



Bug #11596


Quansheng UV-5R (99) - Scambler

Added by Andreas Waschefort 5 months ago. Updated 5 months ago.

Target version:
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Chirp Version:
Model affected:
Quansheng UV-5R (99)
Debug Log:
I read the instructions above:



How i can found the scambler menue in my radio ?
With chirp i can programm it.

Actions #1

Updated by Dan Smith 5 months ago

Are you asking how to configure this on the radio itself or within chirp? I thought you were already able to program it with chirp?

Actions #2

Updated by Andreas Waschefort 5 months ago

I ask to configure it in the radio.

In original Radio 5(8)and 5(99) it is in menu 11 SCN (1-10)

Von: Dan Smith
Gesendet: Dienstag, 8. Oktober 2024 01:35
Betreff: [CHIRP - Bug #11596] Quansheng UV-5R (99) - Scambler

Actions #3

Updated by Dan Smith 5 months ago

Okay, CHIRP has no control over how the radio itself behaves. CHIRP uploads memory contents only, not firmware, so we have no way of changing how the radio menu behaves.

Actions #4

Updated by Andreas Waschefort 5 months ago

Hello Dan ,

ok thanks for the explanation.

But if you can set the scrambler in chirp, why not in the radio menu?

If I configure the scrambler in chirp and it works, it should also be possible to integrate it into the radio menu

In the 11488 py driver, there is also a section for the scrambler settings


SCRAMBLER_LIST = ["off", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10"]

Von: Dan Smith
Gesendet: Dienstag, 8. Oktober 2024 23:40
Betreff: [CHIRP - Bug #11596] Quansheng UV-5R (99) - Scambler

Actions #5

Updated by Dan Smith 5 months ago

Whether or not it's honored by the radio itself, and whether or not it's available in the menu of the radio is fully determined only by the author of the firmware in the radio. CHIRP has no control over this at all. Again, CHIRP is uploading memory contents not firmware. Remember, you have a modified firmware from what Quansheng shipped. That modified firmware may have simply removed the item from the menu, but it still honors the memory location that indicates to the radio's processor whether or not the scrambler should be enabled.

Again, to be very clear, CHIRP cannot control whether or not the radio exposes that option in the menu, unless there's a bit in memory that controls whether or not it is visible (although I have never once seen an example of such thing).

Actions #6

Updated by Andreas Waschefort 5 months ago

Thanks for the explanation. Now I have understood it.

We can only change the settings that are already in the firmware,

but cannot change or add pages in the menu of the radio.

This is only possible in the firmware.

BTW. Yesterday I see the look display again. I don’t know why ….
I took the old look file from radio, change anything, and upload it
then radio is unlook.

Then I test some things only with radio, but do no up or download….
After some time I switch the radios off and on… and both are loock again.

Then i only upload the look file with made changes, unlook…

I switch the unlock radios (2) off… after some minutes on… and I see LOOK again

Then i take an another img file, wich work fine on other radios,
all work fine, no Look screen anymore.
t ,must be an problem in the LOOK img file.
When I have time, I reset the radios and generate an new img file with same settings in old LOOK img
Then I see if is the old IMG files wrong or any setting in the new img file

Von: Dan Smith
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 10. Oktober 2024 00:05
Betreff: [CHIRP - Bug #11596] Quansheng UV-5R (99) - Scambler


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