

Bryan Santucci

  • Registered on: 07/05/2018
  • Last sign in: 07/23/2018


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 3 4



08:59 PM CHIRP Bug #5977 (Closed): programming
To All Users:
I have purchased the programming cable from Amazon, 2 cables stopped working. I encourage EVERYONE t...
Bryan Santucci


12:35 AM CHIRP Bug #5971: few issues
was a cable issue, I used a diff cable programmed perfectly! I have 2 cables and both were amazon 10$ no issues until... Bryan Santucci


07:05 PM CHIRP Bug #5971 (Closed): few issues
1- open chirp, upload, make changes, upload to radio, chirp stop halfway through, but radio is programmed, must resta... Bryan Santucci
04:51 PM CHIRP Bug #5969 (Incomplete): Baofeng UV-5R: names not changing
I uploaded a uv-5r reads fine, make changes, upload to radio, in other settings, wont change the name, shows old name... Bryan Santucci


05:55 PM CHIRP Bug #5929: install download and upload
I figured it out, this can be closed or deleted Bryan Santucci
03:08 PM CHIRP Bug #5929: install download and upload
fixed install issue, I can upload from radio, but cant download to radio is it a possible software issue? Bryan Santucci
02:59 PM CHIRP Bug #5929 (Closed): install download and upload
All my radios, 3 of them, and 2 cables, can upload, when I download to radio, it keeps the old profile but can ...
Bryan Santucci

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