

Timothy Gillespie

  • Registered on: 05/27/2022
  • Last sign in: 01/25/2025


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 3 4



05:53 PM CHIRP Bug #10145: Chirp Icons not working
Updated to daily-20221203, no change with the Icons not working.
Still works with making a custom Icom and pointing ...
Timothy Gillespie


12:12 AM CHIRP Bug #10145: Chirp Icons not working
OK, here's the first one:
lg@tlg-OptiPlex-745:~$ apt-cache policy libgdk-pixbuf-2.0-0
N: Unable to locate package...
Timothy Gillespie


04:00 PM CHIRP Bug #10145: Chirp Icons not working
I saw a new chirp verison daily-20221130 so I installed that and got the same problem
with the Icons but with a cu...
Timothy Gillespie
03:41 PM CHIRP Bug #10145: Chirp Icons not working
Im running Linux Mint 20.3 Cinnamon no recent upgrades.
here's the error message:
(process:5293): Gtk-WARNING **: ...
Timothy Gillespie


05:56 PM CHIRP Bug #10145 (Closed): Chirp Icons not working
I upgraded to chirp daily 20221128 and found the main menu and desktop
icons no longer worked. I tested Chirp by rui...
Timothy Gillespie


12:30 AM CHIRP Bug #10115: new ver. won't install on my Linux Mint machine
Installed Chirp daily-20221109 without a issue, runs great
all good now.
Thanks Tim, KM8TLG
Timothy Gillespie


03:22 AM CHIRP Bug #10115 (Closed): new ver. won't install on my Linux Mint machine
version 20221025 installed and runs fine but 20221108 I get his error.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File ...
Timothy Gillespie


09:13 PM CHIRP Bug #10034 (Closed): IC-80AD
although its listed as supported The IC-80AD is not listed in download from list,
tried detect but get error getting...
Timothy Gillespie


03:38 PM CHIRP Bug #9892 (Incomplete): RepeaterBook - Unknown file format
Can not import files from repeater book, I keep getting "Unknown file format" in both Political & Proximity Query.
Timothy Gillespie

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