

Phil McNamara

  • Registered on: 09/09/2012
  • Last connection: 09/09/2012


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11:53 AM CHIRP Bug #298: OSX_VX5_pythoncrash>dailybuild_20120906
Hi Tom,
OK, the raw file (fix2) as fixed by you wouldn't upload - saw just a quick flash on the upload progress bar ...
Phil McNamara
11:32 AM CHIRP Bug #298: OSX_VX5_pythoncrash>dailybuild_20120906
Thanks Tom, That was a huge help - above and beyond!
OK, I can see the range up to 220. Huge improvement. I saw th...
Phil McNamara
10:19 AM CHIRP Bug #298: OSX_VX5_pythoncrash>dailybuild_20120906
Trying to open the fixed file with range 91 to 116 crashes again. Guess I will need to open it elsewhere and do a ma... Phil McNamara
10:16 AM CHIRP Bug #298: OSX_VX5_pythoncrash>dailybuild_20120906
Thanks very much Tom,
I'll give it a shot. Letcha know.
It's sad that Apple lags behind in a lot of areas on open...
Phil McNamara
10:06 AM CHIRP Bug #298: OSX_VX5_pythoncrash>dailybuild_20120906
Hi Tom,
I could believe that Python is less than perfect on OSX :) OK, If I am reading between the lines correctly,...
Phil McNamara
09:09 AM CHIRP Bug #298: OSX_VX5_pythoncrash>dailybuild_20120906
Hi Tom,
Well, unfortunately somewhere in the crash sequence of events, all the original channels on th...
Phil McNamara
08:14 AM CHIRP Bug #298 (Closed): OSX_VX5_pythoncrash>dailybuild_20120906
A couple of days ago successfully downloaded entire memory contents on Yaesu VX5. Have been making incremental edits... Phil McNamara

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