

Ron Boisvert

  • Registered on: 04/03/2018
  • Last sign in: 05/15/2018


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Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 0 1



07:56 PM CHIRP New Model #5687: Baofeng BF-230 pro
Windows 10 professional version 1803, EZsync 701 programming cord, no driver needed. Ron Boisvert
10:56 AM CHIRP New Model #5687: Baofeng BF-230 pro
Seems as if this is not as important as it is to me.
no attempts to respond other than you. So I guess they are boat...
Ron Boisvert


07:58 PM CHIRP New Model #5687 (Incomplete): Baofeng BF-230 pro
This is the upgraded version of the BF 888s. Ads say it will communicate with the BF888s which there are several here... Ron Boisvert

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