

Don Dorward

  • Registered on: 10/23/2015
  • Last sign in: 04/19/2021


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 4 5



03:10 PM CHIRP Bug #7315: QYT KT7900D
Re: KT-7900D
s/n is 1905260304
Don Dorward


08:27 AM CHIRP Bug #7315 (Closed): QYT KT7900D
Using current build 20191119, won't connect to radio.
First i get the warning message about the experiment driver, t...
Don Dorward


06:18 PM CHIRP Bug #6885: Leixen VV-898E V 1.08
It appears that the v1.07 Leixen program software works quite well with my VV-898E V1.08 radio, and works with window... Don Dorward


04:10 PM CHIRP Bug #6885: Leixen VV-898E V 1.08
The Radioddity website offers only their V1.07 programming software for the VV-898E, even though its firmware is 1.08... Don Dorward


11:31 AM CHIRP Bug #6885 (Closed): Leixen VV-898E V 1.08
I just received the vv-898E radio which is V 1.08
Although it +appears+ to download and upload properly with current...
Don Dorward


06:02 AM CHIRP New Model #6697 (Closed): AnyTone AT-5888UVIII
Just received the new triband radio, the "III" version of the AT-5888UV.
Tried CHIRP daily vession of April 11 but ...
Don Dorward


03:16 PM CHIRP Bug #4819: Chirp can't identify model when opening Jetstream JT220M image
Sorry I really don't understand what you mean.
Why is Chip looking for "2009"? Where is it looking for this? Where d...
Don Dorward


12:51 PM CHIRP Bug #4819 (Incomplete): Chirp can't identify model when opening Jetstream JT220M image
Chirp can't identify model when opening Jetstream JT220M image file.
Was using version 20170501, but same happens wi...
Don Dorward


03:34 PM CHIRP Bug #2939: Can't import into Chirp .img file
Thanks Jim
I deleted all the OEM frequency listings originally downloaded from the radio.
I have now been able to i...
Don Dorward
12:01 PM CHIRP Bug #2939: Can't import into Chirp .img file
Hi Jim
I think I am missing something along the line. Where do you see the the 63.0 Hz in that picture?
(I didn't p...
Don Dorward

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