

Ellen Strnod

  • Registered on: 11/20/2020
  • Last connection: 09/02/2021


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 1 2



10:18 AM CHIRP Bug #9345: Virus detected in Chirp installer
The prior version which I had (chirp-daily-20210416-installer.exe) installs with no issues. Ellen Strnod
09:41 AM CHIRP Bug #9345 (Closed): Virus detected in Chirp installer
A screen grab of the details is attached - McAfee detected a virus in the latest installer. Ellen Strnod


10:59 AM CHIRP Feature #8455: Unable to find Squelch values in CHIRP Settings for BTECH UV-50X2
Thank you, Jim. This update is not to discuss Squelch optimal settings, but to make a final comment on my request fo... Ellen Strnod


08:41 AM CHIRP Feature #8455: Unable to find Squelch values in CHIRP Settings for BTECH UV-50X2
Thank you, Jim, for this information. I know this is outside of CHIRP, but I'm hoping maybe you know the answer to th... Ellen Strnod


04:05 PM CHIRP Feature #8455 (Feedback): Unable to find Squelch values in CHIRP Settings for BTECH UV-50X2
After downloading from a BTECH UV-50X2, I can find the single Squelch setting, but not the actual values for all Sque... Ellen Strnod

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