

Daniel McIlroy

  • Registered on: 02/22/2019
  • Last sign in: 02/22/2019


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12:17 PM CHIRP New Model #4787: Yaesu FT-65 VHF/UHF hand held
the one that I have is a FT-65R that gives
Version= 'IH-420\x00\x00\x00V100\x00\x00'
I brother has another rad...
Daniel McIlroy
06:31 AM CHIRP New Model #4787: Yaesu FT-65 VHF/UHF hand held
ok i noticed on p1-4m17-20.ft4 more stuff changed in the diff i went back and redid it i think when i was setting the... Daniel McIlroy
06:20 AM CHIRP New Model #4787: Yaesu FT-65 VHF/UHF hand held
I checked the set mode to my copy of the manual only one i don't have tha...
Daniel McIlroy


02:52 PM CHIRP New Model #4787: Yaesu FT-65 VHF/UHF hand held
also for the setmode do u need me to do eq p1m1p2m1p3m1p4m1, p1m2p2m2p3m2p4m2 .... or would p1m1p2m2p3m3p4m4, p1m5p2m... Daniel McIlroy
02:41 PM CHIRP New Model #4787: Yaesu FT-65 VHF/UHF hand held
ok thats good i can create the list if needed also if u can explain what u mean to build setmode list from the manual... Daniel McIlroy
01:16 PM CHIRP New Model #4787: Yaesu FT-65 VHF/UHF hand held
this is the version string as well forgot in first post
Daniel McIlroy
01:12 PM CHIRP New Model #4787: Yaesu FT-65 VHF/UHF hand held
ok ran d once with no args then ran twice more after changing modes assignments then uploaded generated files hope th... Daniel McIlroy


12:10 AM CHIRP New Model #4787: Yaesu FT-65 VHF/UHF hand held
i have a FT-65. I have downloaded the 2/20 build and have commented out the @directory.register line but i am getting... Daniel McIlroy

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