

Klaus Ruebsam

  • Registered on: 08/21/2017
  • Last sign in: 08/13/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 1 1 2
Reported issues 3 5 8


Project Roles Registered on
CHIRP Developer, Wiki Editor 10/17/2018



11:35 PM CHIRP New Model #11472: Radioddity DB50
Yes, take it as Alias would also be fine. Klaus Ruebsam


12:19 AM CHIRP New Model #11472: Radioddity DB50
class RadioddityDB50Radio(AnyTone5888UVRadio):
"""Radioddity DB50"""
VENDOR = "Radiodd...
Klaus Ruebsam
12:06 AM CHIRP New Model #11472 (Closed): Radioddity DB50
WOuld someone please be so kind as to add the following lines of code just before or behind "class IntekHR2040Radio(A... Klaus Ruebsam


10:47 PM CHIRP Bug #6219 (Incomplete): R2: problems with communication
Sometimes communication to the radio seems to struggle. Reported via Facebook usergroup. As it is not clearly reprodu... Klaus Ruebsam
01:39 AM CHIRP Bug #6217 (Closed): Radioddity GA-2S: setting the side button not possible within CHIRP
Setting the side button is not yet possible with CHIRP. Looking at the GA-2S implementation the coresponding data see... Klaus Ruebsam


08:43 AM CHIRP New Model #6087: Add Radioddity R2 to the list of supported radios
Edited accordingly. Doing so, I also alphabetical so... Klaus Ruebsam
08:39 AM CHIRP Wiki edit: Supported_Radios (#189)
Klaus Ruebsam
07:35 AM CHIRP Wiki edit: Supported_Radios (#188)
Klaus Ruebsam


09:49 AM CHIRP New Model #6121 (Closed): Baofeng BF-88E (same programming as for the BF-888S)
Same as for the Baofeng BF888S, thus only an alias needs to be added to the existing BDF888 driver. Klaus Ruebsam


01:27 AM CHIRP Feature #6091 (New): Support for USB based devices (without USB to serial converter inside the cable or even the radio)
As more and more radio manufacturer shift over from serial to some sort of USB-protocol, I wonder if there are any pl... Klaus Ruebsam

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