

Joseph Scanlan

  • Registered on: 12/09/2015
  • Last sign in: 02/04/2025


open closed Total
Assigned issues 1 14 15
Reported issues 1 14 15


Project Roles Registered on
CHIRP Developer 12/28/2015



03:51 PM CHIRP Bug #11811 (In Progress): Unable To Paste Valid Frequency
Joseph Scanlan
03:49 PM CHIRP Bug #11811: Unable To Paste Valid Frequency
[Uploaded from CHIRP next-20250131]
Joseph Scanlan
03:49 PM CHIRP Bug #11811 (Closed): Unable To Paste Valid Frequency
(Describe what you were doing)
Copied memory one and attempted to paste it to memory 27.
(Describe what you expec...
Joseph Scanlan


12:34 PM CHIRP CHIRP-next model report #10567 (Closed): Alinco DJ-G7T Works
Quick test for Alinco DJ-G7T
* Downloaded image from radio without issue
* Edited frequency and tone on some channe...
Joseph Scanlan


12:44 AM CHIRP New Model #6505: Icom IC-F621-2
Probably not. I have one of these radios and an IC-F521.
I hope to get started on these drivers after I get past ...
Joseph Scanlan


09:41 AM CHIRP Bug #9449 (Closed): Replace deprecated GetLabel with wxPython GetItemLabelText
Reported by mistake. Joseph Scanlan


01:12 PM CHIRP Bug #9449 (Closed): Replace deprecated GetLabel with wxPython GetItemLabelText
Joseph Scanlan


01:33 AM CHIRP Revision 84e9fc6b (github): [wxui] Add "Open Stock Config" submenu to "File" menu #9403
The "Open Stock Config" submenu lists the CSV files in
~/.chirp/stock_configs. Selecting a file opens it.
This patch...
Joseph Scanlan


07:22 PM CHIRP Bug #9395 (Closed): Replace deprecated use of Append to AppendSubMenu
Applied in changeset commit:16952b42ff62. Joseph Scanlan
09:55 AM CHIRP Feature #9403 (Closed): Add "Open Stock Config" submenu to "File" menu PY3
The "Open Stock Config" submenu lists the CSV files in ~/.chirp/stock_configs. Selecting a file opens it.
Stock c...
Joseph Scanlan

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