QueryStrings » History » Revision 3
Revision 2 (Dan Smith, 12/11/2024 09:03 AM) → Revision 3/5 (Dan Smith, 12/11/2024 09:06 AM)
# Query filter strings
CHIRP supports filtering the memory view according to a query string. This can be used to temporarily limit the memories being displayed to make it easier to find things.
<img src="clipboard-202412110848-ii0m9.png" width=800/>
If you type a simple string (without spaces or special characters) CHIRP will search the frequency, name, and comment fields for that string. However, if you use a specific query language, more complex filtering is possible.
|Operation |Example |Result |
| Find name containing string | `name~"mountain"` | Display memories with "mountain" in the name |
| Find exact name | `name="KK7DS"` | Display memories with name exactly matching "KK7DS" |
| Find specific frequency | `freq=146.52` | Display memories with frequency of 146.52MHz |
| Find range of frequencies | `freq<144,148>` | Display memories with frequency between 144-148MHz |
| Find only D-STAR memories | `mode="DV"` | Display memories that have "DV" in the mode column |
| Find only airband memories | `mode="AM" and freq<118,134>` | Display memories that are AM and between 118-134MHz |
## Exact match
Using the `=` operator, you can match a specific field to an exact value. For fields like `name`, `comment`, `tmode`, etc this will be a quoted string (i.e. `"foo"`). For `freq`, `rtone`, `ctone`, etc, this will be a number (either floating-point or integer).
## Regex Match
Using the `~` operator, you can match a specific field to a regular expression (as a quoted string). This only works on string fields like `name`, `comment`, etc.
## Range
Using the syntax `<LO,HI>` you can search numerical fields for being within a range. This works for things like `freq` and `rtone`, etc.
## Multiple expressions
Boolean operators `AND` and `OR` are allowed, as well as using parenthesis around a sub-expression.