


  • Registered on: 04/14/2021
  • Last sign in: 04/26/2021


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05:53 PM CHIRP New Model #8985: Baofeng BF-X3plus
Tried the BF-A58S, GT-3WP and BF-F8HP all downloaded to fresh radio, haven't had time to upload and ring out. DION SALFEN


10:54 AM CHIRP New Model #8985: Baofeng BF-X3plus
might work but the UV-82x3 is not in the Chirp dropdown menu. DION SALFEN


12:16 PM CHIRP New Model #8985: Baofeng BF-X3plus
Jody, the BF-A58S also worked for download. Haven't had time to check any uploads yet. DION SALFEN
11:24 AM CHIRP New Model #8985: Baofeng BF-X3plus
Jody, Here is a link to a manual identical to the BX-X3 but w/o the 200-260-MHz capability (page 23). The web link s... DION SALFEN
10:50 AM CHIRP New Model #8985: Baofeng BF-X3plus
Here is a little update. Tried all UV-82 Chirp variants, only UV-82WP worked. Tried all UV-5R variants, only UV-5XP w... DION SALFEN


11:14 PM CHIRP New Model #8985: Baofeng BF-X3plus
Bernhard, Jim,
Boy, thx for the quick reply. Here is what I have found. I've only downloaded the radio, haven't t...
02:53 PM CHIRP New Model #8985: Baofeng BF-X3plus
Forgot to mention, Equip Loan avaolable. Dion DION SALFEN
02:39 PM CHIRP New Model #8985 (Closed): Baofeng BF-X3plus
Is there a plan to add the new Baofeng BF-X3plus radio to the CHIRP programing files? If so, is there an ECD? DION SALFEN

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