



Bug #10248


Kenwood TS2000

Added by Chris Williamson about 2 years ago. Updated about 2 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Chirp Version:
next (py3)
Model affected:
Kenwood TS2000
Debug Log:
I read the instructions above:


Hi - Using Chirp Next and downloading my Kenwood TS2000 all the memory numbers I am not using come up in Red with an exclamation mark next to them. If I try add a new frequency to one of these unused (red with exclamation marks) I get "Unable to edit memory before radio is loaded". I have old and new Chirp loaded and old one works but I would like to be able to use Chirp Next.


chirp_debug-h8_sy8b9.txt (524 KB) chirp_debug-h8_sy8b9.txt Log Chris Williamson, 01/09/2023 08:03 PM
chirp_debug-5n5dd1br.txt (524 KB) chirp_debug-5n5dd1br.txt Log Chris Williamson, 01/09/2023 08:03 PM
Capture.JPG (20.4 KB) Capture.JPG Error Chris Williamson, 01/09/2023 08:03 PM
Capture2.JPG (46.1 KB) Capture2.JPG Red boxes on unused memories with exclamation marks Chris Williamson, 01/09/2023 08:05 PM
Capture.JPG (16.9 KB) Capture.JPG Error when I try export to CSV Chris Williamson, 01/09/2023 08:17 PM (10.5 KB) Dan Smith, 01/09/2023 10:34 PM

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to Bug #10249: Kenwood TS2000 old Chirp importClosed01/09/2023

Actions #1

Updated by Chris Williamson about 2 years ago

I want to add another problem. When I try to export to a CSV file I get the error "An error has occurred" with a red cross and the number "0"

Actions #2

Updated by Dan Smith about 2 years ago

  • File added
  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • Assignee set to Dan Smith
  • Target version set to chirp-py3

Hi Chris,

Can you try the attached module? File -> Load Module.

It looks like your radio is not behaving like the driver expects, in that instead of saying "this memory is empty" it is returning a record of all zeroes. The attached module makes it detect empty-ness both ways. This was probably always broken and chirp-legacy just silently didn't report it.

I think your export to CSV problem and your other bug #10249 are all related to this, so if you could confirm that would be great. If you can test this soon and it works, I can get it queued up for tomorrow's build. Also, if this fixes it, I'd like to record this driver as tested by you, so if you could let me know your callsign to put on the matrix that would be great.


Actions #3

Updated by Dan Smith about 2 years ago

  • Related to Bug #10249: Kenwood TS2000 old Chirp import added
Actions #4

Updated by Chris Williamson about 2 years ago

Hi - The module works, my call is ZS6CRW. I see there is an option to export to CSV and that works but no option to import CSV

Actions #5

Updated by Jim Unroe about 2 years ago

Chris Williamson wrote in #note-4:

Hi - The module works, my call is ZS6CRW. I see there is an option to export to CSV and that works but no option to import CSV

The current method of "importing" CSV files is to load the file into a new tab and then copy-and-paste the data between tabs.

  1. Click File -> Open
  2. Change the file mask from Chirp Image Files (*.img) to CSV Files (*.csv) or All Files (*.*)
  3. Locate and load the desired CSV file

With the CSV file loaded you can now copy-and-paste the memory rows, individually or in groups, to the desired location(s) on the destination tab.


Actions #6

Updated by Chris Williamson about 2 years ago

Thanks - I downloaded the new daily but still need to load the module.
I copied and pasted fine but while editing and deleting rows (on the live radio) it was still a bit buggy. It actually messed up the saved memories but I sorted that by a factory reset and copy and paste as you suggested

Actions #7

Updated by Dan Smith about 2 years ago

Chris, I hadn't applied the fix yet until I heard back, so today's build doesn't have it. Now that I know it's good, I'll push it for tomorrow.

Can you describe (probably in another bug) the buggy hand-editing? I would expect hand editing things and pasting to work the same. I don't have a TS-2000 to test with though, so unless it's something obvious I might not be able to help.

Anyway, thanks much for confirming this fix!

Actions #8

Updated by Dan Smith about 2 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100
Actions #9

Updated by Chris Williamson about 2 years ago


Sometimes I will edit a line and instead of the lines channel number flicking green while updating the radio it goes red and I can't delete it, it is like this even after restarting Chirp.

Also when moving a line it refuses to delete from its position.

Sometimes when using delete and move block up a duplicate channel is saved.

Many times I had to reset my radio and paste the CSV.

Actions #10

Updated by Dan Smith about 2 years ago

Chris, please replicate one or two of those examples, capture the debug log right after it happens, and report a new bug with exact details of what you did. I don't have a TS-2000 but it's possible I will be able to figure out what the problem is.


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