



New Model #376


66-88Mhz, Wouxun KG-UV6D

Added by Stan White about 12 years ago. Updated about 12 years ago.

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Greetings, and firstly allow me to thank you Gentleman for making the software available.

I apologise if I have not aimed this at the right place, and I don't know if this should be treated as a bug, or support for a new radio model.

I have a Wouxun KG-UV6D, intended for 136-174Mhz and 66-88Mhz. It works well on those bands, but although I have successfully used different software to programme it, CHIRP does not like the 70Mhz setting (4 metres in the UK). By hiding the channels with those frequencies, CHIRP happily programmes in the two metre frequencies I am using. (in my case, uploading to the radio channels 27 to 44. The 70Mhz frequencies occupy channels 1 - 26)

What I had done was to download from the radio when it was brand new, import a csv file from my Baofeng 5R, amend all the channels 1 to 26 to 70Mhz channels, and then attempt to upload to the radio. CHIRP did not allow this. The version I used was the daily build dated 16th November.

The Baofeng UV-5R works fine, as does the KG-UV6D I own for 2m and 70cms.

Happy holidays,

73 de Stan, G4EGH


Actions #1

Updated by Dan Smith about 12 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)
  • Status changed from New to Feedback
  • Assignee set to Filippi Marco

Marco, is this something you might have an idea about?

Actions #2

Updated by Filippi Marco about 12 years ago

Stan, can you please provide us a memory image of that 70MHz KG-UV6D?

Actions #3

Updated by Stan White about 12 years ago

Thanks Fillipi,

           The img file I have uploaded was taken directly from the radio, saved to disk, and uploaded here.

The radio is new, and it can handle the 2.5k step via software. It also has a female SMA for the antenna.

Regards and 73,

Stan, G4EGH

Actions #4

Updated by Filippi Marco about 12 years ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

A patch with enlarged allowed frequency ranges has been sent to developers list and will (probably) be included in next days daily build.
Please let us know if it works as expected.

73 de IZ3GME Marco

Actions #5

Updated by Stan White about 12 years ago

Thank You, Marco,

              I will load the new patch as soon as released, and report back. Your assistance is much appreciated.

73 de Stan, G4EGH

Actions #6

Updated by Stan White about 12 years ago

Thank you, Marco,

            I have loaded the daily release dated 9th January 2013, and it works OK with the 70Mhz frequencies I put in the KG-UV6D

Your assistance is much appreciated,


73 de Stan, G4EGH

Actions #7

Updated by Dan Smith about 12 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Closed
  • Target version set to 0.3.0

Thanks Marco!


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