

Cristian sanka

  • Registered on: 01/11/2025
  • Last sign in: 01/11/2025


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Reported issues 1 1 2



10:16 AM CHIRP Bug #11772: radio refused to send block 0x0700
[Uploaded from CHIRP next-20250110]
Cristian sanka
10:16 AM CHIRP Bug #11772 (Rejected): radio refused to send block 0x0700
(Describe what you were doing)
fui adicionar novos canais enquanto e o radio esta recusando ao clonar
Cristian sanka
10:13 AM CHIRP Bug #11771: Failed to clone: Radio refused to send block
[Uploaded from CHIRP next-20250110]
Cristian sanka
10:13 AM CHIRP Bug #11771 (New): Failed to clone: Radio refused to send block
(Describe what you were doing)
(Describe what you expected to happen)
(Describe what actually happened instead)
Cristian sanka

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