

Conrad Aquino

  • Registered on: 09/11/2022
  • Last sign in: 12/03/2022


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 1 1



09:26 PM CHIRP Bug #10129: Explorer QRP-1 Settings menu is now showing blank
Thanks Jim, I loaded in the original image file and CHIRP handled it with no problem.
Thanks again for your excell...
Conrad Aquino


09:12 PM CHIRP Bug #10129: Explorer QRP-1 Settings menu is now showing blank
Jim... thanks so much for the fixed image file. There is a possibility that in a senior moment, I inadvertently used ... Conrad Aquino
07:24 PM CHIRP Bug #10129: Explorer QRP-1 Settings menu is now showing blank
Image file as requested... Conrad Aquino
05:30 AM CHIRP Bug #10129 (Closed): Explorer QRP-1 Settings menu is now showing blank
Attempted to update a previously saved config file created 10/10/2022, the setting menu comes up blank. Downloaded a ... Conrad Aquino


12:23 AM CHIRP New Model #10023: QRZ-1
I've been following the progression of this, I sorely wish I had the technical proficiency to have helped in this eff... Conrad Aquino


08:31 AM CHIRP New Model #10023: QRZ-1
This is the debug.log file for my attempt to read from the QRZ-1 using the radio type TYT TH-UV88. Same symptom, clon... Conrad Aquino

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