

Moshen Chan

  • Registered on: 02/06/2016
  • Last connection: 02/06/2016


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12:24 PM CHIRP Bug #2335: FT1D in daily builds
I was thinking a good fix would be to save same banks in VFO A and VFO B. Moshen Chan
12:22 PM CHIRP Bug #2335: FT1D in daily builds
Moshen Chan wrote:
> Hi, I have this exact same problem with my FT1XDR in latest daily build. VFO B does not have an...
Moshen Chan
12:20 PM CHIRP Bug #2335: FT1D in daily builds
Hi, I have this exact same problem with my FT1XDR. VFO B does not have any of the saved banks, but VFO A is fine. Fro... Moshen Chan

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