New Model #10674
openRetevis RA86
Is there any way to use chirp to program this radio
Updated by Doug Liman over 1 year ago
Doug Liman wrote:
Is there any way to use chirp to program this radio
Am I posting this correctly - doesn't show up in new model requests forum list
Updated by Dan Smith over 1 year ago
I'm not sure what "requests forum list" you're talking about, but yes, this is the way you request a new model. Just FYI, nothing will happen here until a developer with sufficient interest and access to a radio takes this on.
Updated by Dan Smith 12 months ago
- Has duplicate New Model #11158: Retevis RA86 added
Updated by Mick Lemish 12 months ago
ATTN DAN SMITH: I have a radio I am willing to donate to the cause, how do I update someone elses original request to indicate YES that a radio loan has been offered? Also how can the original request be editied so that the radio name is spelled correctly. If the name was spelled correctly people might take more interest.
Updated by Mick Lemish 12 months ago
Thanks Jim Unroe, I am told the radio is based on a RDA1846S walkie-talkie on a chip and Me32F031C8t6 32 bit microcontroller with embedded ARM Cortex M0 core. Its a really awesome radio and would love to do away with some of the limitations from the factory software. If you need any incentive to move the RA86 to the top of your pile, let me know ;-)
Updated by Alexandre J. Raymond 9 months ago
- Subject changed from Retevs RA86 to Retevis RA86
Updated by Alexandre J. Raymond 9 months ago
- Equipment Loan/Gift Offered set to Yes
Updated by Matt Scott 6 months ago
OMG the factory software is sooo painful. There should be a way to vote with your wallet to increase priority of a certain project. I HATE not being able to label my RA86 channels. Anyway, keep up the good work. I'll look around for a way to donate to the cause.