

Eric B

  • Registered on: 10/26/2020
  • Last sign in: 09/24/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 3 5 8



12:26 PM CHIRP Bug #11564: CHIRP-Next - Not prompting to update
Thanks, makes sense not to prompt too often, I just didn’t know that was the case.
Eric B
08:31 AM CHIRP Bug #11564: CHIRP-Next - Not prompting to update
I updated the ticket using the Help -> Report or update a bug, but it did not ask for or show that it was uploading f... Eric B
08:02 AM CHIRP Bug #11564: CHIRP-Next - Not prompting to update
[Uploaded from CHIRP next-20240911]
CHIRP-Next - Not prompting to update
Log files as requested
Eric B
08:32 AM CHIRP Bug #11565: Chirp-Next - Installation resets "Developer Mode"
I actually like it.
It saved me when I wanted to use a radio config that was beta and my system was not letting CH...
Eric B


01:35 PM CHIRP Bug #11565 (Not a bug): Chirp-Next - Installation resets "Developer Mode"
After upgrading CHIRP-Next, the "Developer Mode" option is reset to the unchecked mode. Eric B
01:34 PM CHIRP Bug #11564 (Not a bug): CHIRP-Next - Not prompting to update
I am suddenly having an issue where CHIRP-Next does not prompt me to update the latest version.
I saw the "New chi...
Eric B


09:02 AM CHIRP Bug #11331 (Closed): Chirp-Next - Installation Issue
When installing the new version of Chirp-Next from the download (not from within Chirp-Next) all of the settings, rec... Eric B


10:17 AM CHIRP Bug #11249 (Not a bug): BaoFeng UV-5R / BF-F8HP / Others? - Cannot Change 6 + Power-On Message 2
In Chirp Legacy, the value for the "6 + Power-On Message 2" could be changed, but it cannot be changed in any of the ... Eric B
10:13 AM CHIRP Bug #11248 (New): Chirp-Next - UI Issue
In Chirp-Next (CHIRP next-20240312 on Win32 (Unknown 10.0:19045) (Python 3.10.8)), in Settings, when a field is edite... Eric B


03:06 PM CHIRP Bug #11229 (New): Error - Unable to load modules from that issue
I tried to load the module for issue "10692" following the instructions on "LoadingTestModules - CHIRP" (https://chir... Eric B

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