

Liviu Laur

  • Registered on: 04/08/2023
  • Last connection: 06/17/2024


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09:41 AM CHIRP Feature #10505: uv-5r setting tab not working in chirp
Thanks to Bogdan, the solution proposed by him solved the problem with my radio for now. I hope the Chirp developers ... Liviu Laur


06:32 AM CHIRP Feature #10505: uv-5r setting tab not working in chirp
Hi, Bogdan, the situation with my radio stations is very similar to yours. The first purchased, which works perfectly... Liviu Laur


12:58 PM CHIRP Feature #10505: uv-5r setting tab not working in chirp
I managed to modify and save the correct frequencies and squelch settings in the browser tab, now I can access the se... Liviu Laur
05:31 AM CHIRP Feature #10505: uv-5r setting tab not working in chirp
Thank you for such a quick answer, the problem appeared for me as well as for other users after, when the first downl... Liviu Laur
03:08 AM CHIRP Feature #10505 (Closed): uv-5r setting tab not working in chirp
Hi, I'm reading this forum from same time now, trying to find a solution for the problem I have with a baofeng UV-5R... Liviu Laur

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