New Model #8985
closedBaofeng BF-X3plus
Is there a plan to add the new Baofeng BF-X3plus radio to the CHIRP programing files? If so, is there an ECD?
Updated by DION SALFEN almost 4 years ago
Forgot to mention, Equip Loan avaolable. Dion
Updated by Bernhard Hailer almost 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to Incomplete
- Equipment Loan/Gift Offered changed from No to Yes
Can you connect with the radio when you select Baofeng BF-F8HP in Chirp?
Updated by Jim Unroe almost 4 years ago
The BF-X3plus kind of reminds me of my Baofeng BF-A58S (basically a UV-82 in a different case with only a single PTT button and 3 bands). I would give that model selection a try.
Updated by DION SALFEN almost 4 years ago
Bernhard, Jim,
Boy, thx for the quick reply. Here is what I have found. I've only downloaded the radio, haven't tried to upload yet.
Using the Baofeng BF-F8HP as Bernhard suggested I was able to downloaded the radio.
Also found that both the BF-A58S, as Jim suggested, and the GT-3WP downloaded however both of these are Beta Releases not sure if this makes a difference.
Hope this helps others out.
Dion, KK6TMF
Updated by Jim Unroe almost 4 years ago
Bernhard, Jim,
Boy, thx for the quick reply. Here is what I have found. I've only downloaded the radio, haven't tried to upload yet.
Using the Baofeng BF-F8HP as Bernhard suggested I was able to downloaded the radio.
Also found that both the BF-A58S, as Jim suggested, and the GT-3WP downloaded however both of these are Beta Releases not sure if this makes a difference.
Hope this helps others out.
Dion, KK6TMF
Unfortunately Baofeng has been getting away from providing differing "magic" strings and responses that CHIRP has used in the past in order to be able to keep the model variations separate. So it is becoming less possible for CHIRP to narrow the choices down to a single correct radio and more important for the user to understand and choose the most correct model for their radio.
The reason I mention that this is a UV-82 like radio is because of the keypad layout. The 0 key of this radio is in the bottom row like a telephone (as it is on the keypad of a UV-82). The 0 key of a UV-5R like radio is in the right keypad column. If you choose the wrong model, CHIRP will display settings that your radio doesn't support, and worse, your radio will have settings that CHIRP won't provide and support for. A quick way to determine which model type that you should be using with your radio is the number of menu choices that your radio has. If it has 40 menu choices, you should be selecting a UV-5R like radio model. If your radio has 41 menu choices, you should be selecting a UV-82 like radio model. Some examples for variations and their appropriate choices are shown below.
Baofeng like radios with 40 menu choices.
2 TX power levels, 2 bands: Baofeng UV-5R
3 TX power levels, 2 bands: Baofeng BF-F8HP
2 TX power levels, 3 bands: Radioddity UV-5RX3
Baofeng like radios with 41 menus choices.
2 TX power levels, 2 bands: Baofeng UV-82
3 TX power levels, 2 bands: Baofeng UV-82HP
2 TX power levels, 3 bands: Baofeng BF-A58S
- if your radio has 40 menus and you choose UV-82 or UV-82HP, you won't have access to any UV-5R specific settings.
- if your radio has 41 menus and you choose UV-5R or BF-F8HP, you won't have access to any UV-82 specific settings.
- if your radio has 2 TX power levels and you choose BF-F8HP or UV-82HP, CHIRP will offer setting 3 TX power levels but won't program the TX power levels of your radio properly.
- if your radio has 3 TX power levels and you choose UV-5R or UV-82, CHIRP will only offer settings for 2 TX power levels.
- if your radio has 3 bands an you don't choose Radioddity UV-5RX3 or Baofeng BF-A58S, CHIRP won't support programming frequencies in the 220 MHz band.
The beta notice is just something that was added back in 2012 when support for the UV-5R was first added to CHIRP. Since many radios models share the same driver, this notice is shared among many radio models. The drivers for the Baofeng UV-5R like and UV-82 like models are probably the most tested and used drivers in CHIRP. Like most notices like these, it is rare that someone bothers to go back later to create a patch for the sole purpose of removing these "beta" notices. Always save the first successful download, unedited, to a CHIRP Radio Images (*.img) file to be kept in a safe place as a backup.
Updated by Jody Bryant almost 4 years ago
I just ordered one of these BF-X3 plus radios although I probably should have looked around before doing so as the only place I can find information on them is the places that are selling them. No user manual, it isn't even listed on the US baofeng website. But either way, when I get it in, I wouldn't mind helping in getting chirp going on it or trying various methods to see if the current version could be "made" to work.
Updated by DION SALFEN almost 4 years ago
Here is a little update. Tried all UV-82 Chirp variants, only UV-82WP worked. Tried all UV-5R variants, only UV-5XP worked.
Remember, this is only basic radio download. Have not checked upload or all functionalities.
BTW, need to have volume control set to 100% for it to work.
Dion, KK6TMF
P.S. only bought this radio as my other Baofeng is not accessible until late summer.
Updated by Jody Bryant almost 4 years ago
curious if you, Dion, or anyone else might of tried the BF-A58S as that has the same frequency band ranges and similar other features on paper. There was a guy on youtube in the comments of the only video I could find in regards to the BF-3X plus that did say he got UV-5XP to work for him on download and upload of configuration. Although I can't try until the one I ordered today gets here.
Updated by DION SALFEN almost 4 years ago
Jody, Here is a link to a manual identical to the BX-X3 but w/o the 200-260-MHz capability (page 23). The web link says it is for the UV-9R which is incorrect.
Updated by DION SALFEN almost 4 years ago
Jody, the BF-A58S also worked for download. Haven't had time to check any uploads yet.
Updated by Jody Bryant almost 4 years ago
In this video this man is using the BF-X3 plus to monitor brazilian pirate satcoms and claims it is programmable as a UV-82x3. I added a comment and asked for clarification.
Updated by DION SALFEN almost 4 years ago
might work but the UV-82x3 is not in the Chirp dropdown menu.
Updated by Jody Bryant almost 4 years ago
You are right Dion. And that is why I've asked the gentleman that posted the video for clarification. Don't know if I'll get an answer back, but one never knows.
Updated by Jody Bryant almost 4 years ago
And it could be that he said UV-82III instead of x3 as well
Updated by Jim Unroe almost 4 years ago
might work but the UV-82x3 is not in the Chirp dropdown menu.
The UV-82X3 is a Radioddity model.
Updated by Jim Unroe almost 4 years ago
Jody Bryant wrote:
And it could be that he said UV-82III instead of x3 as well
The UV-82III is an alias of the BF-A58S, which is the model I recommend based on the similarity of the case design (as seen "here": on the Baofeng (the radio manufacturer in China) website).
Updated by Bernhard Hailer almost 4 years ago
Does everybody agree that the BF-A58S is the best selection for the BF-X3+? If so, let's add the radio to the list of Supported Radios.
Updated by DION SALFEN almost 4 years ago
Tried the BF-A58S, GT-3WP and BF-F8HP all downloaded to fresh radio, haven't had time to upload and ring out.
Updated by Jim Unroe almost 4 years ago
Tried the BF-A58S, GT-3WP and BF-F8HP all downloaded to fresh radio, haven't had time to upload and ring out.
No need to bother with GT-3WP or BF-F8HP, neither support the 220 MHz band.
Updated by Jody Bryant almost 4 years ago
The BF-X3 Plus I ordered isn't supposed to be delivered to me until Thursday so I won't be able to test until then. I'm thinking at this point the UV-82III/BFA585S will be the best candidate at this point and that is just based on the research I've done. Nothing that I can confirm or deny at this point though.
Updated by Jody Bryant almost 4 years ago
I received my Baofeng BF-X3 Plus today via UPS a few days early. I was able to make an img of the radio with chirp with the BF-A58S profile, take out the frequencies that I wouldn't be using and put in my own along with some in the 220 mhz range, NOAA frequencies and a few others just to test with and uploaded them to the radio with success. The radio performs as expected. All menu items remained the same. Although it isn't at the advertised 18W tx power, LOL. Standard baofeng fair on the TX power of close to 5W. Battery is listed as 9500 mAh too, but I would dare say not, but I don't have a way to measure that at the moment. Long story short, I believe the BF-A58S is a good alias for the BF-X3 Plus.
Updated by Jim Unroe almost 4 years ago
Jody Bryant wrote:
I believe the BF-A58S is a good alias for the BF-X3 Plus.
Added to the "Supported Radio Models": list as such. Thanks.
Updated by Bernhard Hailer almost 4 years ago
- Status changed from Incomplete to Closed
Thanks everyone!