



Bug #10773


Yaesu FT4XR Simplex Duplex Off Settings Not Working

Added by Ray Torella about 1 year ago. Updated about 1 year ago.

Target version:
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Chirp Version:
Model affected:
Yasesu FT-4XR
Debug Log:
I read the instructions above:


Installed latest update, thanks for fixing bug where new channels would not write to FT-4XR. With latest version, when simplex is set to "blank" under "Duplex" column, none of the 4 simplex freqs transmit. When I change the freqs to OFF they TRANSMIT. Previous version was the other way around. I tested several times on my FT4XR with same effect. I have nodes that have TSQ and are simplex. When changed to OFF they transmit the TSQ's and activate my nodes. If I change the Duplex setting to blank (simplex), none of the nodes receive from my radio. Change them back to OFF and send to radio and they are operational again. Last thing is I also have NOAA 162.400 saved as a channel. Either blank or OFF settings, if I am playing NOAA freq on scanner and key radio, it silences the receive of NOAA on my scanner which means it is transmitting either way. Again with the previous version it was correct for my simplex nodes. Duplex settings "blank" would transmit and "Off" would not. New version has flipped flopped. Thanks, KF6OJE


Screenshot 2023-07-20 101814.jpg (30.5 KB) Screenshot 2023-07-20 101814.jpg Ray Torella, 08/05/2023 10:19 AM
AScreenshot 2023-08-05 101614.jpg (236 KB) AScreenshot 2023-08-05 101614.jpg Ray Torella, 08/05/2023 10:21 AM (52.7 KB) 768c899d Dan Smith, 08/05/2023 10:34 AM
debug.log (7.37 KB) debug.log Debug File Ray Torella, 08/05/2023 01:33 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Dan Smith about 1 year ago

Are you saying some previous version if chirp programmed the simplex/duplex/off setting correctly and that current versions no longer do? Please indicate exactly which version works. I don't have one of these radios, so I can't test and diagnose this myself.

There hasn't really been any change to this driver in a long time that should have any effect like this. The recent fix made a small change to the memory format, but not something that should have changed this, AFAIK.

Actions #2

Updated by Ray Torella about 1 year ago

Yes Dan. Previous version I would go to Duplex column, do drop down and select "blank". Save to radio and it would transmit to nodes 100%. If turned to OFF, no transmit. Updated CHIRP yesterday and thank you for adding channels from previous bug report. The new version has flipped flopped. If duplex is "blank" no transmit or not sending TSQ codes. Had to change all simplex's to OFF in order to transmit to nodes 100%

Actions #3

Updated by Dan Smith about 1 year ago

Ray, please tell me a specific version that worked. "Previous version" doesn't mean much and I don't have a radio to test with. You can get old versions here:

31-July is when I made the fix to the ft4 driver, so perhaps test the one before that?

The thing I'm confused about is that the bug in the ft4 driver that I fixed was preventing any changes being uploaded to the radio (according to you and another person) so I'm not sure how the duplex could have been working in that version if chirp wasn't uploading changes to the radio... Can you help clarify? These details matter, especially since I don't have one of these to test with to see what is actually going on myself.


Actions #4

Updated by Ray Torella about 1 year ago


Previous version was 20230731 that would not write to radio. If I uploaded radio to CHIRP all of the simplex channels showed "OFF" in duplex column. I could change the duplex settings back and fourth and it would program it to the radio. Thus I could turn transmit on or off. With the new version 20230803 when I upload the radio, it still shows "off" but radio transmits on the simplexes. If I change deplex to "blank" it is a reverse of the previous version. Set to "blank" and sent to radio, no transmit received by simplex nodes. Change CHIRP back to "off" and radio communicates to node 100%. I appreciate that you were able to fix the ability to add remove channels with current version. Not sure on why the new version flipped flopped to "off" allows transmit and "blank" (duplex column) does not transmit. So for the time being, all my simplex channels properly transmit even though when I upload the radio and leave it on "off" transmit works. No idea why the duplex settings flipped on the new version but that is what it is doing. Thanks......

Actions #5

Updated by Ray Torella about 1 year ago

Dan, attached is a screenshot of how the new version is set in order to transmit on simplex. Does not matter if they have tones or not. OFF allows transmit and blank in duplex cuts transmit.

Actions #6

Updated by Ray Torella about 1 year ago

Sent wrong screenshot sorry! See attached. thanks

Actions #7

Updated by Dan Smith about 1 year ago

  • Subject changed from Yaesy FT4XR Simplex Duplex Off Settings Not Working to Yaesu FT4XR Simplex Duplex Off Settings Not Working

Pete are you able to confirm or clarify any of what Ray is reporting here? I'm not able to reconcile the "can't upload to the radio but can set duplex correctly" before the change we recently made.

Otherwise, this will probably have to wait for a developer that has one of these radios and the time/desire to diagnose and resolve this.

Actions #8

Updated by Dan Smith about 1 year ago

Ray, this attached module expands the duplex field by one bit which is the only thing from the previous change that might have impacted this behavior. Please load it per LoadingTestModules, test, and attach a debug log per How_To_Report_Issues .

Actions #9

Updated by Ray Torella about 1 year ago

Dan, will be happy to do the module test. What do you mean by "test" after loading the module? What tests do you want me to perform before grabbing the debug log? Are you wanting me to load the module and do anything with my radio? As you can tell, I am inexperienced in these things. Also it says "NOTE: Once you close CHIRP you will have to re-load the driver module in order to have the added fixes or features again". What is that? thanks

Actions #10

Updated by Dan Smith about 1 year ago

Dan, will be happy to do the module test. What do you mean by "test" after loading the module? What tests do you want me to perform before grabbing the debug log? Are you wanting me to load the module and do anything with my radio?

...I mean see if the behavior you're experiencing is better or not. See if the duplex settings you're choosing are reflected properly in the radio. To be honest I'm having a hard time understanding your description of the problem, so I'm trying to look at the changes made and offering you something to try to see if it helps. Again, without one of these radios I'm shooting in the dark.

As you can tell, I am inexperienced in these things. Also it says "NOTE: Once you close CHIRP you will have to re-load the driver module in order to have the added fixes or features again". What is that? thanks

I'm not sure how else to explain it. Start chirp, load the module and the driver contains the change for you to try. If you close chirp, it will be back to the version of the driver shipped in that version.

Actions #11

Updated by Ray Torella about 1 year ago

Dan, The test module loaded successfully. I ran some interesting tests than copied the attached debug file. Here is what I found. On a simplex without tones, it transmits with duplex either blank or off. The effected ones have tones (TSQ). On those, when I change duplex setting to blank, my HT does transmit a signal. I can see the red light and transmit line on the screen. However, nothing reaches the nodes as if the TSQ tones are not transmitting. Then I changed those with TSQ back to OFF and the tones reached the nodes, thus transmitting. So the problem is somewhere in the transmission of the tones. OFF transmits tones, blank sends no tones. Verified again that when in OFF setting for duplex, it transmits the tones. Blank, no response from matched tones on my nodes or repeaters.

Actions #12

Updated by Dan Smith about 1 year ago

  • Status changed from New to Blocked

Okay, we'll have to wait for someone that has one of these to diagnose further.

Actions #13

Updated by Pete Fontneau about 1 year ago

Dan, Not sure I'm much help here as maybe I don't understand the issue. I downloaded latest version of Chirp and downloaded config from the FT-65. The only options for the Duplex column are: +, -, "off" and "split". No way to leave or select "blank". That actual makes sense to me as "Blank" doesn't indicate anything. As for the NOAA channel, and this is just my opinion Ray, but I'm not sure it's a good idea to save that channel to memory where you might accidentally transmit on that frequency if the radio firmware will allow it. The FT-65 has a weather mode which will scan to the next NOAA station when PTT depressed. There is probably a way to have the radio monitor NOAA for an active alert.

Actions #14

Updated by Dan Smith about 1 year ago

I don't fully understand the problem either :)

BTW, blank is in the list, but it's weirdly in between the + and - options (and there are two blanks) because of the way this driver is written (not my work). I can fix that so it's clearer, but it's not relevant to the problem I think. Blank is necessary to select a simplex channel, so it definitely needs to be in the list for regular usage.

Anyway, no worries, thanks, I'll leave this to someone with the actual radio.

Actions #15

Updated by Ray Torella about 1 year ago


Just noticed something with NEXT, I am using COM 10 & Yaesu FT4XR (correct radio). At the bottom there should only be 2 "P" buttons to program. There are 4 buttons P1-4 which is for the FT65R. The FT4XR only has 2 "P" programmable buttons.


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