

Chris Shaker

  • Registered on: 01/25/2021
  • Last connection: 05/13/2024


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Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 2 1 3



03:35 PM CHIRP Bug #11344: Crash while deleting or writing in row 0 with BTECH_GMRS-V2, latest CHIRP
Sounds correct to me.
Thank you for fixing this so fast!
Chris Shaker, KJ7BLE
On 5/13/2024 3:15 PM, Dan Smith wrote:
Chris Shaker
03:11 PM CHIRP Bug #11344: Crash while deleting or writing in row 0 with BTECH_GMRS-V2, latest CHIRP
I was able to move the block of channel programming up into row 0 without crashing today. No idea why it is working n... Chris Shaker
03:02 PM CHIRP Bug #11344: Crash while deleting or writing in row 0 with BTECH_GMRS-V2, latest CHIRP
Wow, that was fast. Thank you!
Now, I cannot reproduce the crash while deleting row 0 either. Pretty
sure whe...
Chris Shaker
02:05 AM CHIRP Bug #11344 (Closed): Crash while deleting or writing in row 0 with BTECH_GMRS-V2, latest CHIRP
Chirp Crashes when attempting to access row 0. Row 0 is empty.
If I attempt to delete Row 0, chirp crashes.
If ...
Chris Shaker


10:39 PM CHIRP Bug #8727: Deleting channel from AT-778UV configuration changes Tone Mode and Tone columns above deleted channel!
It turns out that our HiDarg repeaters do not transmit a tone on their transmissions, so I can't use TSQL. Had to cha... Chris Shaker
09:16 PM CHIRP Bug #8727: Deleting channel from AT-778UV configuration changes Tone Mode and Tone columns above deleted channel!
With your advice, I was able to successfully edit the radio setup. Attached the results, if you want to see i...
Chris Shaker
06:39 PM CHIRP Bug #8727: Deleting channel from AT-778UV configuration changes Tone Mode and Tone columns above deleted channel!
I Turned on 'Hide Unused Fields'. I also have 'Smart Tone Fields' enabled. Documentation doesn't seem to describe wha... Chris Shaker
06:18 PM CHIRP Bug #8727: Deleting channel from AT-778UV configuration changes Tone Mode and Tone columns above deleted channel!
I appreciate your explanation.
As a user, I was surprised to see CHIRP changing my configuration. Your exp...
Chris Shaker
03:37 AM CHIRP Bug #8727 (Feedback): Deleting channel from AT-778UV configuration changes Tone Mode and Tone columns above deleted channel!
I've replicated this several times now. Running latest CHIRP, CHIRP daily-20210110. Latest Windows 10. Checked for up... Chris Shaker


07:06 PM CHIRP Bug #8725 (New): Reading from FT-70D radio inputs blank channels if DTCS is enabled
I programmed my Yaesu FT-70D using RT Systems software. In the past, I have read the radio configuration into CHIRP t... Chris Shaker

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