

Bryan Hatton

  • Registered on: 08/26/2020
  • Last sign in: 08/30/2020


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09:51 PM CHIRP Bug #6567: Error reading Baofeng UV-6
here are the only things I have noticed tonight,
1. on the uv-6 under duplex if you select off (to make a listen o...
Bryan Hatton
09:24 PM CHIRP Bug #6567: Error reading Baofeng UV-6
So it works with my uv-6 and my uv-82hp
(what stuff in saved in the aux?) so I can better test it.
Bryan Hatton


07:19 PM CHIRP Bug #6567: Error reading Baofeng UV-6
I have the serial traffic of both chirp and the manufactures program if that would be of any help. Bryan Hatton
07:16 PM CHIRP Bug #6567: Error reading Baofeng UV-6
Jim Unroe wrote:
Please attach a image created from your radio using the patched driver so it can be examined.
Bryan Hatton
03:53 PM CHIRP Bug #6567: Error reading Baofeng UV-6
The problem is not with the firmware.
I commented out these following lines in
Bryan Hatton
03:29 PM CHIRP Bug #6567: Error reading Baofeng UV-6
Jim Unroe wrote:
> These radios are refusing to return the second part of the radio's firmware section of memory. CH...
Bryan Hatton

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