



Bug #8327


AnyTone AT-778UV Program Import Error

Added by Bobby Kirbos over 4 years ago. Updated over 4 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Chirp Version:
Model affected:
AnyTone AT-778UV
Debug Log:
I read the instructions above:


I used the manufacturer's software to program the radio. I then downloaded the program from the radio into CHIRP. Once processed, all of the DPL codes are incorrect. They all show a value of "023". The CTCSS/PL tones are correct. All other channel data seems to be correct as well.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or if you need more supporting documentation.



AT-778UV.dat (44.7 KB) AT-778UV.dat AnyTone software program data file Bobby Kirbos, 10/23/2020 08:36 AM (33.8 KB) Joe Milbourn, 10/23/2020 01:07 PM
AnyTone_778UV_20201023.img (12.8 KB) AnyTone_778UV_20201023.img Bobby Kirbos, 10/23/2020 05:18 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Bobby Kirbos over 4 years ago

CHIRP version: 20201008

Actions #2

Updated by Bernhard Hailer over 4 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Incomplete

I assume you are looking at a CSV export? 023 is the default digital "tone". If you select TONE or TSQL, then the 023 will always be there, but it will be simply disregarded.
If you see this on an imported image within CHIRP, then it might be a AT-778UV driver quirk - it doesn't show e.g. for a Yaesu FT-25R.

Actions #3

Updated by Bernhard Hailer over 4 years ago

  • Model affected changed from (All models) to AnyTone AT-778UV
  • Platform changed from Windows to All
Actions #4

Updated by Bobby Kirbos over 4 years ago

If you see this on an imported image within CHIRP <-- this.

All of the channels are there, and every channel with a digital PL shows that there is a digital PL, but every channel shows 023. The analog PL tones DO seem to load and show correctly.

Actions #5

Updated by Jim Unroe over 4 years ago

Sounds like the "Hide Unused Fields" setting located in the "View" drop down menu of the Toolbar was either intentionally or accidentally disabled (it is enabled by default on new CHIRP installations). Here is how the "Hide Unused Fields" setting is designed to work.

Hide Unused Fields (Enabled): Suppresses/hides all PL/DPL fields that are not being used based on the current Tone Mode and Cross Mode selections. For example...

Tone Mode = Tone: Only the Tone field is being used and shows a value. All other PL/DPL related fields are unused and are therefor blank.

Tone Mode = TSQL: Only the ToneSql field being used and shows a value. All other PL/DPL related fields are unused and are therefor blank.

Hide Unused Fields (Disabled): Displays all PL/DPL related fields regardless if they are currently being being used or not. Unused fields will display the default values for those fields (88.5 for Tone and ToneSql / 023 for DTCS Code and DTCS Rx Code). For example...

Tone Mode = Tone: Even though only the Tone field value is being used, all other PL/DPL fields show their default value even though they are not used and are being ignored by CHIRP.

Tone Mode = TSQL: Even though only the ToneSql field value is being used, all other PL/DPL fields show their default value even though they are not used and are being ignored by CHIRP.

So if you do have the Hide Unused Fields setting disabled, then what you are experiencing is by design and expected. If you don't want this behavior (only experienced CHIRP users should disable the Hide Unused Fields setting), then enable Hide Unused Fields as it was when CHIRP was first installed.


Actions #6

Updated by Bobby Kirbos over 4 years ago

Thank you for the replies, but that is not the case. "Hide Unused Fields" in checked.

When I get off from work and have a few minutes, I will make a video of what I am doing and the result I am getting.

Actions #7

Updated by Bobby Kirbos over 4 years ago

I've uploaded a video showing what is going on.

Thank you to all who work on this project.

Actions #8

Updated by Joe Milbourn over 4 years ago

Bobby Kirbos wrote:

I've uploaded a video showing what is going on.

That helps, thank you. Please could you attach the image from the anytone software here? A copy of your debug log (see How To Report Issues on the wiki) would be useful too.

Actions #9

Updated by Bobby Kirbos over 4 years ago

I've attached the data file for the AnyTone factory software. I did some other radio programming last night, so I will need to regenerate the error and get a copy of the error log later.

Actions #10

Updated by Joe Milbourn over 4 years ago

Bobby Kirbos wrote:

I've attached the data file for the AnyTone factory software.

Well, I can reproduce the same thing here. I think it's probably me not understanding DevelopersToneModes correctly.

Would you try this updated version of the driver (attached and let me know if it does what you expect?

To load it into your chirp:

Download and put it somewhere convienent, doesn't matter where. You might have to click the link and then select download.

Start Chirp and select 'Enable Developer Functions' from the 'Help' menu

From the 'File' menu select 'Load Module' and browse to wherever you saved and select it.

The chirp window will go red - that's OK.

Download from the radio as normal (maybe send the original file from the anytone software first to make sure it's clean).

Thank you!

Actions #11

Updated by Jim Unroe over 4 years ago


Neither driver (current driver or test driver provided above) works for my Retevis RT95. In CHIRP I don't even get the "023" (Tone Mode is set to "(None)"). If I program channels with DPL tones using CHIRP, upload to radio and download to factory software, then they should up as "D023N".


Actions #12

Updated by Bobby Kirbos over 4 years ago

The driver posted above WORKED!!! THANK YOU!!!

The CHIRP file made from the radio import using the driver above is attached. I did NOT write the configuration back to the radio however. If I try that and it causes errors, I will open a new ticket for it.

So how does this work now... Is the above updated driver now part of my local configuration, or will I need to load the module each time until it is baked into a release?

Actions #13

Updated by Jim Unroe over 4 years ago

Bobby Kirbos wrote:

So how does this work now... Is the above updated driver now part of my local configuration, or will I need to load the module each time until it is baked into a release?

The above driver is just an experimental driver. It in now way permanently changes your CHIRP installation. Every time you load CHIRP you will have to load this driver before you can have access to the changes make by this driver.


Actions #14

Updated by Jim Unroe over 4 years ago

Bobby Kirbos wrote:

The driver posted above WORKED!!! THANK YOU!!!

The CHIRP file made from the radio import using the driver above is attached.

What do you mean "file made from the radio import"?. Do you mean from a CSV file? If I use the factory software to program channels into the radio that have DTCS codes and then download the radio into CHIRP, the newly programmed channels show up in CHIRP with Tone Mode set to "(None)". I would assume that a channel programmed from the radio's keypad would have the same issue.


Actions #15

Updated by Joe Milbourn over 4 years ago

Jim Unroe wrote:

If I use the factory software to program channels into the radio that have DTCS codes and then download the radio into CHIRP, the newly programmed channels show up in CHIRP with Tone Mode set to "(None)".

Jim, what did you set the squelch mode to in the factory software? If it's set to "Carrier" then the DCS settings won't get imported. Caught me out a just now trying to reproduce this.

Actions #16

Updated by Jim Unroe over 4 years ago

Joe Milbourn wrote:

Jim Unroe wrote:

If I use the factory software to program channels into the radio that have DTCS codes and then download the radio into CHIRP, the newly programmed channels show up in CHIRP with Tone Mode set to "(None)".

Jim, what did you set the squelch mode to in the factory software? If it's set to "Carrier" then the DCS settings won't get imported. Caught me out a just now trying to reproduce this.


I was hoping that it was that simple but Squelch Mode is set to CTCSS/DCS on all 3 of my test channels.

I'm going to try it again to make sure it wasn't something I did (or didn't do).


Actions #17

Updated by Jim Unroe over 4 years ago

Jim Unroe wrote:

I'm going to try it again to make sure it wasn't something I did (or didn't do).

I don't know what I was doing the other day, but after trying it again it is working perfectly. I even programmed split DTCS codes using Duplex = Cross and Cross Mode = DTCS->DTCS and even tested with the DTCS Pol inverted.

All looks good here. Sorry about that.


Actions #18

Updated by Joe Milbourn over 4 years ago

Jim Unroe wrote:

I don't know what I was doing the other day, but after trying it again it is working perfectly. I even programmed split DTCS codes using Duplex = Cross and Cross Mode = DTCS->DTCS and even tested with the DTCS Pol inverted.

Well, that's good news! On reflection, I think I should probably store the DTCS/CTCSS settings even if they're not enabled, as that's what the factory s/w does.

Thanks for testing (yet again ;).


Actions #19

Updated by Joe Milbourn over 4 years ago

  • Status changed from Incomplete to Closed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

Applied in changeset commit:a732abec78ad.


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