Bug #10473
openNewest version of ChirpNext resets Yaesu-FT70D when trying to upload data
Download from the FT70D is working fine, but when I want to upload the data to the FT70D upload stops with "Radio did not ack block 1".
After rebooting the device, it was reset to factory settings and I had to enter my callsign to move forward. Tested this several times, same result.
I am using the latest release of ChirpNext (CHIRP next-20230322 on Python 3.10.8 wxPython 4.2.0 msw (phoenix) wx Widgest 3.2.0)!
Updated by Dan Smith over 1 year ago
- Has duplicate Bug #10973: November versions of ChripNext resets Yaesu-FT70D when trying to upload data added
Updated by Chris Martin about 1 year ago
I believe the factory resets happen on the FT-70D regardless of computer software if a computer->radio transfer fails. I observed this on Windows with the Yaesu-provided software as well as CHIRP when the radio's receive would time out. Perhaps the solution is to reduce the timeout on CHIRP or have CHIRP repeatedly try again. Aside from that, frankly it seems like a radio software design fault on Yaesu's part.