

Giorgio Bozio Bralino

  • Registered on: 11/03/2020
  • Last connection: 12/22/2020


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 1 2



03:35 AM CHIRP New Model #8577 (New): ICOM IC-F3062T
Goodmorning everyone. is it possible to add this model "ICOM IC-F3062T" and make it comapatible with chirp? I bought ... Giorgio Bozio Bralino


07:10 AM CHIRP New Model #8395: the new baofeng UV-5R EX is NOT COMPATIBLE
Jim Unroe wrote:
> Giorgio,
> The *Radio did not respond* message could be caused by several things.
> 1. ...
Giorgio Bozio Bralino


08:13 AM CHIRP New Model #8395: the new baofeng UV-5R EX is NOT COMPATIBLE
this is for the second cable Giorgio Bozio Bralino
06:34 AM CHIRP New Model #8395: the new baofeng UV-5R EX is NOT COMPATIBLE
I tried with two compatible cables for baofeng and both give me the problem "radio did not respond" I attach the log ... Giorgio Bozio Bralino


10:13 AM CHIRP New Model #8395 (Closed): the new baofeng UV-5R EX is NOT COMPATIBLE
I point out that the new baofeng UV-5R EX is NOT COMPATIBLE with the chirp software Giorgio Bozio Bralino

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