



Feature #1149


UVB5 doesnt allow "split" duplex

Added by Zachary Lincoln over 11 years ago. Updated over 11 years ago.

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I read the instructions above:


Cannot use the split function in duplex for current daily build

I cannot input land mobile repeaters that arent a specific offset i.e. -.6mhz

Please help!


ScreenPrint.jpg (319 KB) ScreenPrint.jpg Zachary Lincoln, 09/25/2013 12:20 AM
Test.img (4.05 KB) Test.img Zachary Lincoln, 09/25/2013 12:21 AM
Actions #1

Updated by Filippi Marco over 11 years ago

Can you please be more specific?
Please see and include the log and the radio image.

73 de IZ3GME Marco

Actions #2

Updated by Zachary Lincoln over 11 years ago

Attached radio file and screen shot of problem... If you open black chirp file it allows you to have duplex set to (+,-, off, none, or split) and split is missing with the b5.


Actions #3

Updated by Zachary Lincoln over 11 years ago

Here is the radio file

Actions #4

Updated by Filippi Marco over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Rejected

I'm sorry, I didn't check the manual carefully enough to notice that the radio itself does not support split operations.
Anyway you can program a different shift offset for each memory; shift is limited to 69.995 MHz which should allow the use of all "single band" repeater.

73 de IZ3GME Marco

Actions #5

Updated by Zachary Lincoln over 11 years ago

So how come there can't be split with a max deviation of 60 MHz. Since this a part 90 compliant narrowband radio. So lots of people are going to have land mobile frequencies. An example when you have to input a tx of 153.995 and a RX of 160.3725. It is going to be a pain to figure out the offset for all the frequencies. It would be easier to use the stock software that allows the RX and tx to be imputed separted

FYI there are over a dozen members of my fire department alone that have purchased And use the radio for emergency operations


Actions #6

Updated by Dan Smith over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Rejected to Feedback

Just to clarify, this driver does support split.

What you're experiencing is a quirk in the UI related to a disconnect with how CHIRP represents things and how the radio does. Let me explain:

CHIRP was designed for amateur radios, which represent duplex channels as the RX frequency +/- an offset for the TX frequency. LMR radios do it just as a separate TX and RX frequency (i.e. split mode). Internally to the radio, the UVB5 (and others) store only the TX and RX frequency. This presents a conflict for CHIRP because it has no way of knowing, when looking at the radio, whether the user asked for a split or regular +/- channel. Thus, it takes the following tact:

  1. If the split is less than some amount, assume it's a +/- channel
  2. If it's greater, assume it's a split channel.

So, I think what you're seeing is: you're putting in a split with a very small delta (600kHz) between TX and RX, and so CHIRP shows that as a +/- channel. The frequencies are the same as you'd expect, it's just a quirk in how it's displayed.

If you program the radio with what you have, you should see the proper TX and RX frequencies accordingly.

Make sense?

Actions #7

Updated by Filippi Marco over 11 years ago

No Dan, that's another radio ;)

Zachary .. I found that info at page 15 of the manual
We'll try to see if we can calculate the offsets in the software from split tx and rx frequencies info. This will take a while ...

73 de IZ3GME Marco

Actions #8

Updated by Dan Smith over 11 years ago

Yep, I was looking at the UV5R driver, ignore me :)

Actions #9

Updated by Dan Smith over 11 years ago

It's important to note, however, that you can just do the math yourself to enter the frequencies into the radio. Type in the receive frequency, and then the appropriate offset required to get to the transmit frequency desired.

Actions #10

Updated by Filippi Marco over 11 years ago

Following Zachary suggestion we implemented split for the uv-b5 to avoid users doing math.
Patches are already on the developers list and will be included in upcoming daily build.

73 de IZ3GME Marco

Actions #11

Updated by Filippi Marco over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Closed

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