

Scouter Donn

  • Registered on: 07/16/2017
  • Last sign in: 07/16/2017


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 2 2



10:54 AM CHIRP Bug #5019 (Closed): VV-898E channel reading
As a new user to CHIRP on many of my radios I have come across a bug when reading from my Leixen VV-898E radios. I ... Scouter Donn
10:50 AM CHIRP Bug #5017 (Closed): Leixen VV-898E read/write error
Hello Everyone
I am new the CHIRP forum and hope that someone out there can help us. I am just a HAM volunteer scout...
Scouter Donn
10:44 AM CHIRP Bug #4069: Memories upload to unexpected locations on Leixen VV-898S
Hello Everyone
I am new the CHIRP forum and hope that someone out there can help us. I am just a HAM volunteer scou...
Scouter Donn

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