

Jon C

  • Registered on: 04/23/2021
  • Last sign in: 04/23/2021


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Reported issues 1 0 1



12:15 PM CHIRP Bug #9007: "Failed to read header" when reading from Yaesu FT-2900 with MARS mod
I have found a related issue with a driver that works. I was able to load the driver through the "Load Module" dialog... Jon C


08:36 AM CHIRP Bug #9007: "Failed to read header" when reading from Yaesu FT-2900 with MARS mod
Potentially related: I have tried using a program called FTB2900 and received the following error there: "The radio i... Jon C
08:33 AM CHIRP Bug #9007 (New): "Failed to read header" when reading from Yaesu FT-2900 with MARS mod
I have a Yaesu 2900 that has the MARS mod done to it, and I am trying to read/write the presets to the radio. When tr... Jon C

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