

Bobby Kirbos

  • Registered on: 10/14/2020
  • Last connection: 07/30/2022


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 2 2



05:21 PM CHIRP New Model #9945 (Rejected): 10m "export" radios
Thinking Stryker, Lincoln, AnyTone,
These are sold in the US for export, but can be modified to operate i...
Bobby Kirbos


06:06 AM CHIRP Feature #8447: AnyTone AT-778UV
Jim, _MANY_ thanks. Your work on this is very much appreciated. So far, what I have tested on both modules works we... Bobby Kirbos


07:25 AM CHIRP Feature #8447: AnyTone AT-778UV
For the price, this is a pretty decent radio. The manufacturer software, though usable, is VERY clunky.
At the ve...
Bobby Kirbos


05:18 PM CHIRP Bug #8327: AnyTone AT-778UV Program Import Error
The driver posted above WORKED!!! THANK YOU!!!
The CHIRP file made from the radio import using the driver above is...
Bobby Kirbos
08:36 AM CHIRP Bug #8327: AnyTone AT-778UV Program Import Error
I've attached the data file for the AnyTone factory software. I did some other radio programming last night, so I wi... Bobby Kirbos


05:49 PM CHIRP Bug #8327: AnyTone AT-778UV Program Import Error
I've uploaded a video showing what is going on.
Thank you to all who work on this pr...
Bobby Kirbos
01:42 PM CHIRP Bug #8327: AnyTone AT-778UV Program Import Error
Thank you for the replies, but that is not the case. "Hide Unused Fields" in checked.
When I get off from work an...
Bobby Kirbos
11:45 AM CHIRP Bug #8327: AnyTone AT-778UV Program Import Error
_If you see this on an imported image within CHIRP_ *<-- this*.
All of the channels are there, and every channel w...
Bobby Kirbos


08:43 AM CHIRP Bug #8327: AnyTone AT-778UV Program Import Error
CHIRP version: 20201008
Bobby Kirbos
08:40 AM CHIRP Bug #8327 (Closed): AnyTone AT-778UV Program Import Error
I used the manufacturer's software to program the radio. I then downloaded the program from the radio into CHIRP. O... Bobby Kirbos

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