: Special channels button clears all memories / Yaesu FT-8900
I studied the file, where FT-8900 memory is defined. The problem is, that MEM_FORMAT8900 does not have "ban... Kalle Tuulos


11:39 PM CHIRP Bug #6293: Special channels button clears all memories / Yaesu FT-8900
And one more update. The error requires, that the "Banks" page is visited before pressing Special Channels button. Th... Kalle Tuulos
11:33 PM CHIRP Bug #6293: Special channels button clears all memories / Yaesu FT-8900
After fiddling more with this, the "Special Channels" button seems to work sometimes. When it doesn't work, it shows ... Kalle Tuulos
11:22 PM CHIRP Bug #6293 (Closed): Special channels button clears all memories / Yaesu FT-8900
Background: Yeasu FT-8900 memories are imported from radio or loaded from image file. Special Channels button is pres... Kalle Tuulos

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