

Mark Dunkle

  • Registered on: 06/30/2017
  • Last sign in: 07/01/2023


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 1 2


Project Roles Registered on
CHIRP Wiki Editor 01/15/2018



03:44 PM CHIRP Bug #8485 (Closed): UV-9R Series Radios Do Not Like Computer Programming
I sell programming cables for a living, and I have run into a problem that I just have not been able to solve. The U... Mark Dunkle


12:04 PM CHIRP Bug #7299 (Incomplete): TM-V7 Not Reading or Writing UHF frequencies. VHF Ok
We have tried 2 different radios TM-V7 and TM-V7A using several of my BlueMax49ers PG-4S-V7 cables and we get the sam... Mark Dunkle


09:41 PM CHIRP Bug #2605: IC-T70A does not work with FTDI cable at all
I think I have found the solution. The IC-T70 works with the Prolific chipset, not the FTDI chipset. I have encoun... Mark Dunkle
09:14 PM CHIRP Bug #2605: IC-T70A does not work with FTDI cable at all
I think I have found the solution. The IC-T70 works with the Prolific chipset, not the FTDI chipset. I have encoun... Mark Dunkle
09:11 PM CHIRP Bug #2605: IC-T70A does not work with FTDI cable at all
I think I have found the solution. The IC-T70 works with the Prolific chipset, not the FTDI chipset. I have encoun... Mark Dunkle

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